officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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But Tuesday, Bradley crossed<br />

the line. "Unfortunately, Chief<br />

Gates has not recognized the impact<br />

he is having on the LAPD,"<br />

the mayor said. "His reactions to<br />

the tragic Rodney King beating<br />

have made an ugly situation ·even<br />

worse." · ·<br />

'·"As mayor," he added, "Ihave<br />

· reluctantly concluded that<br />

I can no longer wait for Daryl_<br />

Gates to do what is best for the<br />

LAPD."<br />

Instead, the. mayor continued,<br />

Gates has embarked upon a public<br />

relations campaign to keep his job<br />

"that has only deepened our<br />

wounds and wid,ened our differences."<br />

·<br />

Gates denied that he has orchestrated<br />

a public relations effort pn<br />

his own behalf, saying that thousands<br />

of "just plain folks" h.ave<br />

come to his defense.<br />

<strong>The</strong> chief stressed that he would<br />

· step down · only if a panel he<br />

appointed last week to review<br />

LAPD procedures determines that<br />

· he was "derelict" in performing his<br />

duties.<br />

· "If they find that I have been<br />

- derelict ... I'll say goodby. But I<br />

don't thi'nk I have," Gates said.<br />

He read from a 1989 report by<br />

City Atty. James K. Hahn criticizing<br />

Bradley's ties to financial institutions<br />

that dealt with the city and<br />

the mayor's efforts to secure city<br />

funds for a scandal-plagued African<br />

trade group.<br />

fl' "Ethics is what we're really<br />

) talking about," Gates told repo~ters<br />

after citing the report. "He's called ·<br />

· on me to do the moral thing,<br />

getting into ethics. Well, no one's<br />

ever questioned my ethics. No<br />

one's ever questioned my integrity<br />

or my honesty." 6<br />

Last month, the Los Angeles<br />

County grand jury indicted four<br />

. LAPD <strong>officers</strong> in the beating on<br />

' charges that include assault w_ith a<br />

deadly weapon and assault under<br />

the color of authority. <strong>The</strong> <strong>officers</strong><br />

.have pleaded not guilty. ·<br />

In addition, six other govern-.<br />

ment inquiries into the Police De­<br />

·partment and the King incident are<br />

. underway.<br />

Gates was appointed chief by the<br />

· Police Commission in 1978. According<br />

to the City Charter, a<br />

police chief has Civil Service protections<br />

and can be fired or disciplined<br />

by the commission only if it<br />

• can show "cause," usually interpreted<br />

to meaq misconduct or wi~l-.<br />

ful neglect of official duties. ·<br />

•<br />

As a result, there have been calls<br />

in City Hall to change the Charter.<br />

Despite the legal difficulties in<br />

ousting Gates, a publi~ groun~swell-fueled<br />

in part by Bradley s<br />

office and the American Civil Liberties<br />

Union-has grown demanding<br />

his resignation.<br />

Others who want him removed<br />

include several African-American<br />

·groups, such as the Urban League<br />

and the National Assn. for the<br />

Advancement of Colored People.<br />

A variety of loc;al and national<br />

political leaders also have called on<br />

Gates to step down, including City<br />

·Councilman Michael Woo, state<br />

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown<br />

(D-San Francisco) and U.S. Sen.<br />

·Joseph Biden (D-Delaware).<br />

Woo the only City Counci~<br />

membe~ to demand Gates' resignation,<br />

said after th~ mayor's speech:<br />

"Mayor Bradley has taken a very<br />

bold step in the best interests of the<br />

Police Department and the<br />

city. . . . Now it is up to Chief<br />

Gates to-let the healing begin by<br />

stepping down." .<br />

In contrast, Gates has rec~1ved<br />

the support of·Gov. Pete Wilson<br />

and several City Council members,<br />

including Picus, Hal Bernson, Joan<br />

Milke Flores and council President<br />

John Ferraro.<br />

Bradley's · speech, accordi?g to<br />

' sources at City Hall, culmmated<br />

weeks of behind-the-scenes efforts<br />

directed by his top aide,<br />

Deputy Mayor Mp.rk Fabiani. . .<br />

· On March 15, Bradley appomted<br />

:·\civil .libertarian. Stanley. S~ein­<br />

·"· baum to the Pollee Comm1SS1on, a<br />

move hailed by those seeking the<br />

chief's resignation. On March 26,<br />

Bradley replaced one of the five<br />

Civil Service commissioners who<br />

eventually could decide whether<br />

Gates should be fired.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mayor's office also worked<br />

with community groups that are<br />

dem~nding new LAP.D leadership<br />

and lobbied· council members to<br />

publicly denounce the chief. .<br />

In public, ho~ever, Bradl~y sa1d<br />

his office was not workmg to<br />

unseat Gates. <strong>The</strong> mayor repeate.dly<br />

said he would not. call for the<br />

chief to step down because it was<br />

unlikely that Gates would do so .<br />

· "I think he has been advised by<br />

some people already and he's made<br />

it very clear that he has no i~tention<br />

of leaving," Bradley sa1q on<br />

March 21 during a tour of South­<br />

Central Los Angeles. "He's told me<br />

that. So I don't )Jelieve in engaging<br />

·:in fruitless activities."<br />

Six days later, Bradley told a<br />

press conferenc'e: "<strong>The</strong>re have<br />

been a number of people who have<br />

£ailed for th~ chief's resignation. I<br />

>' have not done so. : . .-i think that<br />

; ~ the chief is the one wlio is going to<br />

.. have to recognize when his retirement<br />

is required in order to bring<br />

about that process."<br />

Under fire from various community<br />

groups and political_leaders,<br />

Gates has responded with his own<br />

public relations campaign. He has<br />

appeared on a number of television ·<br />

talk shows-including "Prime<br />

Time Live"· and "Face the Nation"<br />

...,..and addressed a crowd of<br />

supporters at a Police Academy<br />

rally. Los Angeles police <strong>officers</strong><br />

and their supporters began wearing<br />

blue ribbons to symbolize their<br />

solidarity with the chief and his<br />

department. ·<br />

. Gates' most comprehensive ef­<br />

. fort· to restore confidence in the<br />

LAPD came last week, when he<br />

announced a 10-point plan to im­<br />

·-.prove community relations and<br />

. ~·explore the causes of police brutal-<br />

. ity. . ' . (<br />

· <strong>The</strong> cornerstone of the plan was<br />

·, the .appointment of a committee<br />

~:chaired by retired state Supreme<br />

;· Court Justice John A. Arguelles.<br />

: <strong>The</strong> committee is ~o conduct an<br />

~ exhaustive inquiry into the LAPD's<br />

.' training practices and policies. ·<br />

·on Monday, Bradley countered<br />

. by announcing the appointment of<br />

: .. his own review panel, headed by<br />

· former Deputy Secretary of State<br />

· Warren M. C}:lristopher. ·<br />

· Argu~lles and Christopher said<br />

Monday they had discussed coordinating<br />

the efforts of their committees.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Christopher Commission<br />

· was a key element in the mayor's<br />

· campaign to rem.ove ·Gates from<br />

office, and the announcement that<br />

·the two committees could work<br />

together appeared to temporarily<br />

. frustrate Bradley's attempts at<br />

persuading the chief to resign.<br />

In a statement released Tuesday,<br />

Bradley spokesman Bill Chandler<br />

, hinted that acc~pting n;tembers of<br />

the Gates-appoint~d Arguelles<br />

Commission into the mayor's commission<br />

would compromise the latter's<br />

independence. ·<br />

"Areview [of ihe Police Department]<br />

that does not<br />

look to the city or the LAPD for<br />

financing or staffing is the· only<br />

way to ensure the commission's<br />

independence," Chandler said.<br />

"And a completely independent<br />

· review is what the city needs."<br />

By contrast; Gates said that<br />

merging the two panels "makes a<br />

lot of sense and so I'm all for it."<br />

In another development Tues-<br />

~~ ·day, ACLU officials said they had<br />

gathered petitions·with 20,000 sig­<br />

-natures demanding Gates' resign a­<br />


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