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<strong>LASER</strong> <strong>TREATMENT</strong> <strong>FOR</strong><br />

<strong>ENLARGED</strong> <strong>PROSTATE</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

Research has shown that your enlarged prostate and causes urinary symptoms.<br />

You and your doctor discussed that your prostate will be treated with a laser.<br />

The laser will again create space in your prostate. This will better support you urinate.<br />

the prostate<br />

The word "prostate" comes from the Greek 'prostateis', or' he who comes first. Only<br />

men have this gland. The prostate is located below the bladder and above the sphincter<br />

of the bladder. The urethra runs through the prostate. Urine runs through the urethra<br />

and is removed from the bladder .<br />

The prostate gland develops in the male during puberty under the influence of<br />

hormones. The male prostate produces fluid that - along with moisture from the<br />

seminal vesicles – forms the sperm. The size of a normal prostate is about 10<br />

to 15 cc.<br />

Benign prostate enlargement<br />

With increasing age, the prostate enlarges. The opening of the urethra<br />

near the prostate becomes smaller. This may urinary symptoms<br />

occur. For most men, the prostate grows, but not all men have<br />

symptoms.<br />

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also known as<br />

BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia).<br />

For aging men, it is often less easy to relax the sphincter between the<br />

bladder and prostate (bladder neck). This also can cause urinary symptoms.<br />

This information is written for patients with the utmost care.<br />

It concerns general information. This information is not legally<br />

binding.© 2005 Jeroen Bosch hospital www.jeroenboschziekenhuis.nl<br />

(URO-093,uitgave juni 2011)

Symptoms of enlarged prostate<br />

The symptoms may include:<br />

• a less powerful stream of urine and / or an interrupted flow;<br />

• difficulty with the beginning of urination;<br />

• more urgency and frequent urination;<br />

• dripping;<br />

• unwanted loss of urine (incontinence);<br />

• at night, increased urination;<br />

• a feeling that the bladder is not empty.<br />

The combination of these symptoms is also called LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract<br />

Symtoms).<br />

Benefits of the treatment<br />

Together with your doctor, it was decided to treat your enlarged prostate with an<br />

laser. The hospital uses the Cyber TM, one of the newest<br />

and most advanced lasers for prostate surgery.<br />

The advantages of laser treatment of the prostate compared to the standard<br />

treatment, called TURP include:<br />

• less postoperative (after surgery) problems.<br />

• a shorter hospital stay<br />

• less blood loss after surgery<br />

• The bladder catheter stays in for a short time.<br />

The advantage over other lasers is that the the Cyber TM enables the urologist<br />

in precise targeting laser energy to remove prostate tissue.<br />

Higher precision means more safety and fewer complications. In addition,<br />

the urologist is able to remove tissue with the laser Cyber TM in order to have this<br />

tissue investigated by the pathologist for (eg cancer)<br />

The results of tissue examination after your discharge will be discussed with you at<br />

the clinic.<br />

How do you prepare for?<br />

The hospitalization usually begins on the day of the surgery. You must be sober from<br />

24.00 hours at night the day before the surgery. This means that from that time you<br />

are no longer allowed to eat<br />

drink or smoke.<br />

On the ward you will receive a conversation with the nurse and<br />

blood will be taken.<br />

Do you use blood thinning medication? Than it is sometimes necessary to stop the<br />

medication.This is in consultation with your doctor.<br />


The course of the operation<br />

Laser treatment of the prostate occurs under anesthesia with an spinal<br />

or under general anesthesia.<br />

The urologist brings an instrument through your urethra, a cystoscope. This allows the<br />

prostate examined. Through the cystoscope, a laser fiber is inserted.<br />

Excess tissue from the prostate is excised and evaporated by the laser piece by<br />

piece. This technique is called vapo-resection. The effect is similar to the<br />

hollowing of an apple with an apple drill.<br />

The wall (the capsule) of the prostate remains. The cut pieces are<br />

flushed out with a washing liquid, which runs through the cystoscope into the<br />

bladder.<br />

There is only an internal wound. Any blood vessels can be coagulated with the laser,<br />

to prevent bloodloss.<br />

After surgery, a bladder catheter is inserted.<br />

When using a laser everyone in the operating room must wear protective goggles.<br />

After the operation<br />

The bladder catheter is removed the day after surgery when the urine is clear in color<br />

is. Next, you must be able to urinate spontaneously (pee yourself). The nurse will after<br />

urination with an ultrasound device examine if your bladder is empty. If urinating is no<br />

longer a problem you may go home.<br />

After surgery, you may temporarily experience problems with urination. Sometimes it<br />

may be a difficult to hold your urine. It is also possible that there is some blood in the<br />

urine, this is only temporarily do not be alarmed. Please<br />

adequate rest and drink lots until the blood disappears.<br />

What are the risks?<br />

After surgery, bleeding can occur from the prostate. Usually this bleeding<br />

stops spontaneously . The urine still remain several days in succession bloody or<br />

clots arise and there is a urination problem, please contact us.<br />

There may be a urinary tract infection and / or an action associated with epididymitis<br />

fever. Usually such an infection can properly be treated with antibiotics.<br />

It may take some time before you can hold your urine perfectly again. This<br />

is because the sphincter (the "downstream" where the prostate is located) needs time<br />

to get used to the powerful stream. After a Cyber TM laser treatment of the prostate, it<br />

often happens that after an<br />

orgasm the sperm enters the bladder and not out of the penis.<br />

The semen is as it were in the wrong direction.<br />

The locking mechanism that normally prevents the laser is - together with the excess<br />

prostate tissue - removed. There is called a "dry" ejaculation. This is not dangerous<br />

to your health. Erectile dysfunction does not occurre after surgery.<br />

There is a very small chance that after some time a narrowing of the urethra occurs.<br />

This is due to the formation of scar tissue. Sometimes a new (surgical) treatment is<br />

necessary.<br />


Precepts and advice<br />

Most patients can pick up their normal activities within a few days. A good recovery is<br />

dependent on that the first four weeks you:<br />

• are moderate with alcohol.<br />

• no heavy physical work.<br />

• Heavy lifting, heavy housework and sports are activities that are best<br />

avoided.<br />

• do not ride.your bicycle.<br />

• No intercourse or masturbating.<br />

• minimize pressur on the bowel. Avoid constipation by drinking lots and eat highfiber<br />

food.<br />

If you have questions about your activities? Talk to the nurse or<br />

urologist.<br />

If you used blood-thinning medicines before the surgery, you may resume using after a<br />

few days as the urine is clear.<br />

We advise you the first week at least to drink two litters of fluid per day. (Unless you are<br />

otherwise not allowed to drink a lot). This fact contributes to a good recovery and<br />

healing of internal wounds. Especially if there is some blood in the urine. It is important<br />

to follow this advice. Thus the bladder is flushed in natural way and the urine will<br />

become lighter of color again.<br />

Questions or problems after discharge?<br />

Please contact the hospital. During office hours please call the clinic<br />

Urology, outside office hours please call the Urology ward, The nurse will attempt to<br />

answer your question whether contact the urologist on duty.<br />

After your first check at the urology outpatient clinic please contact your general<br />

practitioner when problems might occur. (unless your urologist made some other<br />

arrangements) .<br />

Contact the hospital or the doctor if you:<br />

• keep having blood in the urine continuously for several days, it is not geting less, and<br />

your urine keeps (dark) red in color.<br />

• except blood, large blood clots in the urine..<br />

• much straining to urinate, you feel that your bladder does not empty completely.<br />

• fever above 38.5°C<br />

• have pain that does not disappear after taking painkillers.<br />

Control<br />

There is an check-up appointment with your urologist. This appointment is<br />

usually six weeks after surgery. First then the effect of<br />

operation is examined. You will arrive with a full bladder to the clinic, so the strength of<br />

the urine flow (flowmetrie) can be measured. with an ultrasound they examine if there is<br />

still urine in the bladder after urination. You will also be asked questions<br />

about your urinary symptoms.<br />

.<br />

More information<br />

For more information on the Department of Urology, Jeroen Bosch Hospital<br />

for urological examinations and treatments, please visit: www.jeroenboschziekenhuis.nl/urologie<br />


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