officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD·350 (Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

•<br />

l(in,dica1te page, name of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

(Mount<br />

. .<br />

'~For ChiefG~t~s,_!:P.e Brutal<br />

.'Truth: He Has a Final<br />

· :Qbligatioiito i~~D~:;<br />

In some editions of Friday's View<br />

section, -Rutten's column was<br />

· scrambled. This is the correct 'l!ersion.<br />

0<br />

ver the last decade, it's<br />

possible that only smog has<br />

· created more bad publicity<br />

for Los Angeles than Daryl Gates.<br />

Our police chief's episodic affronts<br />

to members of this city's<br />

·minority communities-to Latinos,<br />

to African Americans, to homosex-<br />

·. uals, to Soviet Jews, to Salvadoran<br />

immigrants-have come to be regarded<br />

as something like brush<br />

fires, a cyclic natural disaster compounded<br />

by hubris and human<br />

folly.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no need to rehearse<br />

. here the details of Rodney King's<br />

. brutalization at the hands of more<br />

than a dozen <strong>officers</strong> from the<br />

LAPD's Foothill Division. Television<br />

has seen to that. Doubtless,<br />

the .facts elicited by the County<br />

Grand Jury and by the Justice<br />

Department investigation that<br />

Atty. Gen. Dick Thornburgh ordered<br />

Thursday will do still more.<br />

But this case of police brutality is<br />

different from those that have gone<br />

before. For one ·thing, African ·<br />

Americans and Latinos are outraged<br />

by an extreme -example of<br />

the official abuse they say is a 'fact .<br />

of life in their communities. Confronted<br />

for the first tirrie with a<br />

firsthand view of police misconduct,<br />

even those Anglos who do not<br />

share that experience are embarrassed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> result, a dramatic erosion of<br />

confidence in Gates' leadership,<br />

·could be seen all over City Hall this<br />

week:<br />

It could be heard on the lips of.<br />

the community leaders who<br />

thronged to the microphone at the<br />

· City Council's Public Safety Committee's<br />

hearing Tuesday. <strong>The</strong><br />

common feature of their tes'timOI;lY<br />

was the word disgrace.<br />

It could be heard in the comments<br />

of a mayoral confidant who<br />

said that whatever Tom Bradley<br />

may say about Charter amendments,<br />

he privately believes the<br />

.chief ought to resign. Those sentiments<br />

were echoed-though again<br />

· in private-by two members of the<br />

·council with whom I talked, though<br />

· .., both believe Gates would survive<br />

by taking refuge 'in the bunker of<br />

civil service.<br />

. .Poli.~-~- CommJ.s~!5l!l~ .. Mela!lie<br />

Lomax, the tough-minded labor<br />

.lawyer who will help decide Gates'<br />

fate, was less reticent. "<strong>The</strong> chief,"<br />

· she said; "will have to convince me<br />

that he has changed. He has to take<br />

responsibility for what has taken<br />

place. I'm determined to find out<br />

~ whether there is any relationship'<br />

. between the chief's aggressive and<br />

inflammatQry posture and behavior<br />

of his <strong>officers</strong>. I suspect there is a<br />

marginal group of those <strong>officers</strong><br />

who have taken Chief Gates' comments<br />

as license to adopt a cowboy<br />

. mentality."<br />

If he· runs true to form, Gates<br />

:wm respond to such inquiries with<br />

' disdain. I wonder, though, if he<br />

"would feel the same if he had<br />

'listened to the ·two veteran LAPD<br />

<strong>officers</strong> with wh'om I spoke. Both'<br />

are men of long service. Unlike the<br />

• 60 police officials who rallied to<br />

Gates' defense Wednesday, neither<br />

is invofved in administration or<br />

hQlds.a commission. ·<br />

According to their accounts, the<br />

affair already has divided the department.<br />

Gates has · t~ken the ~ing case<br />

away from the department's internal<br />

affairs division and handed it<br />

over ·to detectives from major<br />

crimes. <strong>The</strong> detectives have· been<br />

put under intense pressure from· a<br />

chief who, according to one officer,<br />

: had "no -concept what the hell he<br />

was talking about" when he demanded<br />

that the detectives file the<br />

· case within hours. <strong>The</strong> obstacle of<br />

.due process aside, the detectives<br />

. have been frustrated by the district<br />

· attorney's absolute refusal to cooperate<br />

with the police in any way<br />

until after the grand jury finishes<br />

its work.<br />


~~:=~J.iON • I l\1AR 18 I 19 91<br />


Title: FOR CHIEF GATES,<br />



Character:<br />

01'<br />

LAPD<br />


80-33B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


MAR ~ 6 !991<br />

~ "<strong>The</strong> whole .thing is . screwed<br />

. up," the Qfficer said. "All these<br />

, little tin gods want their piece of<br />

···flesh."<br />

~ Despite such· resentment, that<br />

• same officer said he is "sure a case<br />

.... can be made" for Lomax's concern<br />

i: ·()ver Gates' loose-lipped rhetoric.<br />

· "After he says one of these<br />

things-like that stuff about shooting<br />

casual drug users-you people<br />

ju~! kind of chuckle.<br />

"This last thing about drunken<br />

· Salvadorans is the same. To .the<br />

. police mind, that's what they were:<br />

a couple of drunken. Salvadorans·<br />

·sitting on the curb ~rinking beer,<br />

hk • .Jt • ' - ~ • ~-·<br />

THE<br />

HAS A<br />

TO<br />


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