officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD·35Q (Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

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•<br />

•(Indicate page, name of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

(Mount Clipping in Space Below)<br />

_Bradley,_<br />

Gates clash<br />

''agaiD<br />

Date: DAILY NEWS<br />

Edition:MON, • , MAR 25, 1991<br />


Title:<br />


AGAIN<br />

CharactePIVIL RIGHTS<br />

or<br />

Classification: 8 0-3 3 B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


In de xino:<br />




FILED<br />

MAR 2 '? 1991<br />


1/ 1 "1<br />

Mayor, chief at odds over hoW to ·repair LAPD's image<br />

By Rick Orlov<br />

Daily News 1aff Writer<br />

Longtime adversaries, Mayor<br />

Tom Bradley and Police Chief<br />

Daryl F. Gates are again at odds<br />

- this time over how to rebuild<br />

public confidence in the Los Angeles<br />

Police Department in the<br />

. wake of the Rodney Glen King<br />

incident.<br />

In a flurry of public appear­<br />

, .ances last week, Gates rejected<br />

.. calls for his resignation and in­<br />

.sisted he alone is the person who<br />

can provide the leadership to re-<br />

toward c'reation of an indepen- Gates declined repeated re<br />

Related stories on Back Page:<br />

dent commission to closely ex- quests for interviews last week<br />

• L.A. council divided on Gates. amine·the department as a key saying through a spokesman tha<br />

• Dallas chief condemns beating. step in reorganizing the LAPD he was too busy. But in a series o<br />

and restoring its prestige. public appearances, the chie<br />

• Gates criticizes aspects of probe .. "I suspect that if he remains, made it clear that he has no in·<br />

there will continue to be the fe- tention of leaving until his de·<br />

store public confidence in the de- rocity of demands we've seen for partment's tainted image is res·<br />

partment. his retirement," Bradley said in tored.<br />

Bradley- .a 21 year LAPD an interview with the Daily "This controversy over 'shoulc<br />

veteran - repeatedly said the News. "I think it's going to be the chief stay or go' is counter·<br />

only way for the city to mend it- . ·very unlikely that anything con- productive," Gates said at a grad·<br />

self is through the departu.re of structivc can take place with re- uation ceremony at the Los An·<br />

Gates, who on Sunday · Jcele- gard to healing the city until the .geles Police _Aca.Q.eP}y on_ ~riday<br />

brated his 13th year as chief. storm has settled with regard to :"It's not in the best interests of<br />

<strong>The</strong> mayor said he is leaning Chief Gates." , the city. I wish we could get beyond<br />

it. It will subside because<br />

this chief is not going anywhere.<br />

"We need to look internally at<br />

our organization. We need to<br />

prove that what we say is true,<br />

that we treat human beings as human<br />

beings. I feel I can provide<br />

the leadership to do that."<br />

King, an unarmed black motorist,<br />

was beaten by white police<br />

<strong>officers</strong> following a traffic stop in<br />

Lake View Terrace on March 3.<br />

<strong>The</strong> incident attracted nationwide<br />

attention because it was<br />

. captured on videotape by a wit­<br />

·ness, and tensions escalated following<br />

disclosures that some of<br />

. the <strong>officers</strong> involved made racist<br />

remarks on police communications<br />

systems before the inci-<br />

Wt/1\- t f\- utrrq ~-)- ~ 41<br />

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