New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books

New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books
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45. GILLÉ, J.-G. Recueil des divers Caractère, Vignettes et Ornemens de la Fonderie et Imprimerie. Paris, Gillé, 1808– 1819. $8,800 Folio, ll. 155 – with 12 printed on both sides, ie pp. 167 and including one large folding printed type specimen broadside; disbound; preserved in a custom-made fold-over box. A magnificent collection of Gillé’s type specimens. In addition to text, display and exotic fonts, borders, rules, ornaments and vignettes, the very rare prospectus for a printing manual, the large folding type specimen and the engraving of the printing press, which are all often lacking, are all included. The collection is considerably more complete than that described by Audin or Bigmore & Wyman. See Audin 75–79; Birrell & Garnett 47; Gaskell, Barber & Warrilow, F9; Barber, p. 14; Fleuron 6, pp. 167 etc. 46. GRATAROL, P. A. Narrazione Apologetica. Stockholm, Fougt, 1779. $2,800 Small 4to, pp. [iv], 146, [2]; contemporary marbled calf. First edition of this exposition of the corruption and intrigues at the Council of Ten in Venice, by the Casanova associate Gratarol. Uncommon, OCLC lists copies at Harvard, BL, Danish National library only. 47. HICKES, G. Linguarum Vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico- criticus et archaeologicus. Oxford, Sheldonian Theatre, 1703–1705. $12,000 Two volumes, folio, large paper copy (442 x 272mm), pp. [16], xlviii, [18], 235, [9], 111, [5], 92; [viii], 159, [3], 161–188, [18], 326, [56], with fine engraved frontispiece portrait by Whyte, 27 plates (2 folding), many text illustrations throughout; early eighteenth-century mottled and diced russia, gilt; a fine large paper copy from the Macclesfield library. First edition, large paper copy, of the greatest work on the ancient Northern languages of the eighteenth century – perhaps, indeed, the most comprehensive account ever published – from the Macclesfield Library. Alston III 10; ESTC t108393; Kennedy 2362; Petheram pp. 76–86; Francisque Michel p. 93. 48. HOFMANN, F. G. Neues Verzeichnis und Muster-Charte des Meubles-Magazin von Friedrich Gottlieb Hofmann. Leipzig, [printed for the author], 1795. $14,400 Folio (365 x 235 mm), pp. 8 and 36 engraved plates (one folding) illustrating 51 furniture designs; contemporary marbled boards, a fine copy. First edition of the very rare German furniture pattern book and trade catalogue, illustrating fiftyone furniture designs, many showing English influence. OCLC locates just 2 copies, Winterthur and Redwood Library & Athenaeum; see H. Kreisel & G. Himmelheber, Die Kunst des deutschen Möbels, III, Munich 1983, pp. 47 ff. 49. HOHE, F. Der Begleiter. Wissenschaftliche Tabellen und Notizen. Eine Gedächtnißhilfe für Jedermann. Munich, the Author, 1857. $1,200 Small 8vo, pp. [viii], 240, with four handcoloured lithograph plates; contemporary blindstamped red cloth. First and only edition of this charming handbook of general knowledge in geography, history, natural history, etc. meant as a handy teach-yourself travel companion, featuring an atlas, a gazetteer, a list of prominent people (past and present), a miniature encyclopaedia of general information, and a chronological list of events. OCLC Munich, BL, University of Illinois. 50. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION – TURIN. Giudicio della Regia camera d’agricoltura e di commercio di Torino, sui prodotti dell’industria de’ Regi Stati nell Anno 1832. Turin, Chirio and Mina, 1832. $580 8vo, pp. 111, one signature misbound; original printed wrappers. A fine copy of this industrial exhibition catalogue, which clearly shows the beginning industrialisation of the Piedmont. Carpenter p. 483; Goldsmiths’-Kress 27311.41.

51. JEAN, A. Arithmetique au miroir. Par laquelle on peut (en quatre vaccations de demie heure chacune) pratiquer les plus belles regles d’icelle. [Paris?, n.p. 1649. $2,800 8vo, two parts in one volume, second title page dated 1637, pp. 15, [1] with 17 engraved plates; [3] blank, pp. 55 of engraved tables; contemporary limp vellum. Second enlarged edition of Alexandre Jean’s elegantly engraved multiplication tables, first published in 1639. See Honeyman IV 1756. 52. JULLIEN, M.-A. Biomètre, ou Mémorial Horaire. Paris, Dupre, 1824. $1,000 8vo, pp. 99, [1] contents; contemporary red crushed roan. First edition of Jullien’s Biomètre calendar, published to coincide with the third enlarged edition of his Essai sur l’Emploi du Tems, a method of life and time management for the nobility, based on the educational principles of Locke and Bacon, and foreshadowing modern business management schemes. OCLC lists one copy at Bloomington, In. 53. JUSTI, J.H. G. v. Die Natur und das Wesen der Staaten, als die Grundwissenschaft der Staatskunst. Berlin, Stettin and Leipzig, Rüdigers, 1760. $4,500 8vo, pp. xiv, 488, [32] index; contemporary full sheep, gilt-lettered spine label. First edition of Justi’s most explicit treatise on political philosophy, the ethical foundation of the modern Welfare State. Higgs 2415; Masui p. 916; Menger, c. 51. 54. JUVENILE. Les Quatre Elémens. L’air; L’eau; Le feu; La terre. [Paris, Maulde and Renou], ca. 1830. $750 Four volumes, 12mo (82 x 52mm); each pp. 24 with two hand-coloured steel-engraved plates; embossed in gold ‘cartonages de papier’ in pink, pale blue, pale green and white; a fine set. A charming set of children’s miniature books with instructive text on the four elements, each with two hand-coloured plates. Gumuchian 4662–5. 55. LAMESLE, C. Épreuves Générales des Caracteres. Paris, 1742. $7,000 Small 4to, ll. 81, title and 80 leaves of type specimens; title and music specimens printed in red and black; contemporary full panelled calf; from the library of the well-known type historian D.B. Updike. First edition of Lamesle’s first type specimen, a fine association copy of a splendid stock of types, which is of particular interest as it represents various periods, both dating back nearly two centuries and contemporary. Audin, 27; Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 417; Birrell & Garnett 35. 56. LAW – Trial. Collection of ‘mémoires’ and ‘consultations’ concerning the trial of the guardians of Mademoiselle de Melun, the Duc de Bethune and the ‘bourgeois’ Jean- Etienne Dat, against the Marquis de Becelaer concerning the inheritance and testament of Mademoiselle de Risbourg. 1752. $4,800 Three volumes, 4to; contemporary red morocco, gilt; in volume III the text is printed in folio and has been folded and bound in crosswise; a fine set. Complex and rare trial documents on questions of changed wills and inheritance. 57. LE BLON, J.-C. L’Art d’imprimer les Tableaux. Traité d’après les Ecrits, les Opérations & les Instructions verbales. Paris, Mercier, Nyon, & Lambert, 1756. $10,800 8vo, pp. xi, [1] blank; vi, [2], [xiii] – xxv, [26]–180, with one hand-coloured sepia mezzotint and two plates, bound without the final Privilege du Roy, contemporary full calf, gilt. Second edition of Le Blon’s landmark introduction to the three colour process of printing mezzotints, generally regarded as the foundation of modern colour printing – and the first edition to include practical information on the printing process. Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 67; Franklin, p. 40; J.M. Friedman, 13.

45. GILLÉ, J.-G. Recueil des divers<br />

Caractère, Vignettes et Ornemens de la<br />

Fonderie et Imprimerie. Paris, Gillé, 1808–<br />

1819. $8,800<br />

Folio, ll. 155 – with 12 printed on both sides, ie pp.<br />

167 and including one large folding printed type<br />

specimen broadside; disbound; preserved in a<br />

custom-made fold-over box.<br />

A magnificent collection of Gillé’s type specimens.<br />

In addition to text, display and exotic fonts, borders,<br />

rules, ornaments and vignettes, the very rare prospectus<br />

for a printing manual, the large folding type<br />

specimen and the engraving of the printing press,<br />

which are all often lacking, are all included. The<br />

collection is considerably more complete than that<br />

described by Audin or Bigmore & Wyman.<br />

See Audin 75–79; Birrell & Garnett 47; Gaskell, Barber &<br />

Warrilow, F9; Barber, p. 14; Fleuron 6, pp. 167 etc.<br />

46. GRATAROL, P. A. Narrazione<br />

Apologetica. Stockholm, Fougt, 1779. $2,800<br />

Small 4to, pp. [iv], 146, [2]; contemporary<br />

marbled calf.<br />

First edition of this exposition of the corruption<br />

and intrigues at the Council of Ten in Venice, by the<br />

Casanova associate Gratarol.<br />

Uncommon, OCLC lists copies at Harvard, BL, Danish<br />

National library only.<br />

47. HICKES, G. Linguarum Vett.<br />

septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico-<br />

criticus et archaeologicus. Oxford, Sheldonian<br />

Theatre, 1703–1705. $12,000<br />

Two volumes, folio, large paper copy (442 x<br />

272mm), pp. [16], xlviii, [18], 235, [9], 111, [5],<br />

92; [viii], 159, [3], 161–188, [18], 326, [56], with<br />

fine engraved frontispiece portrait by Whyte,<br />

27 plates (2 folding), many text illustrations<br />

throughout; early eighteenth-century mottled and<br />

diced russia, gilt; a fine large paper copy from the<br />

Macclesfield library.<br />

First edition, large paper copy, of the greatest work<br />

on the ancient Northern languages of the eighteenth<br />

century – perhaps, indeed, the most comprehensive<br />

account ever published – from the Macclesfield<br />

Library.<br />

Alston III 10; ESTC t108393; Kennedy 2362; Petheram pp.<br />

76–86; Francisque Michel p. 93.<br />

48. HOFMANN, F. G. Neues Verzeichnis<br />

und Muster-Charte des Meubles-Magazin von<br />

Friedrich Gottlieb Hofmann. Leipzig, [printed<br />

for the author], 1795. $14,400<br />

Folio (365 x 235 mm), pp. 8 and 36 engraved<br />

plates (one folding) illustrating 51 furniture<br />

designs; contemporary marbled boards, a fine<br />

copy.<br />

First edition of the very rare German furniture<br />

pattern book and trade catalogue, illustrating fiftyone<br />

furniture designs, many showing English<br />

influence.<br />

OCLC locates just 2 copies, Winterthur and Redwood<br />

Library & Athenaeum; see H. Kreisel & G. Himmelheber,<br />

Die Kunst des deutschen Möbels, III, Munich 1983, pp. 47 ff.<br />

49. HOHE, F. Der Begleiter. Wissenschaftliche<br />

Tabellen und Notizen. Eine<br />

Gedächtnißhilfe für Jedermann. Munich,<br />

the Author, 1857. $1,200<br />

Small 8vo, pp. [viii], 240, with four handcoloured<br />

lithograph plates; contemporary<br />

blindstamped red cloth.<br />

First and only edition of this charming handbook<br />

of general knowledge in geography, history, natural<br />

history, etc. meant as a handy teach-yourself travel<br />

companion, featuring an atlas, a gazetteer, a list of<br />

prominent people (past and present), a miniature<br />

encyclopaedia of general information, and a chronological<br />

list of events.<br />

OCLC Munich, BL, University of Illinois.<br />


TURIN. Giudicio della Regia camera<br />

d’agricoltura e di commercio di Torino, sui<br />

prodotti dell’industria de’ Regi Stati nell Anno<br />

1832. Turin, Chirio and Mina, 1832. $580<br />

8vo, pp. 111, one signature misbound; original<br />

printed wrappers.<br />

A fine copy of this industrial exhibition catalogue,<br />

which clearly shows the beginning industrialisation<br />

of the Piedmont.<br />

Carpenter p. 483; Goldsmiths’-Kress 27311.41.

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