F ALL 2006 • V ol. 41 No. 3 - San Diego Humane Society and SPCA

F ALL 2006 • V ol. 41 No. 3 - San Diego Humane Society and SPCA

F ALL 2006 • V ol. 41 No. 3 - San Diego Humane Society and SPCA


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c o v e r s t o r y<br />

Love Comes in All Sizes: Pet-Assisted Therapy Delivers Animal Companionship<br />

(continued from page 5)<br />

“The structure of the Pet-Assisted<br />

Therapy program makes me feel<br />

helpful because there’s always<br />

something to do,” said Pet-Assisted<br />

Therapy v<strong>ol</strong>unteer David Carr, a one<br />

<strong>and</strong> half year v<strong>ol</strong>unteer veteran with<br />

the program. “I love that I can be of<br />

service to others <strong>and</strong> interact with<br />

animals at the same time.”<br />

The program receives financial<br />

support from generous individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

community groups, <strong>and</strong> charges only<br />

nominal fees when visiting for-profit<br />

facilities. Last year, a grant from the<br />

Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation paid<br />

for a new P-AT program van used to<br />

transport v<strong>ol</strong>unteers <strong>and</strong> animals to <strong>and</strong><br />

from their visits.<br />

Of course the true magic of the P-AT<br />

program is in how the animals are able<br />

to bring people together while simultaneously<br />

bringing a special kind of joy to<br />

Want to get your dog<br />

certified to be a therapy<br />

pet? Sign up for our<br />

Canine Good Citizen class<br />

– Call (619) 299-7012,<br />

ext. 2273 to learn how!<br />

One group that felt the call to help P-AT animals were the students of the<br />

SAVE (Stop All Vi<strong>ol</strong>ence Everywhere) Club at Los Penasquitos Elementary Scho<strong>ol</strong>.<br />

When the group learned about the work Pet-Assisted Therapy animals do for<br />

people in the community, they decided to raise money to sponsor Muriel, one of<br />

the P-AT rabbits. By recycling cans <strong>and</strong> bottles, the SAVE Club was able to raise<br />

the $60 necessary to cover the care of Muriel’s six month stay in the program.<br />

Pet-Assisted Therapy Coordinator Judith Eisenberg was so touched by the group’s<br />

efforts that she brought Muriel to the scho<strong>ol</strong> one day so the children could meet<br />

the rabbit they had worked so hard to support!<br />

people unable to have pets of their<br />

own. Animals <strong>and</strong> the bond we share<br />

with them are a vital component of<br />

the interconnectivity that makes up<br />

our daily lives. For many people who<br />

can not have pets of their own due to<br />

circumstance, the animals <strong>and</strong><br />

v<strong>ol</strong>unteers of the Pet-Assisted Therapy<br />

program can help fulfill this need<br />

for more enriching experiences.<br />

SW<br />

Photo: Tricia Macri<br />

Help Animals Help People – Sponsor a Pet Assisted Therapy Animal!<br />

Your sponsorship will pay for<br />

food <strong>and</strong> veterinary care so an<br />

animal can bring the joy of animal<br />

companionship to special people<br />

in the community.<br />

Please return this form with<br />

payment to:<br />

Judith Eisenberg<br />

Pet-Assisted Therapy Coordinator<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>Humane</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

5500 Gaines Street<br />

<strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong>, CA 92110<br />

What type of animal would you like to sponsor? o Rabbit o Guinea Pig o Rat<br />

How long would you like to sponsor the animal? o Three months ($30) o Six months ($60)<br />

How would you like to sponsor the animal? o Credit Card (circle one) MasterCard Visa AMEX<br />

Card no.______________________________________________________________ Expiration date __________<br />

o Check payable to the <strong>San</strong> <strong>Diego</strong> <strong>Humane</strong> <strong>Society</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>SPCA</strong><br />

Name__________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Address _______________________________________________________________________________________<br />

City ___________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________<br />

Phone _____________________________________ Email ______________________________________________<br />

www.sdhumane.org<br />

AnimalFare • Fall <strong>2006</strong>

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