officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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fD·350 (Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

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newspaper, city and state.)<br />

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~·Officers iU .. Troub.Ie· oti·.J9b~--.<br />

I otten:Get·streS!rPefisi&fi~ i'~<br />

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t • -~~lice; Ma~y ac~~g of,niisco~duct ~itt .disa~~~cy.<br />

.<br />

: By RICHARD A. SERRANO ..: m~ 'feel.''..· Asked. ·.wh~ .lle .:one~<br />

TIMES STAFF WRITER • " :nustakenly shot ang paralyzed :!1<br />

! . · ., South-Central. Los ,Angeles gas<br />

f • In .17 years as a 'LoS Angeles station.attendan(ije.plurted_.QUt: ·~r<br />

police officer:, Norman Nelson took 'shot him; that' I? the way .it is:•<br />

;· part in seven shootings. He was · <strong>The</strong>n 'the pen_ilion · board, ~ it<br />

.. tried three times on :charges of does witli most polic~ .~tress disa-<br />

. raping a woman while .on duty. bility retirement petjti9ns;.granteQ.<br />

.. When he recently strode ·into a Nelson a tax-free pension of 50%<br />

hearing of the city's pension board, of his 'salary, -or ~l;lout $20,000 a<br />

i rettrement when they say they can t -ha,ndle the ,pressure:·<br />

~ . ·,' . . . . . . . .<br />

Date:<br />

Edition:<br />

Title:<br />


FRI., APRIL 12, 1991<br />





Charactt:IVIL RIGHTS<br />

or<br />

Classlficalio~ 0-3 3B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


Indexing:<br />



APR 1 ! 1991<br />

wearing black boots and a big year. . . . . , • ··~ .<br />

FBI<br />

· Bronco belt buckle, he looked ev- Throughout Southern California~<br />

I ery bit the·renegade, cowboy cop. · many police <strong>officers</strong> .accused of<br />

~ <strong>The</strong>n he sat down, and he cried. ·misconduct ~e bei1;1g _awarded<br />

"I pad all this rage in me," he pensions for stress-related jnjuries<br />

said."<br />

they say are caused by job s~en-·<br />

! . Nelson, who was never convict- sions and threatened terminations;<br />

·. ed, today 'lives alone ·in remote crimimil charges fileQ. agai:p.st '<br />

~ Arizona mountains. He refuses to them, and negative media;publici- 7<br />

take medicine for his nerves "because<br />

I don't like the way it makes<br />

ty., _ .·.. · . .. ,.. · --- ' .· -<br />

.Alread;Y,lOl!f. Los _Angele:? Pollee<br />

that along with pension reform,<br />

local police .agencies need .to jm-<br />

1 • · D.ep~.t.rnent offlc?:;s at.t?e l)cen: of prqy~ th~ir ,hiring procedures to<br />


the _Rodney p. Km~. p~h~e b~a~m~ "find out what's. going· qn with<br />

!ast P}Onth are claimmg ptedi~al these people's lives'~ before they're<br />

ll}!l~~~es-:~ P!~;~rsor .. for a stress.<br />

pens10n.;;tpp~Icat10p.<br />

sworn in as police <strong>officers</strong>. .<br />

"You hand somebody-a gun, and<br />

. 1n t~~· '~39)11 ~nd Daltor( .case, give .pim a unifor-!ll an(i a badge,<br />

wliere :three .. deJ:?artment <strong>officers</strong> arid .they are supposed .tp keep the<br />

are on ~r)al .and dozens of others peace,". Elder said. "But who are<br />

ar.e )?eing ~discipli!!ed, city pension tllese people? What do we really<br />

board officials expect a number .of know about them?"<br />

stress disability cla{ins to' fqllow. Othets -defend the system. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

· 'In Long Beach,. t:wq former po· say pqlice work by it~ very nature<br />

li9e offic«rrs how b,ejng tri~d for<br />

assaulting black activist Don.Jackis<br />

strenuous, _and they argue 'that<br />

many <strong>officers</strong> get into trouble only<br />

son were _granted stress pensions .when they believe there .is no other<br />

late last year. And .:rackson, then a way to relieve the stress and strain<br />

Hawthorne ·police officer, was inherenUn such a dangerous job.<br />

aw.arded a .stress retirement after. Michael Mantell, a San Diego<br />

he.:Claimed emotional problems psychologist who built ·a sizabJe<br />

stemming from the assault. pra~tice treating <strong>officers</strong> with<br />

. .· . . emotional problems in ·Sbuthl'!rn<br />

1th _a pubh.c outcry th~t many California, said <strong>officers</strong> claiming a<br />

W<br />

. . ~ohce off1cer~ appear . to be ~tress qis(!.bility undergo a rigoroqs<br />

be~ef~tmg fr~m their own mis~on- inyestigative process lasting an<br />

d~ct, a '.s~te As~embly co~m1ttee . average of two years. Seldom, he<br />

held 'hearmgs l~st week m LOng<br />

Beach to plan reform legislation.<br />

said are troubled cops trying to<br />

che~t the system.<br />

"We're rewarding people who do · "I don't think there;s a' lot of<br />

th.ese· _kind~· :of things,'! said ~om- ·people . going to the bank<br />

mtttee Chairman ,Dave Elder (D-<br />

San Pedro). '"It's -like we're telling<br />

laughing," Mantell said. "<strong>The</strong>re's<br />

not a lot of money itivolved for<br />

police <strong>officers</strong> that if you really them, considering how long it<br />

want to get out of here, screw up<br />

real big and you're gone. But that is<br />

takes and what they have to go<br />

not the message we want to give<br />

our.employees:" ' . .<br />

. <strong>The</strong> assembl man su ested<br />

I<br />

I /)171<br />


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