i Report Issue No. 3 2005 - Philippine Center for Investigative ...

i Report Issue No. 3 2005 - Philippine Center for Investigative ...

i Report Issue No. 3 2005 - Philippine Center for Investigative ...


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T H E C A M P A I G N<br />

Presidential Makeover<br />


WHEN TV and newspapers<br />

carried images<br />

of President Gloria<br />

Macapagal-Arroyo<br />

and some members of her family<br />

taking a Sunday morning stroll<br />

along Baywalk on Roxas Boulevard<br />

last July, those who had<br />

witnessed the dying days of the<br />

Marcos regime were reminded<br />

of a presidential family photo in<br />

1985, showing the Marcoses relaxing<br />

on Malacañang grounds.<br />

The Arroyos’ Baywalk stroll<br />

and the Marcoses’ Malacañang<br />

garden picnic both tried to give the<br />

impression that they were spontaneous,<br />

casual activities. In reality,<br />

however, both were well-planned,<br />

serious undertakings that were<br />

part of high-budget communication<br />

plans hatched with the help<br />

of international public-relations<br />

companies.<br />

During the critical Marcos<br />

years, Black, Mana<strong>for</strong>t, Stone<br />

and Kelly was directing the show.<br />

This time around, Arroyo is being<br />

helped by Burson-Marsteller, a<br />

leading global communications<br />

company that lists among its<br />

capabilities, crisis and issues<br />

management, reputation management,<br />

and media relations.<br />

For what could be as high as $2<br />

million, the president is getting<br />

a service that Press Secretary<br />

Ignacio Bunye says is aimed<br />

primarily at communicating “to<br />

international audiences that the<br />

economic team is promoting economic<br />

re<strong>for</strong>m and actively managing<br />

a growing economy.”<br />

Bunye, however, says Burson-Marsteller<br />

does not advise<br />

“on the president’s image, (and)<br />

neither are they involved in domestic<br />

communication issues.”<br />

It was in fact the late Benigno<br />

‘Ninoy’ Aquino Jr.’s sister,<br />

director Lupita Kashiwahara,<br />

who hovered over the Arroyos at<br />

Baywalk and gave instructions on<br />

each shot. But as a local publicrelations<br />

expert points out, even<br />

if Burson-Marsteller is supposed<br />

to ensure a good international<br />

image <strong>for</strong> the Arroyo administration,<br />

that would still mean it has<br />

to help package the president <strong>for</strong><br />

the Filipino audience.<br />

That could be a real challenge.<br />

Since 2001, when she took over<br />

ousted President Joseph ‘Erap’<br />

Estrada, Gloria Arroyo has undergone<br />

so many makeovers she<br />

could make Oprah Winfrey’s head<br />

spin. From Iron Lady to Dolorous<br />

Mother of the Nation, Arroyo has<br />

done it all. Yet the president still<br />

can’t seem to connect with the<br />

public, especially the masa, and<br />

often ends up being perceived as<br />

insincere.<br />

Indeed, when her <strong>for</strong>eign PR<br />

consultants sat down with her early<br />

last year, “lacking in charisma”<br />

and “perceived as untrustworthy”<br />

topped their list of her liabilities.<br />

Husband Mike Arroyo was also a<br />

negative factor, they said.<br />

On the plus side were her being<br />

an economist and her unassuming<br />

only daughter, Lourdes Evangeline,<br />

better known as Luli.<br />

It may seem precious dollars<br />

were wasted <strong>for</strong> an assessment<br />

that could have been obtained free<br />

in coffeeshops. Although Roberto R.<br />

Romulo, presidential adviser <strong>for</strong> international<br />

competitiveness, denies<br />

the supposed $2 million price tag <strong>for</strong><br />

Burson-Marsteller’s services, local<br />

PR people say it’s not unheard of <strong>for</strong><br />

a hotshot global PR firm. Says one<br />

public-relations executive: “I imagine<br />

that (Burson-Marsteller) would be<br />

charging the Arroyo premium rate<br />

considering that it includes crisis<br />

management.”<br />

In 2002, when Burson-Marsteller’s<br />

ties with the Arroyo administration<br />

first became public, Presidential<br />

Management Staff head<br />

Rigoberto Tiglao said its fee was<br />

$800,000 <strong>for</strong> a one-year contract<br />

paid by a group of businessmen.<br />

In any case, Arroyo’s business<br />

relationship with Burson-Marsteller<br />

allowed the consultants to be frank<br />

with her, something no Palace official<br />

would dare do. A Malacañang<br />

insider says Arroyo just listened as<br />

the <strong>for</strong>eign PR experts talked.<br />

Apparently, her domestic handlers<br />

had their ears pressed<br />

against the wall. Even if Burston-<br />

Marsteller’s assessment was <strong>for</strong><br />

a PR campaign abroad, Arroyo’s<br />

local team used it to craft her<br />

political strategy. Mike Arroyo<br />

deliberately kept a low profile<br />

during the election campaign.<br />

Luli, meanwhile, was featured in<br />

at least two of the president’s<br />

campaign ads, with mother and<br />

daughter talking about leadership<br />

and governance.<br />

Last June, as the twin issues<br />

of jueteng and election fraud were<br />

pummeling the president, Burson-Marsteller<br />

representatives<br />

discussed with some Cabinet members<br />

ways to promote a “soft image”<br />

<strong>for</strong> Arroyo. Social Services Secretary<br />

Dinky Soliman submitted her “Bright<br />

Child” campaign aimed at producing<br />

healthier, brighter Filipinos with<br />

programs starting from prenatal<br />

care to high school education. Soliman<br />

resigned on July 8, along with<br />

nine other key officials. On July 29,<br />

Arroyo launched the “Bright Child”<br />

campaign, followed two days later<br />

by a breastfeeding project.<br />

Soliman says the <strong>for</strong>eign consultants<br />

had also suggested a<br />

more prominent role <strong>for</strong> Luli. Sure<br />

enough, after the Baywalk stroll,<br />

the First Daughter was interviewed<br />

on TV and in newspapers<br />

and was soon being called her<br />

mother’s “secret weapon.”<br />

But Luli is not the only family<br />

member Arroyo has mobilized to<br />

win the public over. In her speeches<br />

and inter views nowadays,<br />

Arroyo often invokes the memory<br />

of her father, the late President<br />

Diosdado Macapagal. “I talk to<br />

my father, ‘Dad, please intercede<br />

with God <strong>for</strong> me,’ “she said in a<br />

recent TV interview.<br />

Toddler Evie, daughter of Arroyo’s<br />

younger son Dato and his<br />

wife, Kakai, has also been popping<br />

up in presidential photo ops.<br />

Just recently, the Palace released<br />

a picture of her straying into her<br />

grandmother’s office while the<br />

president was having a meeting.<br />

A smiling president had cuddled<br />

the child at Baywalk, and later at<br />

nearby Aristocrat restaurant, where<br />

the family stopped <strong>for</strong> a bite.<br />

“She is now smiling a lot,”<br />

says Campaigns Advocacy and<br />

PR’s Ramon R. Osorio. He says<br />

there has been a marked improvement<br />

in Arroyo since her<br />

disastrous “I am sorry” speech.<br />

Osorio says it’s <strong>for</strong>tunate that her<br />

favorite color is blue, which lightens<br />

her otherwise steely aura.<br />

Arroyo, however, used to relish<br />

her Iron Lady persona, which she<br />

has donned a few times in the last<br />

four years. One of her first images<br />

as president was as a Tough Mama,<br />

perhaps to compensate <strong>for</strong> her lack<br />

of an electoral mandate. “Strike<br />

now so I can crush you,” she had<br />

dared Estrada’s followers, who took<br />

up her challenge and tried to storm<br />

Malacañang on May 1, 2001.<br />

“Isang bala ka lang (You’ll fall with<br />

just one bullet),” she taunted Abu<br />

Sayyaf bandits. Tons of bullets and<br />

millions of dollars in U.S. aid later, the<br />

bandits have become terrorists.<br />

For a time, Arroyo seemed unfazed.<br />

To underscore her fight against<br />

crime, she posed with criminal suspects<br />

in the Palace. When a notorious<br />

convict was slain, she motored<br />

to Cavite to have her picture taken<br />

viewing the fly-infested corpse.<br />

The public, however, remained<br />

unimpressed. And so she turned<br />

into “Ina ng Bayan” asking <strong>for</strong> the<br />

people’s help. She also became a<br />

tricycle-riding Ate Glo who even went<br />

to market in flip-flops.<br />

But the image she is most com<strong>for</strong>table<br />

with is as a working president.<br />

As a strict chief executive, she<br />

scolded officials in front of TV cameras.<br />

Today the working-president<br />

image has been resurrected, but<br />

she has not snapped at an underling<br />

in public since the controversy<br />

over the tapes broke out.<br />

Admittedly hardworking, Arroyo<br />

has been doing overtime in trying<br />

to make herself more appealing to<br />

Filipinos. At the beginning of her<br />

unelected presidency, she held a<br />

weekly press conference telecast<br />

live. Her messages, however, were<br />

often overshadowed by her smirks,<br />

frowns, and dismissive replies<br />

when provoked with questions not<br />

to her liking.<br />

She tried weekly lunches with<br />

small groups of reporters without<br />

TV cameras, and then a radio program<br />

every Saturday. Neither lasted<br />

long. Malacañang tapped actresssinger<br />

Jolina Magdangal to host<br />

the “The Working President” on<br />

government-controlled TV stations.<br />

But Arroyo continued to post dismal<br />

approval and trust ratings.<br />

Ironically, Arroyo has the<br />

most competent media team<br />

ever assembled in post-Marcos<br />

Malacañang. It is headed by two<br />

ex-journalists, Bunye and Tiglao.<br />

Cabinet Secretary Ricardo Saludo<br />

is also a <strong>for</strong>mer journalist.<br />

Since August 2004, there<br />

has also been the Office of Communications<br />

Director, which has<br />

a Crisis Communicating Team “to<br />

assist in meeting extraordinary issues.”<br />

But when the “Hello Garci”<br />

issue exploded, Arroyo imported<br />

Kashiwahara from San Francisco.<br />

When that still wasn’t enough,<br />

Mai Jimenez, who took charge<br />

of media <strong>for</strong> the Arroyo camp<br />

during the 2004 polls, re-entered<br />

the scene. Last July 5, Jimenez<br />

presented a communication plan<br />

meant not to makeover Arroyo but<br />

to “stress on programs, projects<br />

and re<strong>for</strong>ms to show that the<br />

government is committed.”<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e the current crisis, Arroyo<br />

had scheduled <strong>for</strong>eign trips<br />

starting with Hong Kong and<br />

Singapore to sell what she called<br />

“an economy about to take off.”<br />

She pushed through with the<br />

Hong Kong leg in June, but all they<br />

wanted to hear from her there was<br />

about the “Hello, Garci” tapes.<br />

The Singapore visit, scheduled<br />

<strong>for</strong> July, was moved to August.<br />

It has since been postponed<br />

indefinitely. Says a <strong>for</strong>eign affairs<br />

official: “What is she going to tell<br />

<strong>for</strong>eign investors when she doesn’t<br />

even know if she is going to make<br />

it to the end of the year?”<br />

And that’s why Burson-Marsteller,<br />

Arroyo’s PR <strong>for</strong> an international<br />

audience, should and<br />

could be concerned as well with<br />

her domestic survival.<br />


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