Story Ideas - Scuilwab

Story Ideas - Scuilwab

Story Ideas - Scuilwab


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<strong>Story</strong> <strong>Ideas</strong><br />

The Coming of the Wee Malkies<br />

The Coming of the Wee Malkies by Stephen Mulrine is a richt guid poem. Ye can read it yersel an ye can<br />

hear it on the Learning and Teaching Scotland wabsteid. (Follae the links tae Scots, an then Scots<br />

soundbytes.) It’s aw aboot some Glaswegian nickums. The poem asks fowk whit they micht dae if the<br />

Wee Malkies cam. Some fowk maun be feart.<br />

Ye micht want tae hae a shot at scrievin aboot fowk wha are feart. In the next section there’s a bit o<br />

scrievin tae get ye stertit. This is Sci Fi.<br />

<strong>Story</strong> Sterter<br />

Context: Efter 2080. The Purifiers hae invadit an decidit that fowk winnae hae oniethin lik strang drink or<br />

cigarettes or sweeties. Awbodie maun be hardy an weel. They hae a video−link tae vizzy awbodie. They<br />

hae informers, in ilka cless in the scuil, cried Snotters, wha clype on the bairns. The Snotters hae a<br />

muckle letter S on thir semmits. The laddie tellin the story is cried Ewan an he haes a pal cried Susan.<br />

Susan haes a saicret kist o taiblet (a braw sweetie that’s noo forbidden).<br />

Suggestions for stertin the story<br />

Read this first an try tae get a sense o it.<br />

Read it anither time an scrieve doon onie wirds ye micht like tae leuk up.<br />

It is aw quate, naethin is daein. It feels like snaw haes fan. Naebodie is aboot. It haes bin like yon syne<br />

the Purifiers came, like we hae bin dustit wi snaw. Naebodie is gaen tae the scuil onie mair, an they birnt<br />

aw the sweetie shoppies. We canna hae shuggar onie mair. Oor mithers an faithers think it is braw. They<br />

are aw fair pleased wi yon Maister−Video Screen that is on the wa in awbodie’s hoose. It tells thaim<br />

things lik “Nae mair sweeties fur bairns”.<br />

Can they no lave us alane! Tak the tabackie awa fae yon Auld Yins. Mak thaim stap aw yon drinkin, bit<br />

lave us alane. A fair miss ma sweeties. A can only jist mind whit it wis like. A wad slaiver whan a sweetie<br />

wis on ma tung. Ma faither telt me aw aboot a buik cried Charlie and the Chocolate Factory aince. A<br />

wad like tae read that.<br />

2080 wis whan awthin chynged. If ye wir caucht wi the reek o sweeties on yer breath, ye wad get intae<br />

sic a bother. Thon Purifiers wad tak us an gie us a ragin. Yer mither wad get her heid in her hauns agane<br />

an yer faither wad get the heave fae his wark.<br />

Purifiers hae some clypes fae the scuil. We cry thaim Snotters acause they ayweys hae green semmits on<br />

wi a muckle S on the back. We cowp thaim ower. Splat! Oor green freens land sair on thir behoochies.<br />

We arnae vext. We greet wi lauchin at takkin the rise o thaim. Aw the laddies come doon tae the skatin<br />

rink whaur we hing aboot nar wir Leisure Centre. We hae pairties an flee aboot on wir autoskates. The

sleekit Snotters breenge in an, whan they see whit we are daein, they tell awthin tae the coorse<br />

Maister−Purifiers.<br />

Susan, ane o the quines in ma cless haes her ain kist o tablet. A fair like Susan, she is loosome an she<br />

haes a surfat o tablet. Aye, A fair like Susan.<br />

Suggestions<br />

Ye micht like tae see if ye can answer the questions on the story.<br />

Whan did the Purifiers cum?<br />

Whit dae the Auld Yins think aboot this?<br />

Whaur dae the bairns gae tae hing oot?<br />

Whit dae ye ken aboot the Snotters?<br />

Whit wirds are made up for things that havnae been inventit yet?<br />

Noo ye can mak an endin fur yersel. Whit wad happen noo? Wad Susan git intae bother?<br />

Wad the Purifiers ayeweys be maisters ower the warld? Whit wad ye dae if the Purifiers cam?

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