officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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·to question some <strong>officers</strong> at their<br />

homes- caJling it an invasion ·of<br />

:'J>rivacy. ·<br />

· <strong>The</strong> police union has warned<br />

.<strong>officers</strong> that the "sole purpose" of<br />

1he FBI investigation "is to prosecute<br />

police <strong>officers</strong>."<br />

Aliano said the union has ad­<br />

-vised <strong>officers</strong> to preface every in­<br />

'terview by saying: "l will not<br />

make this statement unless or-<br />

4ered to do so by a supervisor."<br />

' By ·agreeing to be interviewed<br />

.only "under protest," <strong>officers</strong> can<br />

maintain their Fifth Amendment<br />

protection against self-incrimination,<br />

he said.<br />

; Aliano said he is not concerned<br />

;ihat such an assertion might be<br />

ij>erceived as an implicit admis­<br />

!Sion of guilt.<br />

. ·~It doesn't matter how it<br />

jooks," Aliano said. "People can<br />

make any impression they want<br />

out of it but you don't get to be<br />

proven guilty by refusing to<br />

.talk."<br />

LAPD officials said the depart­<br />

,ment has not told <strong>officers</strong> how<br />

. . I<br />

they should respond to FBI re- ·<br />

quests for an interview- but department<br />

policy requires them in<br />

general terms "to cooperate"<br />

with other agencies' investigations.<br />

"We can'ftell the <strong>officers</strong> 'You<br />

have to cooperate and give up<br />

their rights,' " said Cmdr. Rick<br />

Dinse. "But they d.o have to provide<br />

answers to (the FBI's) questions<br />

under direction of this department.<br />

· · ·.. ·· · · · · ·<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y have a duty to do that,<br />

and failure.to do that is subject to<br />

discipline," Dinse said. ··<br />


While Mayor Tom Bradley has not called outright for the resignation<br />

.of Police Chief Daryl F. Gates, he has said - in increasingly stronger<br />

.terms - that the only way for the department to regain public trust is .<br />

to step down. Following are the mayor's comments over the past<br />

week:<br />

.·TUESDAY, MARCH 19: "I don't want to see this become a Bradley-Gates<br />

battle. This is a matter for the chief to decide. He has his own constitu·<br />

ency. But a retirement by Chief Gates would help in the healing process."<br />

· . . .<br />

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20: "I did not and I have not yet called for the<br />

chief to resign. I am saying that the only way we can start·this hea_ling<br />

process is for him to remove himself."<br />

THURSDAY, MARCH 21: "I think that for us to have a healing process it<br />

is going to be necessary that the chief recognize his role in the mat·<br />

ter. But only he has the authority and the ability to say, 'I retire.' "<br />

FRIDAY, MARCH 22: "I suspect that if he remains, there will continue to<br />

be the ferocity of demands we've seen for his retirement. I think it's<br />

going to be very unlikely that anything constructive can take place<br />

with regard to healing the city until the storm has settled with regard<br />

to Chief Gates."/ ::-<br />

MONDAY, MARCH 25: Asked if he was disappointed that Gates had ~e- .<br />

·fused to step down, the .may6r replied:~ "He thinks by remaining, ·he<br />

can restore the prestige and reputation of the department. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />

. many who disagree and I'm one of those.''<br />

Police Chief Daryl F. Gates<br />

agreed on Friday to turn over to Other Southern California law to the Foothill Division.<br />

the FBI the names and home ad- enforcement official~- in Sacra::. . .In other developments Moodresses<br />

·of Foothill Division offi- men to for the California State day, Mayor Tom Bradley repeatcers,<br />

but he criticized. the Sherifrs Association convention ed earlier comments that the deagency's<br />

plan to interview the of- -criticized the FBI for invading .partment's "healing process"<br />

fleers at their homes. <strong>officers</strong>' privacy by· contacting could not begin unless Gates re-<br />

Between six and 10 agents .. set them at home. · . SJgllS. · · · .<br />

up shop inside the Foothill D 1Vl- _ "<strong>The</strong>y're not talking about · ••He thinks by remaining, he<br />

sion station Monday to question people who are charged," said -can restore the prestige and repu<strong>officers</strong><br />

as they went on and off Los Angeles County Sheriff Sher- tation of the department," Bradshift<br />

while other <strong>officers</strong> were man Block .• "<strong>The</strong>y are going to .·ley said. "<strong>The</strong>re are many who<br />

contacted at hom~,_A_!i~n~ ~id. .inteJ!'iew ev~ry officer assigned :disagree and rm one of those.

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