officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD·350 (Re~. 5·8·81)<br />

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'.f\nger Against Gates Boils E~tlon: Front section, Page 3<br />

~-------- 2 ~~~~~=~~--------~~~ FRI.,~R15, 1991<br />

.Over at Public Hearing Totie:OVER AT PUBLIC HEARING<br />



. · On the Fahrenheit scale, tpe audi~orium registered<br />

about 80 degrees. . .<br />

On the political scale, maybe 212. <strong>The</strong> bollmg<br />

point. When rage and frustration .simmer and<br />

overflow. When momentous things can happen. ..<br />

Inside the Parker Center auditorium, 3lh hours'<br />

c worth of anger and invective and dismay, reaching<br />

, lrom the suburbs to the inner city, from Marc~. of<br />

1;1 1991 back to May of 1958, were parceled out ftve<br />

. minutes at a time, to men and women who sough~<br />

' the two microphones.<br />

flO<br />

;.. In response to the outcry after ~he March 3<br />

-_ rideotaped beating of Rodney G. Kmg, .the L~s<br />

,. A.ngeles Police Commission had .called ~h1s pu?llc<br />

·pearing f~r Thursday; any~ody With. a gnpe aga,1~~<br />

1<br />

f :the LAPD, they said, was welcome to air ~t. ·<br />

. Invitation accepted. Several hundred turl:es.over.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y spoke variously of God, of Martm Luther<br />

:· King Jr. and of Richard Nixon; "he too ~aid he<br />

, wouldn't resign." ·<br />

~- 'Gates must go!" the audience called, chorus-like,<br />

t with almost every speaker. "Get rid of the bum!" , ,<br />

k • Outside, the overflow could listen to the proceea­<br />

:-1ngs on loudspeaker. Mostly, ~~ey unfurled ban?.ers<br />

¥· on the lawn circulated pet1t10ns, massed on .t:he<br />

, traffic media~ aiong Los Angeles Street, their signs<br />

:: ·soliciting drivers, "Honk if you want Gates out."<br />

If that was too complicated, then passersby could .<br />

· deal with this placard, an unsettling reissue from the<br />

!. 1960s: "Off the Pork."<br />

t <strong>The</strong> object of all this vituperation, .Police Chief<br />

f Daryl F. Gates, sat inside, onstage, second from the<br />

~-righ~ at a gre~n-~kirted co~~erence tq~le. Two blocks<br />

away, the Los Angeles County Grand Jury w~s<br />

taking testimony about the conduct of some of hts<br />

<strong>officers</strong>. Before him, two long ·aisles of pepple waited<br />

to excoriate him, as another 400 cheered them on.<br />

An anti-abortion demonstrator named Debbie<br />

. Grumbine, introduced by her companion as .",?-<br />

, Republican, with white skin, as white as you~,, ..<br />

would weep into the microphone that she had<br />

miscarried a pregnancy from a beating at the hands<br />

·of LAPD <strong>officers</strong> making arrests at an Operatio!l<br />

Rescue blockade. · '<br />

Under the· melting lights of television, their<br />

remarks were broadcast live on CNN. <strong>The</strong> timing<br />

' was not .lost on Gates. A month ago, TV news was<br />

consumed by the Persian Gulf War.<br />

Now, "the war's over, see," Gates said. "If the war<br />

had just lasted a few more days ... .''<br />


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fiLED·----~<br />

MAR 2 6 ·991<br />

FBI -<br />


But what dozens of men and<br />

women, most of them black, got up<br />

to say were things that spoke of a<br />

war closer to home. Some had<br />

waited years to say these things.<br />

Some had just thought of them the<br />

day they saw King being pounded<br />

before the glass eye of a home<br />

video camera.<br />

In language that was by turns<br />

ornate or Biblical ot crude, it all i • Ron Harmon, an apparatus<br />

. came down to the same thing: r operator for the·city -Fire Depart­<br />

Something is wrong with the .Po- t ment who' took time off to be here,<br />

. ·lice Depart~ent-and let's start with 1 to make the point from 11 years<br />

Gates.<br />

working alongside police, that the<br />

<strong>The</strong> city's rhetoricians were in , King incident is "not an aberraevidence:<br />

Ted Hayes, the politico- tion," that police are "often rude,<br />

homeless man; anti-war activist . inconsiderate to the public.'' Some<br />

Jerry Rubin, and former cop Don · of his friends told him he ought not<br />

Jackson, due back in Long Beach to :come, that it would betray the<br />

that afternoon to testify in the trial special links between firefighters<br />

-of two <strong>officers</strong> accused of falsifying and police, but "my loyalty is to the<br />

a police report about him.<br />

, citizens of this community," he said.<br />

·Others were new to the spot- : ·• Francisco Ortega, from the<br />

.light. . : North San Fernando Valley, invit-<br />

• Manuel Brule, now 68, holding ; ed to step to the microphone to<br />

up· in front of ·the commission "tell the folks what they' did to<br />

something he had dug way back you," waved a pair of white pants<br />

into his closet tct find: a 1958 issue of with what looked like bloodstains,<br />

the now-defunct. bla:ck newspaper . and said, "<strong>The</strong>y beat the [exple-<br />

California Eagle. Later, he splayed<br />

tive] o~t of me."<br />

it out on a glass case next .to a 1 To each speaker, the crowd<br />

bronze bust of the late Police Chief .. 'a... ,<br />

· "Yilliam Parker. T~e front-page4A-f~U~·-flqq G1f,.!) .... [ ~<br />

ptcture was Brule, his face swollen,<br />

stitches below his left eye. "Police-<br />

. man's . Handiwork," it was captioned.<br />

A motorcycle officer had<br />

pulled over his 1956 Mercury station<br />

wagon, Brule said, then beat<br />

him when he wouldn't sign the<br />

." speeding ticket.<br />

! -. '}~<br />

....... oe,

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