officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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1<br />

1<br />

blacks<br />

1<br />

diotape<br />

0·350 (Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

.....<br />

....<br />

(Indicate page, nam& of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

p. 1<br />

Star-News<br />

-~~~~~~~~~~~IM;o;u~n~tC;fi~~~~~ng~~~S~P; 8 c;e~B=e=~~w~)~~~~~~~~~~~P~sadena,<br />

!Protest target~ ~· ~~~~~;l ·<br />

California<br />

:police c:hi~f'<br />

Jesse Jackson joins 200 at rally_ to:.<br />

dem·and ouster of Gates r-·-- - - ---<br />

"<br />

-- ~ -y<br />

I<br />

Character:<br />

or<br />

C1asslflcatlon:<br />

Submitting Otflce: Los Angeles<br />

Indexing:<br />


SERIALIZED·--- fiLE0'----1<br />

"This is not South Africa,''<br />

By Catherine O'Brien<br />

I said Baldwin, whose film credits<br />

Associated Press<br />

include "<strong>The</strong> Hunt for Red Octo·<br />

MAR 2:3 1991<br />

LOS ANGELES - <strong>The</strong> Rev. 1: ber." "I feel so~ry for. the more<br />

Jesse Jacl{son on Saturday •\than 8,000 pollee <strong>officers</strong> that<br />

urged a throng of protesters out· have to take the ~eat beca~s.e<br />

raged by the police beating of a Daryl Gates. has a big mouth. 1 _ _<br />

black motorist to demonstrate I Thrlj!e <strong>officers</strong> and a sergeant 1 A videotape s~hlro!t:·t-b=h;:y-a~;;::;;m:;:;:;:=====±f:==±:tuntil<br />

Police ChiefDaryl F. Gates 'were arraigned Friday on fel?riY: teur photographer shows that<br />

resigns<br />

charges relateq to the beahng:. King, 25, was clubbed more than<br />

"We ·the people must march Indicted were Sgt. Stacey ~oon! · 50 ti~es, kicked and hit with an<br />

until justice is won " Jacl{son ,40, and ~fflcers La~rence Pow·. electric stun gun.<br />

told about 200 demonstrators ell, 28, Timothy Wmd, 30, and; In a rel~ted d~veloJ?mel!t,<br />

' 'd th d - t r · -- .- - Gates' relations With mmonty<br />

' outs I e e own own po ICe . <strong>The</strong>odore Briseno, 38. . leaders took another turn for the<br />

I headqua~te~s. _ _ - c·· - -=:- _ . " More indictments are possible, worse in a Friday meeting at his<br />

' "Mr. Gates has .m~de state·, said Los Angele~ County Di.s~ict office.<br />

m~nts}hat are ;aCI~t, J~ckson , Attorney Ira Re!ller. In addition, Gates opened the meeting by<br />

sa1d. Why cant H1spam~s get: the U.S .. Just~ce Department insisting the beating was an ab­<br />

. promoted? Mr. Gates said b~·: pl~s to mvestlgate _whether 11 erration and repeated his ref\lSal_<br />

I cause th~y are lazy_. He said ' poh~e <strong>officers</strong> who Witnessed~~. to 'resign,. said Mark Ridley-.<br />

d1e from pollee chok,~· • b~atmg could ~ace federal civil· Tliomas o( the:· Southern Chris·.<br />

'holds because of our .anatomy. rights :prosecutiOn, the Los An· tiail Leadership Comerence.<br />

: Jackson was referrmg to state· geles Times reported Saturday. · · .. . . .<br />

•, ments made in the past by Gates, . Meanwhile, the Police Depart- · ·"He commumcated hts. disapi'<br />

including an assertion that sev- ment released a six-minute au· pointment with the pubhc pos­<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

. eral blacks died as a result of of radio communicatigps ture of som~ of us who hav~<br />

police chokeholds because arter· during the traffic pursuit that c~lled for h1m t? s~.ep do~!<br />

ies in the necks of black people ' led to King's arrest and beating. Ridley-Thomas said. Th~t m }t­<br />

"do not open up as fast as they i. <strong>The</strong> conversations between of- self shows ho~ de~p ~1s, misdo<br />

in normal people." Gates also: fic·ers and dispatchers appeared readin~ ?f the situ3;t10n 1s.<br />

. . ': : to contradict earlier accounts by Participants d~cide~ to p~stonce<br />

referred to Hispamc offi· I police that King's car was travel- pone future meetmg~ m,~ef~Itecers<br />

as lazy.. ing at speeds of up to 115 mph. ly, Ridley-Th?m.as ~a1d. He JUSt<br />

Rodney Kmg 1 who was beaten. ··:. <strong>The</strong> only mention of'the speed· doesn't get 1t,'· R1dley~Thomas<br />

I ¥arch 3 by offiC;rs from. the r~· ] of the chase came. froni a:Califor; . said. .<br />

.l~ce Departm~nt s Foothill DIVI· ·nia Highway Patrol officer; Pur-. Also Friday, J14ayor Tom _Br~dsion,<br />

has said he does not be· · .--- · ley filled a Pollee Commission<br />

liev~ the incident was racially suing King's c~ on.~· subur_ban vacancy by appointing an activ·<br />

motivated.<br />

street, the umdentlfied_ officer ist critic of the police chief: Stan·<br />

A?tors ~~ec Baldwin and Kim tells a police ~ispatcher, ley K. Sheinbaum, a member ,qf<br />

Basmger JOined protesters Satur· "<strong>The</strong>y're about 55 miles an hour, the local chapter of the Amet-Iday<br />

who chanted, "Hey, hey, ho, I think." can Civil Liberties Union. '<br />

ho, Daryl Gates has got to go." , Late:t:, a Los Angeles patrol of- Sheinbaum said he was hard-<br />

Demonstrators also held signs : fleer says, "<strong>The</strong> vehicle stopped fied by the videotape but<br />

. saying, 1 'Fight racism, not a at the light, but failed to yield to wouldn't let it influence his role<br />

race," and "Close the Gates." the police unit." as a commissioner.<br />

--~~~---- --~ <strong>The</strong> audiotape concludes with "I'm ·going to be my own<br />

a mention of police <strong>officers</strong> leav· man ".he said. "I am not corning<br />

ing their cars.<br />

in with my guns drawn. . . . I<br />

am going· to look at Gates closel<br />

" _ FBI/DO.I<br />

y. Lf4A ... LA- uqqSlJ'::D-l~<br />


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