officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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FD·350 {Rev. 5·8·81)<br />

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page, 1 ..me of<br />

newspaper, city and state.)<br />

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DAILY NEV'7S<br />

.----------~::.:.:.:.::::.::...:~:::.:!..::.:....::::.:::.:::..:...=.::.;::..;..:.:,_________--joate: SUN MAR 24, 1991<br />

Edition: FRONT SECTION 1 PAGE 13<br />

1itte:<br />


$2.5 MILLION<br />

Character: CIVIL RIGHTS<br />

or<br />

Ctassification:8 0-33B<br />

Submitting Office:<br />


Indexing:<br />


SERIALIZED fii.ED.I----.... 1<br />

MAR 2 1' 1991<br />


¢iiseS.h'ave cOst LA ... $2.5 mil/lOft<br />

By Beth Barrett<br />

and David Parrish<br />

1Jaily News Staff Writers,<br />

..<br />

Over the past six years the city<br />

has paid more than $2.5 million to<br />

survivors and relatives of people in~<br />

v;olved in.LAPD shootings, according<br />

to city records. ·<br />

Some of those cases involved <strong>officers</strong><br />

whose actions were judged to<br />

be within LAPD's shooting policy.<br />

LAPD policy requires that deadly<br />

force be used only to protect an<br />

officer or others from immediate<br />

danger. Firing at, or from, moving<br />

vehicles is generally prohibited in<br />

the policy.<br />

"Deadly force shall only be exercised<br />

when all reasonable aftematives.<br />

hav~ b~en exhausted or appear<br />

1mpract1cabl~P states LAPD's<br />

'u~f-force policy.<br />

. police records show. Although se-<br />

In the costliest case, in terms of verely wounded, Pierson survived<br />

. dollars, LAPD Chief Daryl F. the shooting. His injuries now re­<br />

Gates concluded in his use-of-force quire con$tant .medical care, ac-<br />

' report that Officers Brent L. Jones cording to city records.~<br />

and Jon G. Pearce acted within pol- <strong>The</strong> city has s~ttled Pierson's<br />

icy when they shot Murphy Pier- wrongf!}l shooting case for $1.8<br />

son, 71, in May 1986 while he was million, according to.city records.<br />

standing on his porch. At the time, After reviewing the shooting, ·<br />

Pierson was holding a shotgun that Gates required the two <strong>officers</strong> to<br />

he reportedly had used to scare attend an eight-hour Tactical Fireaway<br />

nearby drug dealers; accord- ·arms Training Course. . .<br />

ing to LAPD records. - "I would have preferred that the'<br />

Before shooting, <strong>officers</strong> with<br />

LAPD's Wilshire Division ordered<br />

<strong>officers</strong> used proper fire control<br />

and target evaluation," Gates<br />

Pierson to drop the shotgun - un- wrote.<br />

aware that Pierson had a hearing<br />

impairment, city records showed.<br />

Jones and Pearce still are LAPD<br />

<strong>officers</strong>, according to records. ·<br />

When Pierson failed to obey the ; <strong>The</strong> District Attorney's Office<br />

order, the <strong>officers</strong> fired 11 rounds ruled against prosecution, ~ccord·<br />

hitting the elderly man four times, ing to records.<br />

FBI/OOJ<br />


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