officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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• •<br />

views as to why Powellwas.or was·--·-a:-iong iime." But at the end of the<br />

not guilty. At the day's end, the day, only one juror had switched<br />

vote was 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal. his vote, and the jury was hung, 8<br />

At one point, Loya said, the other to 4.<br />

jurors lambasted her ~or insisting On Wednesday, the final day of<br />

on playing the tape so many times. deliberations, "the sheriffs that<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y were tired of watching," were guarding us seemed edgier,<br />

she said. "To me, the video was the and a lot more trying to keep us<br />

only thing I had to hang on to. I going on schedule," the juror said.<br />

wanted to see it.as much as I "We all felt a little pressure, like<br />

could."<br />

maybe we were expected to have<br />

· - Loya said the debate over Powell already given them something."<br />

was so wrenching that she prayed · ·In fact, there was not much more<br />

.and fasted for a day and a half, to do. With no convictions against<br />

hoping that God would give her the Powell, the jury-by this time<br />

strength to persuade the others "pretty emotionally wrung out,"<br />

that the officer was guilty.<br />

one source said-could not find<br />

"I saw the swi.ngs," she said Koon guilty. With the final votes<br />

Wednesday, referring to the baton tallied, there were not guilty verblows<br />

Powell delivered to King: diets on 10 counts and a hung jury<br />

"He didn't even take tim~ to look at on the 11th. At 12:30 p.m., the<br />

.'what he was doing. To me, it was forewoman sent a note to Superior<br />

out of control."<br />

Court Judge Stanley M. Weisberg.<br />

· <strong>The</strong> jury spent the next day,. <strong>The</strong> jury in the matter of People<br />

Tuesday, reviewing circumstantial vs. Powell-as the case is officially<br />

evidence against Powell. Much of known-had reached a partial verthe<br />

discussion centered on his · diet. <strong>The</strong> panel~ the note said,<br />

widely reported computer messag- would await the judge's guidance.<br />

es, including one issued after the<br />

beating in which he said: "Ooops, I Staff writers Tina Daunt and Stuart.<br />

haven't p~~en !!!l.YQ!le. tpat bad ln Silverstein contributed to this article.

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