officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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But, acknowledging the lack of~<br />

statistical evidence, he argues thati<br />

police departments "lost momen- 1<br />

tum" in the late 1980s on curbing_<br />

the use of excessive force. "Some-<br />

. thing happened out t}lere," he said.<br />

"I can't prove that, but I believe,<br />

it."<br />

0<br />

. I<br />

Federico Pereira was killed Feb. ·<br />

5. A grand jury indicted five New<br />

York City police <strong>officers</strong> March 2()<br />

on charges of murder, manslaughter<br />

and assault in the choking and;<br />

beating death of the 21-year-oldi<br />

car theft suspect. ·<br />

One of the five <strong>officers</strong> _indicted~<br />

'Police <strong>officers</strong> are<br />

.running scared' because<br />

'more and more people<br />

. . resist arrest. <strong>The</strong>se men :<br />

'· and women have to be<br />

· careful. It's a sign Qf the<br />

times.'<br />

COL. W.O. TEEM<br />

North Carolina Highway Patrol<br />

allegediy c.limbed onto the back of'<br />

the prone and handcuffed Pereira.<br />

·and placed two hands around hi_s<br />

peck, pulling his head ba~k u~tll<br />

his spine was bowed. Pereira died ·<br />

at a hospital.soon after. .<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>officers</strong>, all of whom havepleaded<br />

not guilty, maintain that<br />

Pereira became violent when the· ·<br />

<strong>officers</strong> tried to arrest him and that:<br />

he repeatedly banged his head on<br />

the pavement while they attempt-,<br />

ed to restrain him.<br />

But to Latino activists in New:<br />

York, the Pereira case was another·<br />

demonstration of rising police vio-.<br />

lence in their community. From:<br />

1986 to 1989, an average of seven,<br />

Latinos a year were killed. by·<br />

· police gunfire in the city, but in;<br />

1990, 23 were killed.<br />

In all, 41 people died in New'<br />

York in 1990 in police gunfire, the<br />

·highest number since 1975 and an<br />

increase of 37% over the 30 fatal<br />

shootings of civilians by police in.<br />

1989.<br />

olice officials contend that thei<br />

Prise in the number of · fatal;<br />

shootings reflects a harsh reality-.<br />

the streets are getting meaner as.<br />

the drug trade grows ·more violent.<br />

and guns become increasingly:<br />

prevalent. Thirty-three of the 41;<br />

civilians killed in New York, for.<br />

example, were armed, according to•<br />

.official statistics. :<br />

But critics of the department:<br />

note that almost 75% of New;<br />

York's police force i~ white-in a:<br />

city where whites make up -less;<br />

than 50% of the population-and;<br />

more than 40% of the <strong>officers</strong> livei<br />

outside the city. Many of those who!<br />

live in the suburbs, Latino activists·<br />

contend, bring with them prejudic-·<br />

es and phobias.<br />

; '<br />

Part of the problem nationwide~<br />

'said Walker, the University of:<br />

Nebraska professor, may be rae-!<br />

ism. But he and others also think:<br />

the war on drugs is to blame. "It..<br />

sent a message to police <strong>officers</strong>,<br />

that you can go out there and kick<br />

some butt, do whatever you need<br />

to do."<br />

. Murphy agreed. "<strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

doubt. that this war-on-drugs rhetoric<br />

is part of the problem~raiding·<br />

all these crack houses, more guns<br />

.on the street, cops getting automatics,"<br />

he said. "It h,as cops so .<br />

psyched up they think they are in:<br />

combat." ·<br />

Said Seattle attorney Timothy K.<br />

Ford: "What is the war on drugs?<br />

It's a. war on people,· and with a<br />

war, there's going to be collateral·<br />

damage."<br />

0<br />

Last week, two West . Palm<br />

Beach police <strong>officers</strong> were indicted<br />

on charges of second degree mur-.<br />

der and aggravated battery in the<br />

. '·death of a man who was savagely<br />

' beaten to death last November as<br />

. :,he was walking home from a<br />

·McDonald's restaurant.<br />

. Undercover offic~rs .Stephen·.<br />

. . Rollins and Glen Thurlow were<br />

driving down the street in a gold<br />

·Cadillac, :police say, when they<br />

stopp'ed Robert R. Jew~tt, a '34-<br />

ye~r-old plasterer. ·<strong>The</strong>re are no·<br />

witnesses to exactly what hap-:<br />

pened next. But within minutes,<br />

Jewett was dead from a beating·in<br />

which his Adam's apple was<br />

, crushed, nine ribs were broken and<br />

he was hit between the legs with<br />

:nightsticks witli such fury as to<br />

causE~. what one veteran ·medical<br />

examiner called "the most severe<br />

testicular damage I'd ever seen." .<br />

.. ,. 'Both <strong>officers</strong>,' who were sus­<br />

': · pended with_out pay on Friday,<br />

have been named in previous brutality<br />

c9mplaints. . ·<br />

in South Florida, and particular-·<br />

.. ly iri Miami, the issue of police·<br />

·brutality has long haunted relations<br />

between police and the black<br />

community. ·<br />

I<br />

n what became a landmark<br />

event in Miami history, black<br />

insurance man Arthur McDuffie<br />

was riding a friend's motorcycle on .<br />

the morning of Dec. 17, 1979, when,<br />

•. according -t:o police he flashed<br />

them an obscene ges~ure and sped'<br />

away. After a short chase, McDuffie<br />

pulled over and up to 12 <strong>officers</strong><br />

wielding heavy flashlights began<br />

•· to pummel him. He died four days<br />

later of a fractured skull.<br />

. { Almost five months late~, when:<br />

· .four of the <strong>officers</strong> on trial for<br />

· taking part in the beating, and then:<br />

. . covering it up, were acquitted by"<br />

I an all-white jury, Miami -erupted.<br />

In three days of vicious rioting, 18<br />

1<br />

•. 'persons wer~ killed, hundreds<br />

: . were. injured and blocks of Liberty<br />

; City were ~acked and torched.<br />

r :Quring the 1980s, two other riots<br />

· convulsed Miami, both touched off<br />

'by ·shootings of black men ·by.<br />

Latipo police <strong>officers</strong>.<br />

! · Law enforcement officials aci<br />

kno~ledge that many <strong>officers</strong> are<br />

, edgy and that tempers get short.<br />

. But they argue that cops have a<br />

right to be that way.<br />

· Col. W. D. Teem, commander of<br />

the North Carolina Highway Pa-­<br />

trol, ·said, "police.<strong>officers</strong> .are run-'<br />

, ning· scared" because "more and<br />

. mor~ people resist arrest. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

men·and women have to be careful.<br />

It's a sign of the times." ·<br />

"What gets lost is we have to<br />

:' dealiwith a lot of society's rejects<br />

· anci inisfi~,'' sald Ronnie Clackum,·<br />

~ chief of the Clayton County Police<br />

~ Department in Georgia. "People<br />

;. call the .. police wheQ there's. no one<br />

: ·else to call." . ·<br />

~ Clackum, who said he doesn't<br />

"· tolerate excessive force in his de- ·<br />

· partment, .added that high-speed.<br />

1 chases put <strong>officers</strong> on edge. ~'<strong>The</strong> .<br />

~ adrenalin gets. to flowing, and by'<br />

1<br />

the time someone sideswipes your<br />

· car, <strong>officers</strong> get so caught up in the<br />

-events and emotion that they over­<br />

'· reac't," he said: · · · ·<br />

1<br />

I<br />

. Bot Brian Spears, an Atlanta_<br />

.lawyer, speaks of the "spiraling<br />

effect" of police brutality, arguing<br />

·that, in communities where the.<br />

: police have a reputation for using:<br />

.··excessive force, suspects may flee<br />

~\or resist arrest precisely because_<br />

~ they fear what will happen to them<br />

1· in police custody. ·"It [police bru-_.<br />

! taiity) breeds disrespec.t' and mis­<br />

! trust and makes it likely that<br />

· :people who are taken into custody·<br />

r will act out of fear and run. Or<br />

f,'fight.". .<br />

r~ ·.o<br />

..= ~<br />

. A New York state investigative<br />

·. panel recently caUed for the ap­<br />

·pointment of a special prosecutor<br />

to look into the fatal police shoot-<br />

·.• jng of a black man on· Long Island<br />

h.iJrl984. .

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