Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections

Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation - Blog Science Connections


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Recovery After 4-Hydroperoxycyclophosphamide 121<br />

McCoy's medium containing 15% fetal calf serum in 0.3% agar. Pretreatment<br />

marrow samples were plated at 1 x 10 5 cells/ml. Because of the reduction in<br />

CFcls-GM after incubation with 4-HC, treated cells were plated at 1 x 10 6<br />

cells/ml. Human fibroblast-conditioned medium served as a standard source of<br />

colony-stimulating factor (10). Cultures were incubated for 7 days at 37°C in a<br />

humidified atmosphere of 7.5% C0 2<br />

in air. Colonies of more than 25 cells were<br />

counted with the aid of a dissecting microscope.<br />

Patients with AML received busulfan (1 mg/kg of body weight/dose orally<br />

every 6 hours for 16 doses) on days -9, -8, -7, and -6, followed by cyclophosphamide<br />

(50 mg/kg/dose i.v.) on days -5, -4, -3, -2. The bone marrow<br />

was infused on day 0. Patients with ALL or AML with evidence of CNS disease<br />

received cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg i.v.) on days -8, -7, -6, and -5 and total<br />

body irradiation (3 Gy/day, with the lungs shielded after 9 Gy) on days -4, -3,<br />

-2, and -1 with bone marrow rescue on day 0.<br />

Patients were cared for in single rooms using simple isolation. Before<br />

transplantation, a right atrial catheter was placed in each patient. All patients at<br />

risk for recurrence of herpes simplex infection received prophylactic intravenous<br />

acyclovir. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were given for fever during aplasia, and<br />

amphotericin was added for persistent fever. Antibiotics and isolation were<br />

discontinued when the neutrophil count exceeded 0.5 x 10 9 /1- All blood<br />

products were exposed to 2.5 Gy before infusion.<br />


Time to hematologic recovery is shown in Table 2. Patients with ALL had a<br />

significantly more rapid recovery than did patients with AML in neutrophil (P =<br />

.023) and leukocyte counts (P= .025) but not in reticulocyte count (P= .21). The<br />

slower rate of recovery in AML is also reflected in the number of patients who<br />

required the back-up marrow. Although the differences are not significant by<br />

chi-square analysis (P= .07), the reserve marrow was required by three of seven<br />

patients with AML but none with ALL.<br />

There was a marked reduction in CFOs-GM after a 30-minute exposure of<br />

marrow cells to 4-HC (Table 3). Approximately 1% of the CFCls-GM remained<br />

after incubation with this agent.<br />

The relationship between the number of CFOs-GM infused and hematologic<br />

recovery was examined for both ALL and AML. The log of the number of<br />

Table 2. Median Days to Recovery With <strong>Autologous</strong> <strong>Bone</strong> <strong>Marrow</strong><br />

<strong>Transplantation</strong><br />

Group 500 Neutrophils//^" 1,000 WBCs/ul 8 1% Reticulocytes<br />

AML 42 (22-59) 33 (24-60) 49 (29-185)<br />

ALL 19.5 (17-35) 19.5 (14-33) 29 (17-40)<br />

"Significant difference between median values (P < .05,).

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