officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FBI agents will join<br />

in LAPD .social event<br />

I<br />

By Jaxon Van Derbeken and'other law enforcement offi·<br />

Daily News Staff Writer .<br />

cers to drop by the hospitality<br />

room they are sponsoring at the<br />

Despite a continuing i~vestiga· Sahara' Hotel in Las Vegas.<br />

tion over the Rodney King be~t· A member of the Los Angeles<br />

ing, FBI agents will ,Participate. m Police Commission questioned<br />

an athletic and soctal event wtth the appearance of the FBI and<br />

LAPD and other law enforce~ LAPD <strong>officers</strong> socializing togeth·<br />

· ment <strong>officers</strong> this weekend. er while the investigation is still<br />

<strong>The</strong> event is the LAPD's ·an- open.<br />

nual desert footrace ~om Baker But FBI officials said there's<br />

to Las Vegas. Officers in the de· nothing improper about socializ·<br />

partment's Foothill Division - ing with <strong>officers</strong> they have ques·<br />

where the King investigation is -. -----­<br />

focused- have invited the FBI. See FBI.J Back Pg.<br />

Propriety of FBI, ·<br />

_Q~LY NEWS I SATURDAY, J\PPJL 20, 1001 1<br />

••<br />

D socializing questioned~.<br />

I<br />

FBI/ From Page 1 .post-mce gathering "a novel ap- li officials said. room- paid for out of private: investigation probably will not<br />

proach to law enforcement." , Police Chief Daryl F. Gates funds from participating <strong>officers</strong> show up." ·<br />

tioned as part of their civil rights "What other agency under in.. · I participate on a team repre· - wi~ offer fruit, rolls and )ui~e. Lawler said that off-duty socia~<br />

investigation at the LAPD. vestigation by the FBlcan invit nting the LAPD's Drug Abuse ~e ~td he extended a spectal m- lizing amounts to a gesture of<br />

"Heavens no, there's no con- them to a party, ~d have theJl! istance Education Program, · vttatton to runners from the FBI, .good· will between the two agen:<br />

tlict," said Lawrence Lawler, tbe attend? I just think it's a nove nd later will join Los Angeles to help maintain their working cies · agent in charge of the FBI's Los I approach," Rips ton said. "I' . County Shenff Sherman Block in relationship in solving bank rob. "Th F h . 11 0<br />

. .. . I '<br />

Angeles office. "We have a pro- going to advise all my clients presiding over the awards cere· beries and other crimes in the . e oot 1 • tytsron 15 10 ,vtt~<br />

· relationship, and a so- under investigation by t4e FBI to mony at the Sahara Hotel's Con· .nortneast Valley. ·· mg us to a ~ospttahty room.l h~,<br />

relationship." have a party and invite them." vention Hall. · "'I.'m specifically inviting was ~ery mce of them to do so, ..<br />

But Melanie Lomax, vice- Ripston said the. situation Known as the Baker to Las Ve· 'them" McBride said "We still he satd. ·<br />

chairwoman of the Police Com· "~ves the appeamnce of a lack of gas Challenge Cup Relay, the have' a law enforcem.ent job to~ '.'<strong>The</strong>y have a ~os~itality room,<br />

mission, questioned the timing of impartiality, even though you competition started in 1977 as a do we want to make sure that we 4ave a hospttahty room...!.<br />

the event and said it could send couldn't point to anything specif.. Los Angeles Police Department Ia~ enforcement still gets done." the captain invited me and ~he<br />

the wrong message. ic that makes it wrong." run ~hrougli Death Valley Na· McBride said the FBI's investi." agents to come over there,,~ht~h~<br />

"I don't want to read anything More than 2,500 runners, most tional Monument.' . gation of the King beating is I'd probably do anyway, sa1tl<br />

sinister into this," Lomax said. of them law enforcement person- This year's race will include, wholly unrelated. to the social Lawler~ ·<br />

·· "But it's probably going to mise nel, will participate in the relay '129 teams, including at least 25 event. He said the FBI investiga~on .<br />

some eyebrows, especially with race in teams of 20 that will start LAPD squads as well as teams · "One issue is different from of the King beating focuses on of··.<br />

I people concerned with the inves· running near Baker, about 120 from the Los Angeles County the other in my mind. I doubt the fleers who were at the scene, and<br />

tigation in the aftermath of the miles west of Las Vegas. Sheriffs Department; the FBI; subject would ever come up," not the entire division.<br />

· Rodney King incident. It might <strong>The</strong> race, which started as an the U.S. Secret Service; the USC McBride said, addipg that both "We are talking to a lot of peecreate<br />

an appearance of impro· intersquad challenge within the Campus Police; the U.S. Postal law enforcement agencies have pie- they are not (all) under i~.·<br />

I<br />

rJ.iety." · LAPD's Metro Division, has\ex- Service; two police teams from standards of professionalism that vestigation," Lawler said. 'tW~·<br />

~ R.amona R,ipston, head of the panded ·to include teams from Canada, and one representing the are not affected by social rela· have a professional relationship<br />

Southern California chapter of throughout the LAPD and other media: tionships. , ·with the Los Angeles Police·~-<br />

, ~At\lerican Civil Liberties Un- U.S. law enforcement agencies, Foothill Capt. Tim McBride Besides, McBride said, "Those.· partment, I don't see that'i·~·<br />

ion, called the Foothill Division's as well as some frorri abroa~ po- said his division•s hospitality (agents) actively involved 'in the changing at all., 1~ 1 ' ~

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