Uncrossing sets in combinatorial optimization

Uncrossing sets in combinatorial optimization

Uncrossing sets in combinatorial optimization


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<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong><br />

Michel X. Goemans<br />

MIT<br />

Levico Terme – p.1/26

Topics<br />

M<strong>in</strong>imally k-edge-connected<br />

graphs<br />

Odd cuts, cut tree<br />

r-arborescence polytope<br />

Matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection<br />

Lucchesi-Younger<br />

Submodular flows<br />

Match<strong>in</strong>g polytope<br />

TDI and unimodularity<br />

Augment<strong>in</strong>g connectivity (w/ or<br />

w/o weights)<br />

Dual uncross<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Primal uncross<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Term<strong>in</strong>ation, f<strong>in</strong>iteness,<br />

efficiency<br />

TU and TDI<br />

TDI and unimodularity<br />

Iterative round<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Iterative relaxation<br />

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong> set pairs<br />

Node connectivity augmentation<br />

Degree restricted spann<strong>in</strong>g trees<br />

Levico Terme – p.2/26

Intersect<strong>in</strong>g, Cross<strong>in</strong>g Sets<br />

Sub<strong>sets</strong> A and B of S are<br />

<strong>in</strong>tersect<strong>in</strong>g if A ∩ B ≠ ∅, A \ B ≠ ∅ and B \ A ≠ ∅<br />

cross<strong>in</strong>g if <strong>in</strong>tersect<strong>in</strong>g and S \ (A ∪ B) = A ∪ B ≠ ∅<br />

Family F ⊆ 2 S is<br />

lam<strong>in</strong>ar (or nested) if no two <strong>sets</strong> A, B ∈ F are <strong>in</strong>tersect<strong>in</strong>g<br />

(<strong>in</strong>tersect<strong>in</strong>g-free)<br />

i.e. for A, B ∈ F: A ⊆ B or B ⊆ A or A ∩ B = ∅<br />

cross-free if no two <strong>sets</strong> of F are cross<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a cha<strong>in</strong> if, for any two <strong>sets</strong> A, B ∈ B, either A ⊆ B or B ⊆ A<br />

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong>: Make a family of <strong>sets</strong> cross-free, lam<strong>in</strong>ar or a cha<strong>in</strong><br />

Levico Terme – p.3/26

Lam<strong>in</strong>ar vs. Cross-free<br />

If add complements to cross-free family, family rema<strong>in</strong>s still cross-free<br />

If F is cross-free then<br />

{S ∈ F : v ∈ S} ∪ {¯S ∈ F : v /∈ S}<br />

is lam<strong>in</strong>ar<br />

Levico Terme – p.4/26

Tree Representation for Lam<strong>in</strong>ar and Cross-Free<br />

Levico Terme – p.5/26

Submodularity<br />

f : 2 S → R is submodular if for all A, B ⊆ S:<br />

f(A) + f(B) ≥ f(A ∩ B) + f(A ∪ B)<br />

Basic example: cut function of a nonnegatively weighted undirected<br />

graph G = (V, E)<br />

d(S) = w(δ(S)) for S ⊆ V<br />

d(A) + d(B) = d(A ∩ B) + d(A ∪ B) + 2w(A \ B : B \ A)<br />

Similarly for <strong>in</strong>degree function d − (·) = w(δ − (·)) or outdegree<br />

function d + (·) = w(δ + (·)) of a directed graph (with ≥ 0 weights).<br />

M<strong>in</strong>imizers of a submodular function form a lattice family, i.e. it is<br />

closed under ∩ and ∪<br />

Levico Terme – p.6/26

M<strong>in</strong>imally k-Edge-Connected Graphs<br />

Theorem: In a m<strong>in</strong>imally k-edge-connected graph G = (V, E), we have<br />

|E| ≤ k(|V | − 1)<br />

Levico Terme – p.7/26

Gomory-Hu Cut Tree<br />

Let G = (V, E) be a (nonnegatively weighted) undirected graph.<br />

Gomory-Hu cut tree is any tree (V, T) such that for any edge<br />

e = (s, t) ∈ T , we have that δ(C e ) is a m<strong>in</strong>imum s, t-cut where C e<br />

is any of the connected components of T \ {e}.<br />

Property of Gomory-Hu tree: For any u, v ∈ V , a m<strong>in</strong> u, v-cut is<br />

given by the m<strong>in</strong>imum capacity cut among δ(C e ) where e is along<br />

the path from u to v <strong>in</strong> T .<br />

Gomory-Hu cut tree always exists.<br />

Same result holds for symmetric submodular functions [GGW]<br />

No need to contract if perturb<br />

Levico Terme – p.8/26

Gomory-Hu Cut Tree<br />

Levico Terme – p.9/26

M<strong>in</strong> T -Odd Cut (Padberg and Rao ’82)<br />

T -odd cut problem: Given (≥ 0 edge weighted) graph G = (V, E)<br />

and T ⊆ V , f<strong>in</strong>d S with |S ∩ T| odd m<strong>in</strong>imiz<strong>in</strong>g cut function d(S)<br />

Lemma: If δ(C) is a m<strong>in</strong>cut then there exists a m<strong>in</strong> T -odd cut δ(S)<br />

with either S ⊆ C or S ⊆ C.<br />

Lemma: If δ(C) is a m<strong>in</strong>cut separat<strong>in</strong>g vertices of T then there exists<br />

a m<strong>in</strong> T -odd cut δ(S) with either S ⊆ C or S ⊆ C.<br />

Levico Terme – p.10/26

Padberg-Rao’s T -Odd Cut Algorithm<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d global m<strong>in</strong>cut C separat<strong>in</strong>g two vertices of T<br />

If T -odd, done.<br />

Else, solve subproblems<br />

G 1 = G/C with T 1 = T \ C<br />

G 2 = G/C with T 2 = T \ C<br />

and output best T -odd cut<br />

Number of subproblems<br />

Levico Terme – p.11/26

Rizzi’s M<strong>in</strong> T -Odd Cut Algorithm<br />

ALG(G, T)<br />

Take s, t ∈ T<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d m<strong>in</strong> s, t-cut δ(S)<br />

If S is T -odd, return m<strong>in</strong>(d(S), ALG(G/{s, t}, T \ {s, t}))<br />

Else return m<strong>in</strong>(ALG(G/S, T \ S), ALG(G/¯S, T \ ¯S))<br />

Levico Terme – p.12/26

M<strong>in</strong> T -Cut Algorithm<br />

Follows from Padberg-Rao: There exists s, t ∈ T such that m<strong>in</strong> T -odd cut<br />

is a m<strong>in</strong> s, t-cut<br />

Levico Terme – p.13/26

Other Cut Families<br />

[Barahona-Conforti ’87]: T -even cuts (hav<strong>in</strong>g an even, ≥ 2 vertices<br />

of T on both sides)<br />

[Grötschel et al. ’88] (for submodular f.):<br />

Lattice family C of <strong>sets</strong><br />

Triple subfamily G of C: whenever 3 of A, B, A ∩ B and A ∪ B<br />

are <strong>in</strong> C \ G then 4th is also <strong>in</strong> C \ G<br />

Example: G = {S ∈ C : |S ∩ T| ≢ q (mod p)}<br />

(Special case: m<strong>in</strong> T -even cut separat<strong>in</strong>g s and t.)<br />

Levico Terme – p.14/26

More Cut Families<br />

Generalization: parity family (G.-Ramakrishnan) (also for submodular<br />

f.)<br />

Parity subfamily G of a lattice family C if<br />

A, B ∈ C \ G ⇒ (A ∩ B ∈ G iff A ∪ B ∈ G)<br />

Example: lattice family m<strong>in</strong>us a lattice family (i.e. can f<strong>in</strong>d second<br />

m<strong>in</strong>imizer to a submodular function).<br />

Need more than uncross<strong>in</strong>g. Theorem: Let S ∗ be a m<strong>in</strong>imizer<br />

over G. Then either S ∗ ∈ {∅, V } or there exists a, b ∈ V such<br />

that S ∗ m<strong>in</strong>imizer over lattice family<br />

C st = {S ∈ C : s ∈ S, t /∈ S}<br />

Levico Terme – p.15/26

Polyhedral Comb<strong>in</strong>atorics<br />

Levico Terme – p.16/26

Dom<strong>in</strong>ant of r-Arborescence Polytope<br />

X = {Digraphs with every vertex reachable from root r}<br />

M<strong>in</strong>imal= r-arborescences: rooted tree at r <strong>in</strong> digraph G = (V, A)<br />

Theorem: conv(X) = conv(arborescences) +R+ m =<br />

P = {x : x(δ − (S)) ≥ 1 S ⊂ V \ {r}<br />

x a ≥ 0 a ∈ A}<br />

Proof through primal uncross<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Levico Terme – p.17/26

Levico Terme – p.18/26

Levico Terme – p.19/26

Totally Unimodular<br />

A is totally unimodular (TU) if all square submatrices of A have<br />

determ<strong>in</strong>ant <strong>in</strong> {−1, 0, 1}<br />

If A is TU then for any <strong>in</strong>tegral b, {x : Ax ≤ b, x ≥ 0} is <strong>in</strong>tegral.<br />

Ghouila-Houri: A is TU iff every subset R of rows can be partitioned<br />

<strong>in</strong>to R 1 and R 2 such that<br />

| ∑<br />

i∈R 1<br />

a ij − ∑<br />

i∈R 2<br />

a ij | ≤ 1<br />

Levico Terme – p.20/26

Directed Cuts<br />

Digraph D = (V, A)<br />

A directed cut is C = δ − (S) where δ + (S) = ∅.<br />

A directed cut cover is F ⊆ A with F ∩ C ≠ ∅ for every directed<br />

cuts C<br />

Theorem: Polytope<br />

{x : x(C) ≥ 1 C directed cut<br />

0 ≤ x a ≤ 1 a ∈ A}<br />

<strong>in</strong>tegral, i.e. convex hull of directed cut covers.<br />

Proof: similar to arborescence with 2 differences<br />

Levico Terme – p.21/27

Matroid Intersection Polytope<br />

Let M 1 = (E, I 1 ) and M 2 = (E, I 2 ) be two matroids with rank<br />

functions r 1 and r 2<br />

Edmonds: The convex hull of <strong>in</strong>cidence vectors of <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>sets</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong> I 1 ∩ I 2 is given by:<br />

P = {x : x(S) ≤ r 1 (S) S ⊆ E<br />

x(S) ≤ r 2 (S)<br />

S ⊆ E<br />

x i ≥ 0 i ∈ S}<br />

Proof through dual uncross<strong>in</strong>g and TDIness<br />

Levico Terme – p.22/26

TDI (Edmonds-Giles ’77)<br />

Rational system Ax ≤ b is TDI if, for each c ∈ Z n , the dual to<br />

m<strong>in</strong>{c T x : Ax ≤ b}, i.e.<br />

max{b T y : A T y = c, y ≥ 0}<br />

has an <strong>in</strong>teger optimum solution whenever it is f<strong>in</strong>ite.<br />

Theorem: If Ax ≤ b is TDI and b is <strong>in</strong>tegral then Ax ≤ b is <strong>in</strong>tegral<br />

(i.e. has only <strong>in</strong>tegral extreme po<strong>in</strong>ts).<br />

Levico Terme – p.23/26

Dual<br />

max c T x<br />

= m<strong>in</strong> ∑ r 1 (S)y 1,S + ∑ r 2 (S)y 2,S<br />

S∑<br />

S<br />

x(S) ≤ r 1 (S) ∀S<br />

y 1,S + ∑<br />

y 2,S ≥ c i<br />

S:i∈S S:i∈S<br />

x(S) ≤ r 2 (S) ∀S y 1,S , y 2,S ≥ 0<br />

Levico Terme – p.24/26

Lucchesi-Younger<br />

Could have done dual uncross<strong>in</strong>g and TDI proof for arborescences of<br />

directed cut covers<br />

Lucchesi-Younger theorem: For any digraph, m<strong>in</strong> size of a directed<br />

cut cover = max number of disjo<strong>in</strong>t directed cuts<br />

If planar digraph, can take dual to get:<br />

Theorem: M<strong>in</strong> size of a feedback arc set (meet<strong>in</strong>g all directed<br />

circuits) = max number of arc disjo<strong>in</strong>t directed circuits<br />

Levico Terme – p.26/27

Perfect Match<strong>in</strong>g Polytope via <strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong><br />

Convex hull of perfect match<strong>in</strong>gs =<br />

{x : x(δ(v)) = 1 v ∈ V<br />

x(δ(S)) ≥ 1 S : |S|odd<br />

0 ≤ x e e ∈ E}<br />

Could have replaced x(δ(S)) ≥ 1 by x(E(S)) ≤ |S|−1<br />

2<br />

Levico Terme – p.26/26

Matroid Intersection<br />

max c T x<br />

= m<strong>in</strong> ∑ r 1 (S)y 1,S + ∑ r 2 (S)y 2,S<br />

S∑<br />

S<br />

x(S) ≤ r 1 (S) ∀S<br />

y 1,S + ∑<br />

y 2,S ≥ c i<br />

S:i∈S S:i∈S<br />

x(S) ≤ r 2 (S) ∀S y 1,S , y 2,S ≥ 0<br />

x i ≥ 0<br />

M<strong>in</strong>-max relation: max{|I| : I ∈ I 1 ∩ I 2 } = m<strong>in</strong>{r 1 (S) + r 2 (S)}<br />

For c i = 1, can choose y 1 , y 2 <strong>in</strong>tegral and C i = {S : y i,S > 0} cha<strong>in</strong> for<br />

i = 1, 2.<br />

⇒ C 1 = {S}, C 2 = {S}<br />

. – p.1/15

Connectivity Augmentation<br />

. – p.2/15

Connectivity Augmentation<br />

For graph H, λ H (s, t) = local connectivity between s and t<br />

= max number of edge-disjo<strong>in</strong>t paths between s and t<br />

Problem: Given graph G = (V, E) and requirements r(u, v) for<br />

∀u ≠ v ∈ V , add set F of (multiple) edges such that<br />

λ H (u, v) ≥ r(u, v) for all u, v<br />

Special case: r u,v = k for all u, v.<br />

Want augmentation <strong>in</strong>to k-edge-connected graph<br />

Objective 1. Card<strong>in</strong>ality: M<strong>in</strong>imize |F| [Frank]<br />

Good characterization<br />

Efficient algorithm<br />

Objective 2. Weighted: M<strong>in</strong>imize ∑ (i,j)∈F w ij<br />

NP-hard<br />

2-approximation algorithm [Ja<strong>in</strong>]<br />

. – p.3/15

Formulation<br />

Let R(S) = max s∈S,t/∈S r(s, t)<br />

Let d(S) = d E (S) = |δ E (S)|<br />

Want <strong>in</strong>tegral x ∈ P :<br />

P =<br />

⎧<br />

⎨<br />

⎩<br />

x(δ(S) ≥ R(S) − d(S) ∀S<br />

x ij ≥ 0<br />

∀i, j<br />

If relax <strong>in</strong>tegrality, not <strong>in</strong>tegral<br />

. – p.4/15

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong><br />

Lemma: For cross<strong>in</strong>g S and T ,<br />

either R(S) + R(T) ≤ R(S ∪ T) + R(S ∩ T)<br />

or R(S) + R(T) ≤ R(S \ T) + R(T \ S)<br />

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong> lemma: For x ∈ P , let<br />

F = {S : x(δ(S)) = R(S) − d(S)}. If S, T ∈ F and S, T<br />

cross<strong>in</strong>g then<br />

either S ∩ T, S ∪ T ∈ F and x(S \ T : T \ S) = 0<br />

or S \ T, T \ S ∈ F and x(S ∩ T : S ∪ T) = 0<br />

. – p.5/15

Lower bound<br />

γ = smallest # of edges to add<br />

[Frank]: For any subpartition V 1 , V 2 , · · · , V k of V :<br />

2γ ≥<br />

k∑<br />

i=1<br />

[R(V i ) − d(V i )]<br />

Hence<br />

γ ≥<br />

⌈ ⌉<br />

1<br />

2 max [R(V i ) − d(V i )]<br />

V 1 ,··· ,V k<br />

. – p.6/15

Add a new vertex s<br />

. – p.7/15

Frank’s Algorithm<br />

(Modulo · · · )<br />

1. Add as few edges as possible between s and V (and none with<strong>in</strong> V )<br />

such that λ(u, v) ≥ r(u, v) for all u, v<br />

2. Add one more edge if degree of s is odd<br />

3. Use Mader’s local connectivity splitt<strong>in</strong>g-off result to get augment<strong>in</strong>g<br />

set F (with<strong>in</strong> V )<br />

. – p.8/15

Step 1<br />

Theorem [Frank]: Any m<strong>in</strong>imal augmentation from s has<br />

edges <strong>in</strong>cident to s<br />

m = max<br />

V 1 ,··· ,V k<br />

k∑<br />

[R(V i ) − d(V i )]<br />

i=1<br />

. – p.9/15

Splitt<strong>in</strong>g off<br />

Mader: can perform splitt<strong>in</strong>g off and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> local connectivity<br />

(Modulo · · · )<br />

Add<br />

⌈ ⌉<br />

1<br />

2 max [R(V i ) − d(V i )]<br />

V 1 ,··· ,V k<br />

edges =⇒ optimal<br />

. – p.10/15

Weighted case<br />

LP(E) = m<strong>in</strong> ∑ e<br />

w e x e<br />

s.t. x(δ(S)) ≥ R(S) − d(S) ∀S<br />

x ij ≥ 0<br />

∀i, j<br />

Extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x could be fractional<br />

Theorem [Ja<strong>in</strong>]: For any extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x, there exists f with x f ≥ 1 2<br />

Iterative Round<strong>in</strong>g: While connectivity reqs not met<br />

Solve LP(E)<br />

Take f : x f ≥ 1 2<br />

add f to E → F<br />

2-approximation algorithm: w(F) ≤ 2LP(E)<br />

. – p.11/15

There exists f with x f ≥ 1 2<br />

Proof of Ravi, S<strong>in</strong>gh, Nagarajan [2007]<br />

Let x: extreme po<strong>in</strong>t with x e < 1 2 for e ∈ C = {e : x e > 0}<br />

. – p.12/15

Assign one unit to every edge:<br />

Reassign to <strong>sets</strong> S ∈ L<br />

. – p.13/15

S gets<br />

A S = ∑<br />

x e + ∑<br />

(x e + (1 − 2x e )) + ∑<br />

(1 − 2x e )<br />

e∈C 1 e∈C 2 e∈C 3<br />

= x(C 1 ) + |E 2 | − x(C 2 ) + |E 3 | − 2x(C 3 )<br />

. – p.14/15

Together all <strong>sets</strong> get ≥ |L|<br />

no set gets<br />

→ |C| > L. Contradiction.<br />

. – p.15/15

Degree Restricted Spann<strong>in</strong>g Trees<br />

. – p.1/36

Spann<strong>in</strong>g Trees with Max Degree Bound<br />

When does a graph have a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of maximum degree ≤ k?<br />

NP-hard (k = 2 is Hamiltonian path...)<br />

S. W<strong>in</strong> [1989]: Relation to toughness<br />

|S|<br />

t(G) = max S<br />

# conn. comp. of G−S<br />

If t(G) ≥ 1<br />

k−2<br />

then ∃ tree of max degree ≤ k<br />

If ∃ tree of max degree ≤ k then t(G) ≥ 1 k<br />

Algorithmically: Fürer and Raghavachari [1994], G. [unpublished,<br />

1991]. Efficiently either show that G has no tree of maximum degree<br />

≤ k or output a tree of max degree ≤ k + 1<br />

M<strong>in</strong> cost version?<br />

. – p.2/36

Bounded-Degree MST<br />

M<strong>in</strong>imum Bounded-Degree Spann<strong>in</strong>g Tree (MST) problem:<br />

Given G = (V, E) with costs c : E −→ R, <strong>in</strong>teger k<br />

f<strong>in</strong>d Spann<strong>in</strong>g Tree T of maximum degree ≤ k and of m<strong>in</strong>imum total<br />

cost ∑ e∈T c(e)<br />

Even feasibility is hard.<br />

. – p.3/36

Today<br />

Let OPT(k) be the cost of the optimum tree of maximum degree ≤ k.<br />

[G. 2006]:<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d a tree of cost ≤ OPT(k) and of maximum degree ≤ k + 2<br />

(or prove that no tree of max degree ≤ k exists)<br />

[S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau 2007]:<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d a tree of cost ≤ OPT(k) and of maximum degree ≤ k + 1<br />

(or prove that no tree of max degree ≤ k exists)<br />

. – p.4/36

Fractional Decomposition<br />

Any convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of trees such that the average degree of every<br />

vertex is at most k can be viewed as a convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of trees each<br />

of maximum degree k + 1<br />

(E.g., for a 2k-regular 2k-edge-connected graph, there exists a convex<br />

comb<strong>in</strong>ation of spann<strong>in</strong>g trees of max degree 3 such that each edge is<br />

chosen with frequency 1/k)<br />

Integral decompositions?<br />

. – p.5/36

Matroid Polytope<br />

[Edmonds ’70] Given matroid M = (E, I), convex hull of <strong>in</strong>cidence<br />

vectors of <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>sets</strong> is :<br />

P(M) =<br />

⎧<br />

⎨<br />

∣ ∣∣∣∣∣<br />

⎩ x x(F) ≤ r M (F) F ⊆ E<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E<br />

Convex hull B(M) of bases: same with x(E) = r M (E)<br />

For graphic matroid<br />

B(M) = {x : x(E(S)) ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊂ V<br />

x(E(V )) = |V | − 1<br />

x e ≥ 0<br />

⎫<br />

⎬<br />

⎭<br />

∀e}<br />

. – p.6/36

L<strong>in</strong>ear Programm<strong>in</strong>g Relaxation<br />

Relaxation: LP = m<strong>in</strong>{c T x : x ∈ Q(k)} ≤ OPT(k) where<br />

Q(k) = {x : x(E(S)) ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊂ V<br />

x(E(V )) = |V | − 1<br />

x(δ(v)) ≤ k<br />

v ∈ V<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E}<br />

Notation:<br />

x(A) = ∑ e∈A x e<br />

E(S) = {e = (u, v) ∈ E : u, v ∈ S}<br />

δ(S) = {(u, v) ∈ E : |{u, v} ∩ S| = 1}<br />

If Q(k) = ∅, no spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of maximum degree ≤ k.<br />

. – p.7/36

Our Approach/Algorithm<br />

Solve LP and get an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k) of cost LP<br />

E ∗ : support of x ∗<br />

. – p.8/36

Our Approach/Algorithm<br />

Solve LP and get an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k) of cost LP<br />

E ∗ : support of x ∗<br />

Study properties of any extreme po<strong>in</strong>t Q(k)<br />

Show that support graph E ∗ is Laman, i.e. for any C ⊆ V :<br />

|E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 3<br />

. – p.8/36

Our Approach/Algorithm<br />

Solve LP and get an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k) of cost LP<br />

E ∗ : support of x ∗<br />

Study properties of any extreme po<strong>in</strong>t Q(k)<br />

Show that support graph E ∗ is Laman, i.e. for any C ⊆ V :<br />

|E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 3<br />

Def<strong>in</strong>e matroid M 2 (x ∗ ) on ground set E ∗ such that any <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

set has degree at most k + 2 (but not conversely)<br />

. – p.8/36

Our Approach/Algorithm<br />

Solve LP and get an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k) of cost LP<br />

E ∗ : support of x ∗<br />

Study properties of any extreme po<strong>in</strong>t Q(k)<br />

Show that support graph E ∗ is Laman, i.e. for any C ⊆ V :<br />

|E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 3<br />

Def<strong>in</strong>e matroid M 2 (x ∗ ) on ground set E ∗ such that any <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

set has degree at most k + 2 (but not conversely)<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d a m<strong>in</strong>imum cost spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of E ∗ which is also <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

<strong>in</strong> M 2 (x ∗ ) (by matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection)<br />

. – p.8/36

Our Approach/Algorithm<br />

Solve LP and get an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k) of cost LP<br />

E ∗ : support of x ∗<br />

Study properties of any extreme po<strong>in</strong>t Q(k)<br />

Show that support graph E ∗ is Laman, i.e. for any C ⊆ V :<br />

|E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 3<br />

Def<strong>in</strong>e matroid M 2 (x ∗ ) on ground set E ∗ such that any <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

set has degree at most k + 2 (but not conversely)<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d a m<strong>in</strong>imum cost spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of E ∗ which is also <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

<strong>in</strong> M 2 (x ∗ ) (by matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection)<br />

Argue (polyhedrally) that cost of solution obta<strong>in</strong>ed ≤ LP<br />

. – p.8/36

Extreme po<strong>in</strong>ts of Q(k)<br />

Recall<br />

Q(k) = {x : x(E(S)) ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊂ V<br />

x(E(V )) = |V | − 1<br />

x(δ(v)) ≤ k<br />

v ∈ V<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E}<br />

Take an extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ of Q(k)<br />

Remove from E edges with x ∗ e = 0 −→ E∗ = {e : x ∗ e > 0}<br />

x ∗ uniquely def<strong>in</strong>ed by tight <strong>in</strong>equalities:<br />

x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1 S ∈ T<br />

x ∗ (δ(v)) = k v ∈ T<br />

or Ax ∗ = b with rank(A) = |E ∗ |.<br />

. – p.9/36

Example of Extreme Po<strong>in</strong>t<br />

k = 2<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5 0.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.5 0.5<br />

. – p.10/36

Another Example of Extreme Po<strong>in</strong>t<br />

k = 2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.2<br />

[K. Cheung ’03]<br />

. – p.11/36

Another Example of Extreme Po<strong>in</strong>t<br />

k = 2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.2<br />

[K. Cheung ’03]<br />

. – p.11/36

Extreme po<strong>in</strong>t<br />

Extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x ∗ uniquely def<strong>in</strong>ed by tight <strong>in</strong>equalities:<br />

x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1 S ∈ T<br />

x ∗ (δ(v)) = k v ∈ T<br />

or Ax ∗ = b with rank(A) = |E ∗ |.<br />

Which full rank |E ∗ | × |E ∗ |-submatrix of A to use?<br />

. – p.12/36

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong><br />

If A, B tight (A, B ∈ T ) with A ∩ B ≠ ∅ then<br />

Thus,<br />

|A| − 1 + |B| − 1 = x ∗ (E(A)) + x ∗ (E(B))<br />

≤<br />

A ∪ B, A ∩ B ∈ T<br />

x ∗ (E(A ∪ B)) + x ∗ (E(A ∩ B))<br />

≤ |A ∪ B| − 1 + |A ∩ B| − 1.<br />

No edges between A \ B and B \ A<br />

<strong>Uncross<strong>in</strong>g</strong> argument implies: There exists lam<strong>in</strong>ar subfamily L of F<br />

satisfy<strong>in</strong>g span(L) = span(F)<br />

(Any maximal lam<strong>in</strong>ar subfamily works)<br />

. – p.13/36

Size of Lam<strong>in</strong>ar Families<br />

Any lam<strong>in</strong>ar family on n elements conta<strong>in</strong>s at most 2n − 1 <strong>sets</strong><br />

If no s<strong>in</strong>gletons then ≤ n − 1 <strong>sets</strong><br />

. – p.14/36

Small Support<br />

x ∗ def<strong>in</strong>ed by<br />

x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

S ∈ L<br />

v ∈ T<br />

with L a lam<strong>in</strong>ar family of <strong>sets</strong> without s<strong>in</strong>gletons<br />

System Ax ∗ = b with A = |E ∗ | × |E ∗ | of full rank<br />

|L| ≤ n − 1 implies |E ∗ | = |L| + |T| ≤ (n − 1) + n = 2n − 1<br />

Similar results known <strong>in</strong> many sett<strong>in</strong>gs. E.g. Boyd and Pulleyblank<br />

’91 for subtour polytope.<br />

. – p.15/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

A =<br />

1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 · · · ← x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 · · · ← x ∗ (E(T)) = |T| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 · · · ← x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. – p.16/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

A =<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . χ(E ∗ (S)) . . . . . . . . . . . ← x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . .χ(E ∗ (T)) . . . . . . . . . . . ← x ∗ (E(T)) = |T| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . χ(δ(v)) . . . . . . . . . . . . ← x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. – p.16/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

Take any C ⊆ V . A has full rank<br />

=⇒ columns of A correspond<strong>in</strong>g to E ∗ (C) are l<strong>in</strong>early <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

A =<br />

← E ∗ (C) →<br />

1 1 0 1 1 0 ← x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

0 1 0 0 1 0 ← x ∗ (E(T)) = |T| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1 1 1 0 0 0 ← x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. – p.16/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

Take any C ⊆ V . A has full rank<br />

=⇒ columns of A correspond<strong>in</strong>g to E ∗ (C) are l<strong>in</strong>early <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

A =<br />

← E ∗ (C) →<br />

χ(E ∗ (S) ∩ E ∗ (C)) ← x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

χ(E ∗ (T) ∩ E ∗ (C)) ← x ∗ (E(T)) = |T| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

.χ(δ(v) ∩ E ∗ (C)).<br />

← x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. – p.16/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

Take any C ⊆ V . A has full rank<br />

=⇒ columns of A correspond<strong>in</strong>g to E ∗ (C) are l<strong>in</strong>early <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

A =<br />

← E ∗ (C) →<br />

. χ(E ∗ (S ∩ C)) . ← x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0 ← if |S ∩ C| ≤ 1<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

χ(δ(v) ∩ E ∗ (C))<br />

← x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0 ← if v ∈ (T \ C)<br />

. – p.16/36

verywhere Sparse: |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 1 for all C<br />

Take any C ⊆ V . A has full rank<br />

=⇒ columns of A correspond<strong>in</strong>g to E ∗ (C) are l<strong>in</strong>early <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

A =<br />

← E ∗ (C) →<br />

. χ(E ∗ (S ∩ C)) . dist<strong>in</strong>ct, non-zero rows<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for lam<strong>in</strong>ar family<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L C = {S ∩ C :<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S ∈ L and |S ∩ C| ≥ 2}<br />

χ(δ(v) ∩ E ∗ (C))<br />

dist<strong>in</strong>ct, non-zero rows<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for v ∈ T ∩ C<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

=⇒ |E ∗ (C)| = rank(B) ≤ |C| + |C| − 1 = 2|C| − 1 for all C ⊆ V<br />

. – p.16/36

Slight Improvement<br />

Slightly more careful rank count<strong>in</strong>g argument shows |E ∗ (C)| ≤ 2|C| − 3<br />

for every C ⊆ V<br />

. – p.17/36

Orientation of E ∗<br />

Graph Orientation: [Hakimi ’65] An undirected graph G has an<br />

orientation with <strong>in</strong>degree d − (v) ≤ u v if and only if for all C ⊆ V :<br />

|E(C)| ≤ ∑ v∈C<br />

u v<br />

[Easy, e.g. from max flow/m<strong>in</strong> cut]<br />

=⇒ E ∗ can be oriented <strong>in</strong>to A ∗ such that d − (v) ≤ 2 for all v ∈ V<br />

Another way<br />

[Nash-Williams’ 1964] A graph can be partitioned <strong>in</strong>to k forests if<br />

and only if for all C ⊆ V : |E(C)| ≤ k(|C| − 1)<br />

(Special case of Edmonds’ 1965 matroid base cover<strong>in</strong>g theorem)<br />

=⇒ E ∗ can be partitioned <strong>in</strong>to 2 forests<br />

Orient each forest as a branch<strong>in</strong>g (<strong>in</strong>degree at most 1)<br />

. – p.18/36

Example<br />

. – p.19/36

Example<br />

. – p.19/36

Example<br />

. – p.19/36

Example<br />

. – p.19/36

Example<br />

. – p.19/36

Matroid M 2<br />

Given orientation A ∗ of E ∗ with <strong>in</strong>degree d − (v) ≤ 2 for v ∈ V ,<br />

def<strong>in</strong>e partition matroid M 2 (x ∗ ) = (E ∗ , I) where<br />

I = {F : |F ∩ δ + A ∗ (v)| ≤ k for all v ∈ V }<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce all but at most 2 edges <strong>in</strong>cident to v are outgo<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> A ∗ , any<br />

<strong>in</strong>dependent set F of M 2 (x ∗ ) has maximum degree ≤ k + 2<br />

Slack of 3 units for every C =⇒ can assume one specific vertex of<br />

degree ≤ k and another of degree ≤ k + 1<br />

. – p.20/36

Matroid Intersection Approach<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d a m<strong>in</strong>imum cost spann<strong>in</strong>g tree <strong>in</strong> E ∗ which is also <strong>in</strong>dependent<br />

<strong>in</strong> M 2 (x ∗ )<br />

M 1 : graphic matroid for E ∗<br />

=⇒ want a base of M 1 <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>in</strong> M 2 (x ∗ )<br />

=⇒ matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection<br />

Polynomial time us<strong>in</strong>g matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection algorithm<br />

Edmonds ’79 and Lawler ’75<br />

Brezovec, Cornuéjols and Glover ’88: O(n 3 ) algorithm for ⋂ of<br />

graphic matroid and partition matroid<br />

Gabow and Xu scal<strong>in</strong>g algorithm for l<strong>in</strong>ear matroid <strong>in</strong>tersection:<br />

O(n 2.77 log nW)<br />

Harvey ’06: O(n 2.38 W) (polynomial if weights are small)<br />

Bound on cost?<br />

. – p.21/36

Matroid Polytope<br />

[Edmonds ’70] Given matroid M = (E, I), convex hull of <strong>in</strong>cidence<br />

vectors of <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>sets</strong> is :<br />

P(M) =<br />

⎧<br />

⎨<br />

∣ ∣∣∣∣∣<br />

⎩ x x(F) ≤ r M (F) F ⊆ E<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E<br />

Convex hull B(M) of bases: same with x(E) = r M (E)<br />

For graphic matroid M 1 on E ∗<br />

B(M 1 ) = {x : x(E(S)) ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊂ V<br />

x(E(V )) = |V | − 1<br />

⎫<br />

⎬<br />

⎭<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E ∗ }<br />

. – p.22/36

Matroid Polytope<br />

[Edmonds ’70] Given matroid M = (E, I), convex hull of <strong>in</strong>cidence<br />

vectors of <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>sets</strong> is :<br />

P(M) =<br />

⎧<br />

⎨<br />

∣ ∣∣∣∣∣<br />

⎩ x x(F) ≤ r M (F) F ⊆ E<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E<br />

Convex hull B(M) of bases: same with x(E) = r M (E)<br />

For matroid M 2 (x ∗ )<br />

P(M 2 (x ∗ )) = {x : x(δ + A ∗ (v)) ≤ k v ∈ V<br />

⎫<br />

⎬<br />

⎭<br />

1 ≥ x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E ∗ }<br />

. – p.22/36

Matroid Intersection Polytope<br />

[Edmonds ’70] Given two matroids M 1 = (E, I 1 ) and<br />

M 2 = (E, I 2 ), convex hull of <strong>in</strong>dependent <strong>sets</strong> common to both<br />

matroids is<br />

P(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 )<br />

(Similarly, if take bases for one of them)<br />

. – p.23/36

Cost Analysis<br />

Observe that x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) and x ∗ ∈ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))<br />

Cost of solution returned:<br />

m<strong>in</strong>{c(x) : x ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))} ≤ c(x ∗ ) = LP<br />

Thus, we get a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of maximum degree k + 2 and of cost<br />

≤ LP<br />

Remark: We could have decomposed x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))<br />

as a convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of spann<strong>in</strong>g trees <strong>in</strong>dependent for M 2<br />

(us<strong>in</strong>g Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham ’84) and take the best cost among them (enough<br />

to get at most LP )<br />

x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ )) implies that<br />

Q(k) = conv({x ∗ }) ⊆ conv(Q(k + 2) ∩ Z E )<br />

. – p.24/36

Cost Analysis<br />

Observe that x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) and x ∗ ∈ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))<br />

Cost of solution returned:<br />

m<strong>in</strong>{c(x) : x ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))} ≤ c(x ∗ ) = LP<br />

Thus, we get a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of maximum degree k + 2 and of cost<br />

≤ LP<br />

Remark: We could have decomposed x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ ))<br />

as a convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of spann<strong>in</strong>g trees <strong>in</strong>dependent for M 2<br />

(us<strong>in</strong>g Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham ’84) and take the best cost among them (enough<br />

to get at most LP )<br />

x ∗ ∈ B(M 1 ) ∩ P(M 2 (x ∗ )) implies that<br />

Any convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of trees such that the average degree of<br />

every vertex is at most k can be viewed as a convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of<br />

trees each of maximum degree ≤ k + 2<br />

. – p.24/36

Without Hakimi, Nash-Williams, Edmonds, etc.<br />

Laplace expansion of det along column j:<br />

det(A) = ∑ i<br />

(−1) i+j a ij det(M ij )<br />

Generalized Laplace expansion (Laplace 1772): For any I,<br />

det(A) =<br />

∑<br />

J:|J|=|I|<br />

sgn(I, J) det(A[I, J]) det(A[Ī, ¯J])<br />

=⇒ If A <strong>in</strong>vertible, there exists J with A[I, J] and A[Ī, ¯J] <strong>in</strong>vertible<br />

(follows also from matroid union m<strong>in</strong>-max relation)<br />

Algorithmically: For every j = 1 to n do<br />

either set all entries <strong>in</strong> column j from rows <strong>in</strong> I or from rows <strong>in</strong> Ī<br />

to 0 so as to keep the matrix <strong>in</strong>vertible<br />

. – p.25/36

Orientation Purely Algebraically<br />

Take Ax ∗ = b<br />

Can partition E <strong>in</strong>to E 1 , E 2<br />

E 1 E 2<br />

A =<br />

I B 1 ←− rows x ∗ (E(S)) = |S| − 1<br />

Ī B 2 ←− rows x ∗ (δ(v)) = k<br />

with B 1 , B 2 <strong>in</strong>vertible<br />

B 1 <strong>in</strong>vertible + L lam<strong>in</strong>ar: E 1 must be a forest<br />

B 2 <strong>in</strong>vertible: every connected component of E 2 is a tree or a tree +<br />

one edge<br />

=⇒ can trivially orient both E 1 and E 2 with <strong>in</strong>degree at most 1<br />

. – p.26/36

Former Conjecture... Now Theorem<br />

Conjecture:<br />

Q(k) ⊆ conv(Q(k + 1) ∩ Z E )<br />

Any convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of trees such that the average degree of<br />

every vertex is at most k can be viewed as a convex comb<strong>in</strong>ation of<br />

trees each of maximum degree k + 1<br />

Proved by S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau ’07:<br />

Efficient algorithm to get tree of cost ≤ OPT(k) and of degree<br />

≤ k + 1<br />

Uses iterative relaxation, generaliz<strong>in</strong>g Ja<strong>in</strong>’s iterative round<strong>in</strong>g<br />

. – p.27/36

Open Questions<br />

Can one f<strong>in</strong>d E ∗ (comb<strong>in</strong>atorially) without comput<strong>in</strong>g x ∗ (by l<strong>in</strong>ear<br />

programm<strong>in</strong>g)?<br />

+1 algorithm possible via matroid approach if, for all extreme po<strong>in</strong>ts<br />

x ∗ with support E ∗ , there exists an orientation A ∗ such that for all<br />

v ∈ V :<br />

∑<br />

(1 − x ∗ e ) ≤ 1<br />

e∈δ − A ∗ (v)<br />

(For general (non-extreme) x ∗ , decid<strong>in</strong>g if such orientation exists is<br />

NP-hard.)<br />

. – p.28/36

General Lower and Upper bounds<br />

General Degree-Bounded Spann<strong>in</strong>g Trees:<br />

Given l, u : V → Z + , f<strong>in</strong>d a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree T such that<br />

l(v) ≤ d T (v) ≤ u(v) for all v ∈ V and of m<strong>in</strong>imum cost<br />

Same approach gives a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree of cost at most LP and of<br />

degree l(v) − 2 ≤ d v (T) ≤ u(v) + 2 for all v ∈ V<br />

One step is to argue that for<br />

P 2 = {x : l(v) − 2 ≤ x(δ + A ∗ (v)) ≤ u(v) v ∈ V<br />

B(M 1 ) ∩ P 2 is <strong>in</strong>tegral<br />

1 ≥ x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E ∗ }<br />

S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau ’07: +1 also for general upper and lower bounds<br />

. – p.29/36

S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau’s Iterative Relaxation<br />

Given a forest F (<strong>in</strong>itially empty) and W ⊆ V , consider LP relaxation<br />

for problem of augment<strong>in</strong>g F <strong>in</strong>to a tree with general degree bounds<br />

u(v) for v ∈ W<br />

Solve relaxation; remove edges of value 0 and and add edges of<br />

value 1 to F<br />

Theorem: If non-<strong>in</strong>tegral, there exists v ∈ W with u(v) + 1 <strong>in</strong>cident<br />

edges.<br />

Remove v from W and repeat<br />

. – p.30/36

Formulation<br />

Let E: all edges,<br />

E 0 : excluded edges,<br />

E 1 : <strong>in</strong>cluded edges <strong>in</strong> solution,<br />

E ′ = E \ (E 0 ∪ E 1 )<br />

W ⊆ V : vertices v with degree upper bound u(v)<br />

LP relaxation: m<strong>in</strong> ∑ c e x e<br />

e∈E<br />

x(E(S)) ≤ |S| − 1 S ⊂ V<br />

x(E(V )) = |V | − 1<br />

P(E 0 , E 1 , W) x(δ(v)) ≤ u(v) v ∈ W<br />

x e = 1 e ∈ E 1<br />

x e = 0 e ∈ E 0<br />

x e ≥ 0 e ∈ E ′ }<br />

. – p.31/36

S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau’s Algorithm<br />

E 0 = E 1 = ∅, W = V<br />

Repeat<br />

F<strong>in</strong>d optimum extreme po<strong>in</strong>t x to LP(E 0 , E 1 , W)<br />

E 0 = {e : x e = 0}, E 1 = {e : x e = 1}, E ′ = E \ (E 0 ∪ E 1 )<br />

Remove from W vertices v with d E1 (v) + d E ′(v) ≤ u(v) + 1<br />

Until E 1 is a spann<strong>in</strong>g tree<br />

Theorem [S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau ’07]: Algorithm term<strong>in</strong>ates<br />

→ E 1 satisfies the degree bounds u(v) + 1<br />

New simple proof of Bansal, Khandekar and Nagarajan ’07<br />

. – p.32/36

Tight Inequalities Can Be Uncrossed<br />

x| E ′ uniquely def<strong>in</strong>ed by:<br />

x(E ′ (S)) = |S| − 1 − |E 1 (S)|<br />

x(δ E ′(v)) = u(v) − |δ E1 (v)|<br />

S ∈ L<br />

v ∈ T<br />

with L lam<strong>in</strong>ar and |E ′ | = |L| + |T|<br />

. – p.33/36

W decreases<br />

Let<br />

def(v) =<br />

∑<br />

(1 − x e ) =<br />

∑<br />

(1 − x e )<br />

e∈δ E ′(v)<br />

e∈δ E ′ ∪E1 (v)<br />

For v ∈ T , def(v) = d E1 (v) + d E ′(v) − u(v) ∈ Z<br />

Claim: There exists v ∈ T such that def(v) = 1<br />

→ v can be removed from W<br />

. – p.34/36

. – p.35/36

Iterative Relaxation<br />

Many more applications, see S<strong>in</strong>gh and Lau ’07, Lau et al. ’07,<br />

Bansal et al. ’07.<br />

Bansal et al. ’07: Given a directed graph D = (V, A) with root<br />

r ∈ V , and outdegree upper bounds b(v) for every v ∈ V ,<br />

(efficiently) either decide that D has no r-arborescence with<br />

d + (v) ≤ b(v) or output an r-arborescence with d + (v) ≤ b(v) + 2.<br />

. – p.36/36

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