officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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:verdict Grfeted With<br />

.. Relief and Elcition<br />

·Among LAP_D .Qfficers<br />

: • Reaction: Many hope their ordeal<br />

· under a microscope will now end. A ·<br />

·minority say the videotape persuaded .<br />

them excessive force was used.<br />

••<br />

(Indicate page, name of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />



Oa~~: 'IHURS., 4/30/92<br />

Edition: FRONT SECI'ION, PAGE 18<br />

nue: VERDICT GREETED Willi<br />



Character: 44Aor<br />

Classification:<br />

80.:. 33B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />





At Parker Center, the downtown police headquarters,<br />

detectives applauded and cheered. <strong>The</strong>y shouted<br />

"Yes!" and "Go get 'em!" as the verdicts were read. • ·<br />

. An~ at the Foothill station, where the whole ugly Depar~ment have endured lif~ under a micr~scope. ~<br />

.a_ffa!r began last year, Officer Corina Smith raised her blue-nbbon ~anel_ was appomted to examme their<br />

fist m the air and smiled. ·, conduct. <strong>The</strong>ir chief has come under fire, and there<br />

: "I'm elated, absolutely elated " ·said Smith 27 a have been dozens of demonstrations by people railing<br />

friend of defendant Laurence M. Powell. "I'm p;oud to against police brutality.<br />

:be .a Foothill officer, and I'm proud to be an LAPD On -yvedn~sday, many <strong>officers</strong> said, -it seemed their<br />

officer. It's like this sick feeling is finally going to go ordeal was fmally over. .<br />

·away."<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re's no massive jubilation," said Sgt. Peter<br />

~hroughout the city, most Los Angeles police Vanson, a 12-year police veteran. "Mostly we're all in<br />

<strong>officers</strong> greeted with quiet satisfaction the news that ~hock. <strong>The</strong> whole department has been through a lot<br />

th_e four defendants in the Rodney G. King beating m the last year. But, h_?pefull!, it'~ all behind us now<br />

tr1al had been acquitted. Although a minority of and we can all get on With our JObs.<br />

<strong>officers</strong> said they were upset by the verdict most said For some, it was a time to reflect on. the damage<br />

. the1_felt vindic~ted after enduring more tha~ a year of .done to ~he d~partJ:~ent's reputation over the past<br />

,pol~tlcal turmoil and community outrage against year. Offl!!er RICk Corpel, who patrols South-Central<br />

pohce.<br />

Los Angeles, doubted that the images of white .police<br />

. "I was happy for [the defendants], but I was also <strong>officers</strong> pummeling a bl~ck motorist will ever be<br />

happy for me," said Kevin Jotz, a patrol officer at the erased from the public consciousness.<br />

Southeast Division in Watts. "I felt like, whew, now I · -~ H : •<br />

can breathe. Now people won't say we're all bad. Now ''Were all guilty, guilty by association," Corpel<br />

we won't get cursed out all the time." ·· said. "<strong>The</strong> public reached its verdict a year<br />

' . For th_e 14 months since the videotaped incident first ago. And that !erdict is guilty. I know, I hear it out<br />

h1t the airwavest the gfficers of the Los Angeles Police here everyday.<br />

· --- Many expressed anger ·that they would soon be<br />

under the command of a new chief, saying Chief Daryl<br />

F. Gates wo4Jd never haye been forced out if had not<br />

been for the King beating. · ·<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re wouldn't have been pressure on Gates or so<br />

·!D~ch. pressure fo~ an outsider to .have been brought<br />

m Without the VIdeotape, Detective Carlos Ramirez<br />

said at Parker Center. .. · ·<br />

In the h9urs and minutes before the verdict was<br />

read, tension was palpabl~ at police facilities across the<br />

city. Sentries were posted ~mtside many stations, a<br />

MAY 0 4 1992<br />

b6<br />

b7C<br />

'move not taken since the Gulf War. Desk <strong>officers</strong> were<br />

'llbder, instructions from police headquarters to k'eep<br />

reporters out of ~he $~~\Qnfl. _ . . . 'f .<br />

~l( A-lA- II C)C\

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