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Modern - Blog Science Connections

Modern - Blog Science Connections


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also Fig. 1). It followed that the 1.5-kb<br />

sequence of RSV -specific RNA was necessary<br />

for transformation.<br />

5'<br />

o<br />

I<br />

234<br />

I I I<br />

5 6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

7 8 9<br />

I I I<br />

r-----,-------,-------r---.<br />

leukemia virus I gag J pol<br />

Iym phot i C<br />

env<br />

or td RSV ~.----------~-------------~--------~~<br />

1----- pr 180 -------I I I--pr64--f<br />

I--pr76~<br />

I c I<br />

RSV gag pol env<br />

[:%~:a<br />

1-----pr 180 -----; I ~pr64-l<br />

I--pr 76----4<br />

RSV(-) gag pol<br />

[7ii] c I<br />

I pr 180 ------+ I 1-60kd--j<br />

I-- pr 76 ----I<br />

AMV gag pol<br />

[fTIa c I<br />

FSV<br />

I<br />

pr 180 ------t 1 1-35kd?-l<br />

I-- pr 76 ----4<br />

ILlgOg~~· c I<br />

r--140kd-~<br />

MC29<br />

I~og~:f:'~~~<br />

~env<br />

I<br />

1---II0kd----l<br />

c I<br />

MH2<br />

~90~:~~~:~<br />

.1env<br />

I c I<br />

A major step towards proving that the<br />

1.5-kb src-specific RNA sequence was also<br />

(almost) sufficient for transformation was ta-<br />

MC29<br />

1---I00kd ---l<br />

subgroup<br />

CMn ~env c<br />

I~Og~~p~/1<br />

~90kd~<br />

1-60kd4<br />

OKIO gag<br />

I .1pol ~i~~:~<br />

.1env cl<br />

3'<br />

10<br />

I kiloboses<br />

c I<br />

Replicatlon -<br />

defectlve<br />

vlruses<br />

AEV<br />

I<br />

I--pr76--l<br />

200kd<br />

I.1g0g~~ e~v I c I<br />

t--75kd-l 1-40kd?-!<br />

Fig. 1. Genetic structures of viruses of the avian tumor virus group. White boxes indicate map locations and<br />

complexities in kilobases of complete or partial (L\) complements of the three essential virion genes gag, pol<br />

and env and of the noncoding c region at the 3' end of viral RNAs. Hatched boxes indicate location and<br />

complexities of specific sequence elements which are unrelated to essential virion genes and which define five<br />

distinct RNA subgroups within the avian tumor virus group. These specific sequences represent all (src, amv)<br />

or part (fsv, mev, aev) of the co ding sequences of the five different onc genes associated with avian tumor<br />

viruses. Undulated lines indicate that translation crosses and half-undulated lines that translation may cross<br />

borders between RNA sequence elements of different genetic origin. Lines under the boxes symbolize the<br />

complexities in kilodaltons of the protein products encoded by the respective RNA sequences<br />


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