Introducing behaviour changes towards sustainable food consumption

Introducing behaviour changes towards sustainable food consumption

Introducing behaviour changes towards sustainable food consumption


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<strong>Introducing</strong> <strong>behaviour</strong> <strong>changes</strong> <strong>towards</strong> <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>food</strong><br />

<strong>consumption</strong><br />

By Kate Power, Copenhagen Resource Institute (CRI)<br />

3 December 2010<br />

Key words: habits, norms and values, “make the <strong>sustainable</strong> choice the easy choice”, motivational<br />

alliances with health<br />

Food choices are deeply embedded in social norms, personal values, habits and aspirations;<br />

intervening to change dietary <strong>behaviour</strong> is a difficult and controversial area. The overlap between<br />

healthy diets and <strong>sustainable</strong> diets is a useful starting point. Social norms will need to<br />

change if European diets are to become environmentally <strong>sustainable</strong>.<br />

Our <strong>behaviour</strong> is motivated by a mix of social-psychological drivers (social norms, values, attitudes,<br />

identity, habits etc) and infrastructural drivers (prices, regulations, availability, technology, advertising<br />

etc). Changing <strong>behaviour</strong> is notoriously challenging, and changing <strong>food</strong> habits is particularly difficult,<br />

partly because <strong>food</strong> tends to be such an emotive issue, bound up with our cultural and personal perceptions<br />

of what a ‘normal’ diet is. Social norms do change over time, as with attitudes to drinkdriving,<br />

or smoking; such <strong>changes</strong> in normal practices can be lead by governments, as well as being<br />

promoted by businesses and civil society.<br />

Which <strong>behaviour</strong> <strong>changes</strong> are needed?<br />

Suggested key <strong>behaviour</strong> goals (Defra, 2007) are:<br />

• a diet with less environmental impact (less meat and dairy);<br />

• less <strong>food</strong> waste at home;<br />

• purchasing <strong>sustainable</strong> fish;<br />

• purchasing more seasonal and local <strong>food</strong>;<br />

• purchasing more certified <strong>food</strong> e.g. organic.<br />

Meat and dairy products have the biggest environmental burden, accounting for about half of all <strong>food</strong>related<br />

emissions. However, the technical abatement available today could only cut the total environmental<br />

impact from livestock production by about 20% – in order to achieve more significant reductions<br />

in environmental impacts, a reduction in <strong>consumption</strong> of meat and dairy is necessary (see also<br />

KU on “Food and GHG”). It may not be possible for developed countries to reduce the impacts from<br />

<strong>food</strong> <strong>consumption</strong> by 80%, the figure suggested by the Committee on Climate Change (2008) because<br />

<strong>food</strong> is essential in a way that, (for example) private cars are not.<br />

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Defra´s research indicates that adopting a low-impact diet is unpopular with most people, and that<br />

reducing dairy <strong>consumption</strong> is even less popular than eating less meat; there are strong habits, values<br />

and social norms around consuming animal products. It is easier to change people’s purchasing<br />

habits than their diets; reducing <strong>food</strong> waste and buying more seasonal and local <strong>food</strong> is generally a<br />

more acceptable goal than eating a low-impact diet. People are eating out more; interventions need<br />

to address <strong>sustainable</strong> eating at restaurants as well as in the home.<br />

How can <strong>behaviour</strong> be changed?<br />

Consumers need more than information in order to change their <strong>behaviour</strong> – <strong>sustainable</strong> choices can<br />

be promoted through infrastructure and pricing policies, as well as promoting social norms that make<br />

<strong>sustainable</strong> choices normal and desirable for mainstream society.<br />

Studying past successes in promoting <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>behaviour</strong> (e.g. NCC and SDC 2006) shows that<br />

green consumers on their own are rarely able to change mainstream product markets – choice editing<br />

by regulators, retailers and manufacturers has driven the change in most cases.<br />

Make it realistic for people to change:<br />

• Remove barriers to <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>behaviour</strong>: governments (and businesses) can ensure that prices<br />

are affordable, products are easily available, and that information is simple and clear.<br />

• Use choice-editing: the process of removing the least <strong>sustainable</strong> products from the market place,<br />

so that consumers are left to choose from a range of more <strong>sustainable</strong> products. For example,<br />

governments can ban damaging products or ingredients (e.g. inefficient light bulbs), or enforce<br />

minimum standards for products (e.g. efficiency standards for washing machines); businesses can<br />

choose to not stock the least <strong>sustainable</strong> products (e.g. fish that are listed as endangered species).<br />

This approach ensures that the responsibility for achieving <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>consumption</strong> is not<br />

entirely borne by consumers.<br />

Target groups / communities rather than individuals:<br />

• People act, learn and change as part of their social groups rather than as individuals: changing<br />

what is socially acceptable (e.g. by targeting workplaces, schools, etc) makes it easier for people<br />

to adopt new <strong>behaviour</strong>s.<br />

• When acting as part of a group, people are reassured that their actions will make a difference.<br />

• Community-based social marketing can be effective at changing <strong>behaviour</strong>, through removing<br />

barriers to change (practical and social) and highlighting the benefits.<br />

Target more effectively:<br />

• Different people respond to different messengers, so a range of messengers is required e.g.<br />

governments, businesses, charities, media.<br />

• Using consumer segmentation models (see e.g. Defra 2008) may help with selecting appropriate<br />

interventions for various target audiences.<br />

• Clarify confusing issues, such as the over-focus on “<strong>food</strong> miles” (the impact of production, storage<br />

or domestic transport may be more significant, depending on the product).<br />

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• Focus on the most significant environmental improvement that can be made: by switching between<br />

<strong>food</strong> categories (i.e. less meat and dairy, more vegetables) rather than switching within<br />

categories.<br />

Policy instruments and strategies<br />

Most existing policy focuses on efficient production, although there are some policy interventions<br />

aimed at changing consumer <strong>behaviour</strong>:<br />

• Certified <strong>food</strong> labelling e.g. organic; locally produced.<br />

• Food waste campaigns e.g. “Love Food Hate Waste” in the UK.<br />

• Sustainable fish <strong>consumption</strong> e.g. Marine Stewardship Council, an international NGO.<br />

Key options can be promoted by all stakeholders:<br />

• For high-impact <strong>food</strong>-categories, promote the concept of “less but better” – e.g. higher quality<br />

meat and dairy products, consumed in lower quantities.<br />

• Promote synergies between healthy diets and low-impact diets. This could protect profitability for<br />

producers and retailers.<br />

• Promote choice-editing for <strong>sustainable</strong> products e.g. <strong>sustainable</strong> fish.<br />

Governments can influence consumer <strong>behaviour</strong> through: pricing, promoting <strong>sustainable</strong> social<br />

norms, national / regional standards, legislation, information, leadership, regulating advertising, supporting<br />

civil society and industry initiatives.<br />

• Serve healthy, <strong>sustainable</strong> <strong>food</strong> throughout the public sector e.g. meals in schools, prisons, hospitals,<br />

authority offices, events.<br />

• Differentiated VAT e.g. higher for high-impact <strong>food</strong>, lower for eco-labelled <strong>food</strong>.<br />

Businesses / <strong>food</strong> retailers can influence consumer choice through: pricing, availability, information<br />

and labelling, choice-editing.<br />

• Reducing impact of ready meals and packaged <strong>food</strong>.<br />

• Limiting offers on high-impact <strong>food</strong> categories and perishable items.<br />

Civil society can influence consumer <strong>behaviour</strong> through: campaigns, practical projects (e.g. community<br />

gardens), information, standards and monitoring (e.g. Fair Trade Foundation), increasing public<br />

acceptance of policies.<br />

• Civil society has an important role to play in promoting new social norms that facilitate <strong>behaviour</strong><br />

and culture change through their campaigning work e.g. the shift <strong>towards</strong> dolphin-friendly tuna: following<br />

an NGO-led consumer boycott of tuna products in the late 1980s, over 90% of tuna sold in<br />

the UK is now “dolphin friendly”.<br />

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