Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections


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Magnetic Separation of <strong>Marrow</strong> Cells 137<br />

School, Durham, ISC), and PM-81 and AML-2-23 were prepared by one of us.<br />

SBA and avidin were purified as previously described (10,11).<br />

Fresh samples of peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained by<br />

leukapheresis of patients with acute leukemia. The blast cells were isolated on<br />

Ficoll-Hypaque and incubated with saturating concentrations of MAbs diluted in<br />

PBS (2% FBS) for 30 minutes on ice. After two washes in PBS (256 FBS), the<br />

cells were incubated with 100 jug/ml of FITC and IgG fraction of goat antimouse<br />

immunoglobulin (F1TC-GAM) (Cappel, Malvern, PA) for 30 minutes on ice.<br />

After two washes in PBS (2% FBS) the cells were analyzed for fluorescence<br />

intensity of cells gated on the blast region on either an Ortho 2150 or a Coulter<br />

Epics C. The negative region was set on cells stained with FITC-GAM alone.<br />

Cells were also stained with 100 ug/m\ FITC-SBA.<br />


The data obtained from phenotyping acute leukemia cells is shown in<br />

Tables 1 and 2. Thirty-one cases of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and<br />

eight cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) were examined with a panel<br />

of MAbs. The SBA was reactive with most of the AML (11/14) and ALL (4/5)<br />

cases tested, staining a median of 51% of the AML and 70% of the ALL blast<br />

cells. CF-1 reacted with all 31 cases of AML and all 7 cases of ALL, with medians<br />

of 70% and 88% of the blasts staining, respectively. My7 reacted with 23 of 25<br />

AML samples (median, 65%) and PM-81 bound 20 of 22 AML samples tested<br />

(median, 68%). Du-ALL-1 reacted with 8 of 8 ALL cases tested (median, 48%),<br />

J5 bound 5 of 7 (median, 84%) and B4 reacted with 6 of 6 cases (median, 86%).<br />

Reagents were combined in attempts to increase the reactivity of blast<br />

cells. In Tables 3 and 4 the percentage of reactive blasts increased with<br />

combinations of reagents. In one case of M 5<br />

AML, the combination of CF-1,<br />

PM-81, and My7 reacted with 99.6% of the blasts. In one non-T ALL sample, the<br />

combination of CF-1 and J5 reacted with 99% of the blasts. From this analysis,<br />

we chose a cocktail for AML of SBA, CF-1, and MAbs from CD 13 and CD 15,<br />

and for ALL we chose a cocktail of SBA, CF-1, and MAbs from CD 9, CD 10, CD<br />

19, and CD 24. We will use these antibodies for marrow purging.<br />

We examined the efficiency of eliminating specific cell populations using<br />

clonogenic assays. When normal bone marrow mononuclear cells were treated<br />

with a cocktail (OKT-C) of OKT-3, OKT-4, OKT-8, and OKT-11, and MAC, we<br />

examined the elimination of clonogenic T cells using a limiting dilution assay<br />

(Table 5). We were able to remove an average of 2.6 logs of clonogenic T<br />

lymphocytes. With SBA and MAC, we could only remove 1.5 log, but with a<br />

combination of OKT-C, SBA, and MAC, we eliminated 3.9 logs of clonogenic T<br />

cells. Recoveries of hematopoietic progenitors were generally in excess of 50%.<br />

We also developed a limiting dilution analysis for eliminating K562 cells<br />

from peripheral blood or marrow samples (Christopher L. Reading et ai,<br />

unpublished data). This analysis yields a clonogenic frequency for K562 cells of<br />

nearly 1.0. We examined the ability of a combination of MAbs CF-1 and PM-81

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