officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault

officers - The Black Vault


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ENT ·.<br />

. Fedefal charges .<br />

I Being ·Considered:<br />

in: King Beatlng .:~~.<br />

• i.aw: Justice Dept.<br />

lawyers are investigating·<br />

whether. his rights may<br />

" ,, t _ " • ~ • ·' I~<br />

. Constitution "Or laws of the J!liite9<br />

States. In past cases brought under<br />

those statutes by Justice Depar~r<br />

. men.~ prosecutor~. courts h~ve he!~<br />

that a persop has a right to be kept<br />

have been violated by ' free from harm ~nd ~hl)t b~atlng<br />

<strong>officers</strong> who failed to ;, · someone .without just cause vior<br />

. . h\tes this right. · ·. . , • .,<br />

, protect him from harm. , . Any feder~i prosecution· ·co~ld<br />

be withheld if the <strong>officers</strong> ·are<br />

By RONALD J. OSTROW . • · · c)larged by Los Angeles author!~<br />

TIMEs STAfF WRITER. • . ties, one source said. <strong>The</strong>' source<br />

wASHINGTON -Justice De- ' added that' tlie' federal' laws may<br />

partment civil rights lawyers are P,rovide the best opportunity to<br />

d prosecute the <strong>officers</strong>. But it 'is ,<br />

cons! erlng·ways Jo bring federal possible to proceed· under. botli<br />

charges against some of the Los. ·<br />

Angeles police <strong>officers</strong> who stood federal and state laws without<br />

by passively during the videotaped 'violating double jeopardy, protec~ •<br />

beating of a motorist, government · tion~, the souFce said. ·<br />

sources told <strong>The</strong> Times on Friday. DISCUSSing th~ _overall ~evie)" or<br />

While no decision has been made. . brutality, wl\icn will cover ?omi<br />

to go before a federal grand jury, . J?lalnts filed with the Justice Dei<br />

the lawyers are studying the possi· . partment, the FBI and ~.S. 11ttor:;<br />

bility of moving against the <strong>officers</strong> . neys over th!l last· s~ years~ Jo~l!.<br />

on grounds· that they·had a legal R. Dunne!. assistant attor~ey ge~:i<br />

obligation to keep the victim, Rod- , ~~al for civ)l_Fighl!!, ~.escrabe~ lt.~~<br />

ney G. King free from harm a matter of. priority and saad 'Ius<br />

according to the sources who de: ·.; div!,sion's "mos! e~erlenced peo"'<br />

clined to be named. .. . ·pie have been assagned to it .. , "'<br />

That· theory, based on: Recon- · ·.' ~u~ he ;de~line~ to :est1mat~<br />

. structlon Era statutes,, has lleen · · whether the· process would ~ake.<br />

used primarily to prosecute jailers days, we_eks or even months. .<br />

who allow prisoners to beat otlier Because the records are not kep,t<br />

inmates : by Sll)all enough geographical··<br />

Mean~hile, responding to u.s. , units, the first job is sorting them<br />

Atty .. Gen. Dick Thornburgh's .or- i Into areas that correspond with l~w<br />

der to review police brutality na~ " . enf~rcement departments. <strong>The</strong> file 1 ·<br />

tlonwide, Justice Department civil '. reylewe~s are star~ng with ~h~<br />

rights divisiol! lawyers a 11 d parale-.. · mos~ recent cases an~ v.:or,km~<br />

gals began the prodigious task of their way back,,J?u!lne said. . .<br />

sifting through about 15,000 feder- ·· "Our object is·not·to reoperl<br />

al files of brutality complaints to·· .. · , any of these·cases," he said;!<br />

determine whether· any systemic., noting· that only 2% of the roughly,<br />

pattern . of police abus~s e~ists , ·2,sqo comnlalnts)ihid annually de;;.<br />

around the country.. . • •· velop. sufficient·~ evidence to be-<br />

B_ecause the file~_...:sorite com~· ·presented to a ·gr~nd jury, and that·<br />

puterlzed and some only paper··· only, two-thirds, or those cases;<br />

records-are so voluminous, ·the :; ·.. result In indictments. . ·• •t•.:<br />

review Is likely· to be time-con- ·;,' · Instel\d, the review will, seek, .to:<br />

suming., And it Is not likely to determil!e whether the complalnts<br />

result in lndividt.tal indictments, ,· . while in mo~t· Instances not merit.,:<br />

1<br />

1<br />

n the Los Angefes case, three .· ing pr9secut1ot1; ·nevertheless re~ •<br />

• J<br />

<strong>officers</strong> who allegedly took part'':, veal a p'a~fern· •of pollee ,brutality:•<br />

.In the beating of King, a 25-year- t· Such findings could lead to legisla·•<br />

old Altadena construction worker· , tio.n or steps to hefp a polici\;.<br />

·who Is on parole after a robbery ,'. department·• undertake attitudinal<br />

conviction, and a supervising ser· , , • changes or other training to curb'<br />

geant at the scene were indicted · abuse, Dunne said. :·<br />

Thursday on state charges: . · · . ·."In ad~ition . to , ~unishing, yte;<br />

Federal civil rights lawyers and want to prev~?nt [pohce abuse)," hEr ·<br />

FBI agents, W?rking independent· .. ~ald. ·. : . . . . . . . · WA:· ,1 1\ ll Of~M / ':'\ ~<br />

ly of tl).e nationwide review or~ .'l'hornburg,hordered the revle~· ,... v'M""" ... ,~ \{-'!,.,;" . '<br />

dered by Thornburgh,'are·under-. Thursd~y after he met ·with two! ·<br />

stood to be focusing on a num'ber of senior mem~ers. !Jf ~he Congres:;t · 1 .. , " ' - ----·I<br />

the 11 other <strong>officers</strong> at •the scene .. sional <strong>Black</strong> Caucus, Jteps. Edol~~<br />

1."··· ~·'<br />

who allegedly did nothing to stop . ph us Towns (!;>·N.Y.), who is cau."• :,~;.. :.a~itJ I.:.:J ~---,<br />

the prolonged beating. . . · . · cus chairman; and. ~ohn Cony'ers<br />

Federal charges could 'be,,: (D·Mich.). C,on:Yers agreed with:{<br />

brought under two Jaws that date . Dunne, saying: "Prosecution Is not'·<br />

. to the years Immediately after the ·:, the only issue here. We're tal~ingl<br />

Civil War-one that ~ars consp,ira- ; about_ t!'llinlrlg .and racial serl~lti~fl<br />

, cy against the rights of citizens and : tlon-ending alluses· beforll" they~<br />

another that forbids d,epriving in" " occur." · .·, ' . ·· -':f'<br />

dividuals of their rights "under ·If the review establishes a pato~<br />

color of law," civil rights lawyers tern or police ·brutality, ·,it coula1<br />

said. .• .. 1 ·lep.d Congress. to adopt ·solutions"<br />

Neither .. statute ·specifieS" what ''ranging from.· unannounced ·FBI··<br />

rights are protected,. other than to: •. audits of suspect police departnote<br />

that they are rightS or-privi- . mentstomandatorytrainingioen

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