Magazine Issue 1.pdf - SEATCupra.net

Magazine Issue 1.pdf - SEATCupra.net

Magazine Issue 1.pdf - SEATCupra.net


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Being just what i wanted i was intrigued to know how well these items<br />

would fit, it took some time for Darren to source most of the parts, but he<br />

managed to get the main bulk of it and was able to try it out on a UK RHD<br />

Leon at Amythest’s custom built workshop.<br />

The fitment worked, i was impressed and was extremely keen to have this<br />

done to my Leon.<br />

Geodesy in Standby Blue Light<br />

It’s easy to hard wire with just 2 leads needing connection. I just ran it round the side of the<br />

dashboard, in under the glovebox and wired it up there.<br />

I know £380 is a lot of money to spend but it is honestly worth it. Morpheous even offer a full refund<br />

if you’re not happy with the unit.<br />

If I had to sell my unit then I would not take less than a grand for it, just because it’s so easy to use<br />

and will save me losing my license. J<br />

Personally I think the unit is a great idea and should be considered by every driver. Every speed<br />

camera is based at an accident black spot, right? So, this unit is simply informing you when you are<br />

on a dangerous stretch of road. It gives you plenty of warning and therefore you are less likely to<br />

have an accident as you are more aware than the next driver.<br />

For more information, email info@Morpheous or visit their website at http://www.morpheous.co.uk<br />

by Alex French<br />


As I type this im sat in a fine hotel in Redditch (The Abbey Hotel) for<br />

those interested. :)<br />

Redditch I hear you ask, why is he in Redditch? well to cut a very<br />

long story short, I was sent on a software course for work, but while<br />

I was here an opportunity arose.<br />

Geodesy warning lights at SDD<br />

For a while an idea had been in the back of my mind, i like my Leon<br />

but it never really looked agressive enough, unlike the Ibiza Cupra’s<br />

do out of the box so to speak, with their honeycombe grilles and<br />

stylish front spoiler, the Leon Cupra though a fantastic motor seem to get the short straw when it<br />

came to a motorsport style look. That was until the boffins at SEAT penned the V6 Cupra 4WD.<br />

Unfortunenatly it seems that this great looking car wont see the light of day in the UK, but some of<br />

you may know of the Amethyst Motor Company., if not let me tell you about them.<br />

Amethyst of Cheltenham as im sure many of you know are undoubtably one of if not the best SEAT<br />

Dealership in the country, and their staff are the most courteous ive had the pleasure to deal with.<br />

Several months ago, Darren James the parts manager at Amethyst and myself were chatting about<br />

the possibilities of getting hold of European parts, well Darren being the guy he is, took it that step<br />

further and managed to get the part codes for the Leon V6 Kit.<br />

Well as i said earlier the opprtunity presented itself, coming from<br />

Manchester, Cheltenham aint exactly a local drive out for me, and this isnt exactly something you can<br />

just have bolted on in 5 mins, if i was to do it Amethyst were going to need the car for a few days for<br />

all the paint work involved etc.<br />

Well my company came to the rescue, we had decided to purchace a new piece of specialist software<br />

to aid me in my job, but it involved a week long course in Redditch, something clicked with me, i<br />

wonder how far Cheltenham is? :)<br />

As it happens Cheltenham is only around 40 mins from Redditch, BONUS i thought, i can get my car<br />

done, but it needed to be cleared with Amethyst.<br />

Well the boys didn’t disapoint me, in fact they blew me away with they offer, to not only do the job for<br />

me, but also do my first service and a few other jobs that needed doing, all in all a total road check<br />

and service as well as a kick arse V6 Front bumper and Grille Kit, and on top of that they even threw<br />

in some nice Xenon Blue Bulbs to boot.<br />

And if all this wasn’t enough, Darren drove 20 miles to meet<br />

me half way, and brought me a courtesy car, filled to the<br />

brim with fuel so that i could carry on in Redditch as normal<br />

for the rest of the week, without any worrys.<br />

For the rest of the week i was on tenderhooks, couldn’t wait<br />

to see the results, finally Friday came, i packed up the<br />

course early and headed south on the M5, a nice drive<br />

other than being cut up by some idiot in a Vectra :( Like to<br />

have seen him do that if i was in my Leon the git. :p<br />

Arrived at Cheltenham was a little lost, so phoned up Darren and he guided me to Amethyst, as i<br />

arrived on the forecourt not only was i impressed with the garage the look of the place is superb very<br />

professional looking.<br />

BUT then I SAW IT, my car just being put in pride of place right outside the showroom, Graham<br />

Swinburn the service manager was just parking it up, and he noticed me drive up, all i could do was<br />

beam a big smile at him, now that i was completely speechless, the car now looked just right, in fact<br />

better than i imagined, the aggressive look ive been after since day one really suited the car, and the<br />

lads at Amethyst had done a superb job.<br />

I had a bit of look round, smart showroom with all the trimmings, I would of liked to have stayed<br />

longer, but i had to get moving to travel back home before Birmingham turned into the usual Friday<br />

afternoon shitstorm.<br />

On the way home back up the M5/M6 i was greeted with many admiring glances and in fact at<br />

Birmingham i was behind an Imperial Blue Leon, and the bloke looked in disbelief and even pulled<br />

along side me while we were in traffic and mouthed the words very nice to me. :D<br />

Amethyst are a superb dealership i wish more could take a leaf out of their book, if i buy another SEAT,<br />

i will travel the distance to give them my business without hesitation, and i’d also consider doing the<br />

journey for future servicing.<br />

by Mark Forbes

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