officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD·350 (Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

(lcate page, name vf<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

<strong>Black</strong> Forum<br />

Ends Meetings<br />

·With Gates<br />



(Mount Clipping in Space Below)<br />

~ When a Latino police offi~er<br />

killed a black motorcyclist in Miami<br />

in 1988, the city's African-American<br />

neighborhoods exploded in an-<br />

.ger and riots. .<br />

To prevent a similar tragedy<br />

here, Los Angeles Police 'Chief ·<br />

Daryl F. Gates contacted leaders of<br />

several local civil rights groups the<br />

neXt year in the hopes of beginning<br />

meetings aimed at helping defuse :<br />

potentially explosive situations and<br />

giving blacks greater access to the -<br />

~ Police Department. ..<br />

<strong>The</strong> group, called the <strong>Black</strong><br />

Community Forum, grew to in- ~<br />

elude 25 representatives of black<br />

organizations, businesses and .<br />

churches and began meeting with · .­<br />

Gates bimonthly. · . · ,<br />

But the partnership has fall~n<br />

victim to the controversy surrounding<br />

tP,e beating by police of - .,<br />

Rodney G. King. ·<br />

When tlie forum was tQ bold a<br />

regularly scheduled meeting with<br />

:Gates lasJ Wednesday, the group<br />

instead met without the chief and<br />

decided that he would not be asked .<br />

, to attend. future gatherings. At an<br />

earlier emergency meeting of the<br />

forum, the members told Gates that<br />

he was no longer fit to lead the<br />

Police Department.<br />

Joe Duff, president of the Los<br />

Angeles branch of the National<br />

Assn. for the Advancement of Col-<br />

. ored People, said that .during that · ··<br />

emergency meeting he was told by<br />

. Gates, "I'm disappointed in you, J9e<br />

~Duff."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> disappointment is·mutual,"<br />

J?uff said he replied.<br />

'<br />

Forum members said they do not<br />

inten~ to disband. <strong>The</strong>y said they<br />

will meet with other high-ranking<br />

memb~rs of the Police Department,<br />

~ Police Commission and Ci~y Coun-<br />

' cil as necessary. ·<br />

· "If we want to speak with some­<br />

~ Qne in the LAPD, they will be there<br />

rat our invitation. <strong>The</strong>re will not be<br />

·· a st,anding invitation," said Mark<br />

Riqley-Thomas, executive director<br />

of the local chapter of the Southern<br />

Christian Leadership Conference<br />

and a candidate in the 8th District<br />

• City Council race.<br />

Bill Shearer, vice president and<br />

general manager of radio station<br />

KGF J and a forum member, said<br />

the group would like to see Jesse<br />

Brewer, a former assistant chief<br />

who retir~d this month, replace<br />

Gates until a new chief could be<br />

found. .<br />

Despite ·repercussions from the<br />

King beating, Gates bas said he will<br />

not resign. He has not commented<br />

publicly al;>out the break with the<br />

<strong>Black</strong> Community Forum.<br />

According to Ridley-Thomas,<br />

what Gates did and said in the<br />

wake of the beating convinced the<br />

group that "we hadn't gotten<br />

through to the guy in the two years<br />

we had been talking to him about<br />

the gravity of the problems facing<br />

the African-American community."<br />

Most galling, he said, was· the<br />

· -~hi~f's insistence 'that the King 1<br />

mc1dent was an "aberration." • .<br />

"For two years we have been<br />

telling him about case after'case of<br />

police harassment," Ridley-Thomas<br />

said. "We have criticized him for<br />

the outrageous statements he<br />

:. make~, making it clear that they<br />

were not appropriate for someone<br />

in a position of leadership."<br />

Gates was sometimes defensive<br />

in the face of such criticism, Ridley-Thomas<br />

said, but that for the<br />

inost part Gates s~emed sincere<br />

about ironing out difficulties.<br />

"I must·say that SO% or 90% of<br />

the time he was a very careful<br />

listener and gave us the impression<br />

•that 'he -was ·earnest," .Ridley-<br />

~'fE._o~a~ said. • . . . . .<br />

Date:<br />

Edition:<br />

Title:<br />

Character:<br />

or<br />

Classification:<br />


MON' 1-1AR 25, 1991<br />



V.7ITH GATES<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


Indexing:<br />


8 0-33B<br />

~SE~AR~CH~EOD------~~------<br />

SERIALJ~ED, ___ INDEXED. ___ ._,<br />

-- fiLEO ______<br />

1<br />

MAR 2 :Y 1991<br />

. FBI- LOS ANGELEst<br />


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