officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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.~0;3,50 !Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

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fA!igfy C£l!1et-S FlOOd<br />

tTtmes Switchboard<br />

t Shortly after verdicts were read in the Rodney G. King beating<br />

trial, callers from across the country flooded the Los Angeles .<br />

~Times switchboard-most with angry comm~nts on the outcome;<br />

:<strong>The</strong> calls came from as far away as Michigan, Idaho and Texas, ·and<br />

:from local residents in Compton, the San Fernando Valley and<br />

Orange County. :. . ..• ,,., · . :. ·.<br />

. . Most asked that their names not be·used. Here is a sampling:<br />

. • A caller from Hayden Lake, Ida., said: "!"am a white, .<br />

middle-class Mormon woman and I am totalJ.Y. outraged. at the<br />

verdict on the Rodney King beating." ·<br />

,- · IIi Irene Shandell, a federal worker from Compton, said that her<br />

;~3-1ear-old daughter cried when she ~eard the verdict and that her<br />

; two other teen-agers were angry. "I think it was an outrage. What<br />

:'they are doing is inciting a riot. In your wildest dreams, you never<br />

!·would have thought they would come back with this verdict. Now<br />

:] fear for my children and for my community.~· · · . ·<br />

· • A caller who agreed with the verdict congratulated the <strong>officers</strong>.<br />

"I believe they were absolutely right. I saw the tape and I felt they<br />

were wrong. But I watched the trial from Day 1 and certainly<br />

learned a lot of things that were not presented in the tape." ·<br />

• Vivian Pennington of Albuquerque, N.M., said she and her<br />

husband were stunned. "We are totally outraged that those <strong>officers</strong><br />

could be found not guilty in the face of all of that evidence. What<br />

does it take in Los Angeles to get a guilty verdict? I'm just<br />

outraged and angry." . .<br />

• A realty agent from San Jose. said: "I think it's shocking. I'm<br />

concerned for my fellow Californians who live in the Los Angeles<br />

;area who are subject to this kind of behavior by the police."<br />

' • A teacher from Flint, Mich., warned ttiat the verdict could lead<br />

to racial friction. "It is obvious that thes_e policemen Qrutally beat<br />

~~s !Jlan and there is no reason to brutally beat a citizen<br />

-anywhere.... I think we have set ourselves up for civil war all.<br />

over again."<br />

i • A caller who lauded the verdict blamed the prosecution of the .<br />

·<strong>officers</strong> on Mayor Tom Bradley. "He was using these policemen for<br />

his own political gain to take over the Police Department , c<br />

·himself. . . . I am completely outraged."<br />

·. il A Petaluma woman said that "as a white person, I am ·· .<br />

extremely upset. I am outraged, disgusted, saddened about the fact<br />

that this is happening, in America. It's unspeakab~e." .<br />

• A woman caller said the verdict vindicated the <strong>officers</strong>: "I think<br />

these policeman already served a lot of punishment and time, so I<br />

·prayed and prayed and lit candles at Mass all the w~y to the end,<br />

·and I'm grateful it ended that way."<br />

i • A caller from Maine said: "I don't know how anybody ~an look<br />

•at this and not have something to say about this. <strong>The</strong> whole<br />

:country is up il). arms about this [verdict]."<br />

l • Harley Spoon of Waco, Tex. said he was embarrassed and<br />

shocked: "I think it's going to make [police] think they have a<br />

: ii~ense to bump people upside the head. with billy clubs. I've lived<br />

•. through that kind of stuff in my part of the country. We're ahead .<br />

~~f th~t now.l'm kind of disappointed in Los Angel~sjus~ce.'~ ·.. ..<br />

•(Indicate page, name of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />



Date: THURS., 4/30/92<br />

Edition: FRONT SECTION, PAGE 23<br />

TiUe:<br />



Chamcter: 44Aor<br />

Classification: 80-33B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


Indexing:<br />


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