officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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·'·<br />

e<br />

Departme.<br />

tion, yes," he said ..<br />

As he boarded an elevator with · . As for his personal police car,<br />

three bodyguards, Gates said he "Well, I won't need a car much<br />

still doesn't understand the coni- · b"ecause I'm not going anywhere. I<br />

mission's action.<br />

~ave my own personal vehicle."<br />

"I don't think there was a good Gates showed his only sign of<br />

explanation for. it," he said, glanc- · · testiness wheri asked if he would<br />

ing up at the lighted floor indicator · ·have to check his gun, as a civilian<br />

.above the elevator door, following might, when entering· police p~adits<br />

path downward. "At least,· if. quarters. · .. ·<br />

they have one it was· not explain¢d · _ . "Absolutely not," he said quick-<br />

. to me." · ly. "I'm a peace officer of the state<br />

His pace accelerated as .he. . of California."<br />

reached the ground floor and head- : .. Ever the ~ough cop, he said he<br />

ed into a tunnel leading to the·. ' bad only one message for the<br />

police garage. He said the commis.., , .~ople. of Los ~ngeles: . ·~·u be·<br />

sion agreed to let him keep his : back." .<br />

bodyguards during the suspension. <strong>The</strong>n he stepped into the passen-·<br />

"I've had many threats against . · ger seat of a late-model.Oldsmobile<br />

my life and my family's life, so they . and flashed a tl;lumbs-up sign as' it<br />

allowed me to have some protec- whisked him toward home.<br />

..<br />

GARYFRIEDMAN I LosAngelesTimes<br />

Los Angeles Police ChiE:lf paryl .F. Gates _gives a thumbs up a~ .he is driven from Parker Center.<br />


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