officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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Mike Qualls, a spokesman for<br />

' City Atty. James K. Hahn, said<br />

~,. Saturday that the settlement was<br />

leg_al and will be wrapped up<br />

swiftly. Negotiations on the.agree­<br />

~ent were completed Friday.evenmg,<br />

Qualls said. "Our expectation<br />

is this wi!l be concluded fairly<br />

quickly Monday morning," he added.<br />

Qualls and Gates' lawyer, Harry<br />

G. Melkonian, said they doubt that<br />

either the pc-lice commissioners or<br />

anyone else l1as the legal standing<br />

to block the council's settlement<br />

with_ Gate_s .. '1our_ces. in ~_£adle:(~_<br />

camp concede that it presents a<br />

difficult legal hurdle.<br />

·what Next?<br />

It is not clear what the Police<br />

Commission will do next, Garcia<br />

said: But the commission president<br />

added that he has retained attor-<br />

. ney Paul Grossman to represent<br />

. him personally in the matter.<br />

"We might challenge [the council<br />

settlement] in court, but that<br />

would take a while," Garcia said.<br />

."Presumably [Gates] would be in<br />

office for some time . . . who·<br />

knows where we'd be with ·our<br />

investigation" by the time the<br />

challenge was resolved.<br />

"It perpetuates the drama in<br />

· which he is a central character<br />

when we bave (a furor over] a case<br />

of serious police brutality," he said.<br />

If Gates wins back his job, Bradley's<br />

legal options are limited, said<br />

Fabiani.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> mayor still hopes that the<br />

chief will see that his presence is<br />

hurting the Police Department and<br />

[that] the department will never<br />

recover its fine reputation as long<br />

as he is the chief," he said.<br />

J, One legal option, sources ~aid,<br />

would be to seek a delay in the<br />

court action until after Tuesday~s<br />

council election. ·<br />

But Ferraro, a Gates supporter,<br />

said it was doubtful there would be<br />

much change in the council's position<br />

after the election. He contended<br />

that the council voted to reinstate<br />

the chief because he was not<br />

given due process ..<br />

Forcing Gat~s to take a 60-day<br />

leave of absence "is a terrible way<br />

to treat someone who been chief<br />

for 13 years," added Ferraro.<br />

One way to increase political<br />

pressure on the council would be to<br />

arrange for the resignations of the<br />

three. commissioners who had<br />

placed Gates on leave, say sources<br />

close to the efforts to remove the<br />

· chief ..<br />

· While Bradley has denied that<br />

he influenced· the Police Commission's<br />

decision, one source familiar<br />

with the delibera•.ions acknowledged<br />

that the ma);or's office was<br />

in close touch with the commissioners.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y felt a need to work<br />

•<br />

this through with the mayor," said<br />

the source, who spoke on condition<br />

of anonymity. "But to suggest that<br />

the mayor picked up the phone and<br />

forced the commission to do anything<br />

is crazy."<br />

<strong>The</strong> three police commissioners<br />

approached the removal of Gates·<br />

from different viewpoints, according<br />

to City Hall sources. Vice<br />

President Melanie Lomax was ada.,<br />

mant that Gates should leave office,<br />

Garcia preferred to proceed<br />

slowly and Sam Williams felt that<br />

Gate~ could be persuaded to resign,<br />

the soiirces said.<br />

After studying their legal options,<br />

the three commissioners-all<br />

lawyers-agreed to put Gates on<br />

leave while pursuing an investigation<br />

to determine , if there are<br />

grounds to discipline or fire him.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y informed Bradley of their<br />

intent on Tuesday; which prompted<br />

the mayor to call on Gates to<br />

resign, said Fabiani.<br />

Is Bradley Right?<br />

<strong>The</strong> intense fight over Gates'<br />

tenure has further polarized the<br />

city, politicized the tssue and obscur~d<br />

the fundamental que~tions<br />

of bruiality, racism and police<br />

. training raised by the King beatjng,<br />

civic leaders said.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> basic issue of how the<br />

Police Department relates .to the<br />

community and the question of ··<br />

undue violence have been totally<br />

.lQst in an atmosphere of increasing<br />

racial divis~veness,<br />

in the debate<br />

between the· mayor and the chief !<br />

!ind between the mayor and the ·<br />

council," said Ray Remy, president<br />

.of the Los Angeles Area Chamber<br />

of Commerce.<br />

Councilman Joel Wachs, who<br />

backed the move to reinstate<br />

Gates: said the feud between the<br />

mayor and the chief is "unbelievably<br />

harmful" to Los Angeles. "If<br />

you really care about this c~ty, it is<br />

1im~ to say, 'OK. We are [looking]<br />

into things that are significant in<br />

the long range, and not have this<br />

continuing battle between one individual<br />

and another and one<br />

branch of government and another.'·"<br />

<strong>The</strong> controversy also has be-<br />

•<br />

come a political liability of sorts for<br />

the mayor. Although a Times poll<br />

fou_nd that 58% of Los Angeles<br />

residents support the temporary<br />

. ·removal of Gates, the poll also<br />

· fou!ld that 60% believe Bradley is<br />

t7ymg to further his political ambitions<br />

rather than, as he stated to<br />

mend a diviqed city. '<br />

. <strong>The</strong> _harsh community reaction<br />

and City Council outrage over<br />

~ B~a~ley's handling of the King<br />

crisis last week has fueled criticism<br />

, of a behind-the-scenes campaign<br />

to oust Gates that was handled by<br />

Fabi_ani shortly after the March 3<br />

~eatmg. Gates and Bradley, a retired.<br />

LAPD officer, have been<br />

longtime adversaries.<br />

.. Ma~y city !eaders said the drive<br />

to remove . Gates went "out of<br />

control" with Bradley's call for<br />

!Jates to resign and the commission<br />

·vote to put the chief on leave. ·<br />

<strong>The</strong>· confronta tiona! approach<br />

was a_ departure from the mayor's<br />

handlmg of Police Department issu_es<br />

during his 17 years in office,<br />

said former Police Chief Ed Davis.<br />

Before last week, one former<br />

Bradley strategist said, the mayor<br />

· r~sponded to the King crisis pre­<br />

. CI~~ly as one would expect him to.<br />

'· It was a gentle, more measured<br />

r~sponse," said the ex-Bradley<br />

~Ide, _wh,o requested anonymity.<br />

He didn t .blow the council apart.<br />

. He was seen as keeping things<br />

pretty well under control." .<br />

<strong>The</strong>n came the mayor's startling<br />

call for Gates to resign on Tu d.·<br />

"All I k . es ay.<br />

. now IS that I was shocked "<br />

·said the former aide. "I don't k , .<br />

where ·t · now<br />

I went off the deep end It's<br />

ou~ of kilter.". ·<br />

. If B.7adley's reaction seems "ex­<br />

·~aordm~y," it is only because the<br />

.n? :pisode is an extraordinary<br />

cr~sJs m the city's history Fab· .<br />

said. ' I~m<br />

"I acted in good faith on what I<br />

felt were legitimate concerns "<br />

Bradley said Saturday "<strong>The</strong>r '<br />

d" · · · e was<br />

IVISiveness in the city. <strong>The</strong> chief<br />

was at the center of the storm of<br />

protests and so long as he remained<br />

m the position it was not likely to<br />

change." .<br />

.Some of Bradley~~t:ongest sup-<br />

---- , .... ""A

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