New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books

New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books New York 2012 Susanne Schulz-Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books
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5. BAURENFEIND, M. Vollkommene Wieder-Herstellung der bissher sehr in Verfall gekommenen gründlich und zierlichen Schreib-kunst. Nürnberg, Adelbulner for Weigel, 1716. $2,400 Oblong 4to, engraved title, pp. [iv], 39, [1] blank; 59 engraved plates (versos blank); with three duplicate plates printed in red; contemporary half vellum; preserved in a contemporary slipcase. First edition of Baurenfeind’s manual of calligraphy – with three of the engraved plates repeated and printed in red. Bauer (Weigel), 38, 2; Doede 126; Bonacini 157; Berlin 4871; Hoefer 166. 6. BLUMENBACH, J. F. Ueber den Bildungstrieb und das Zeugungsgeschäfte. Göttingen, Dieterich, 1781. $2,000 Small 8vo, pp. 87, [1] blank, one engraved plate; contemporary half tan calf; contemporary ownership inscription by the surgeon Joachim Thomas Bosch. First edition, rare, of Blumenbach’s work on the Bildungstrieb (nisus formativus), the continuing quest by thinkers since Aristotle to understand the nature of life. Blake p. 51; Garrison-Morton 104; NDB II, p. 329. 7. BOCCACCIO, G. Il Decameron. Florence, Insegna di Dante, 1820. $2,500 Tall narrow 8vo (360 x 78 mm), pp. [viii], 307, [1]; uncut in contemporary (original) green pastepaper boards; Limited edition, one of 100 copies on paper, of a typographic oddity, a book printed in an unusually tall format, the ‘papiriforme’ style. OCLC lists copies at Oxford, Manchester, Yale, Harvard, Stanford and University of Minnesota. 8. BONI, M. Lettere sui primi Libri a Stampa di alcune Città e Terre dell’Italia superiore. Venice, Carlo Palese, 1794. $2,000 4to, pp. CXXXII (132); engraved title vignettes by Novelli; contemporary half vellum over boards. First and only edition of a detailed study of early printing in Genoa, Pavia and Brescia, and northern Italy in general, with an appealing title vignette showing putti setting type and inspecting books. Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 70; Bonamici p. 27; Graesse I, p. 487. 9. BOOK CATALOGUE – LYON. Manuscript catalogue of a book collection. [n.p, n.d, possibly Lyon, ca. 1750.] $6,000 Tall narrow 8vo (255 x 100mm); pp. 161; contemporary vellum wallet binding. A fine and most interesting manuscript catalogue of books, mostly of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, arranged in sections. 10. BOOK CATALOGUE – SMITH, J. Bibliotheca Smithiana. Venice, Pasquali, 1755. $4,800 Two parts in two volumes, 4to, pp. [viii], xliii, [1] blank, 520; 348 [vere] 352, [4]; contemporary calfbacked paste-paper boards; gilt. First complete edition of Smith’s library catalogue, listing the superb collection formed by Joseph Smith (1682–1770), British Consul at Venice, which in 1765 was sold in its entirety to George III, and thus became the ‘nucleus’ of the King’s library and thus the British Museum, now British Library. De Ricci, pp. 54 ff; Taylor, pp. 261 ff.; for a full study see Lotte Hellinga, The Bibliotheca Smithiana, in G. Mandelbrote ed., Libraries within the Library. 2009. 11. BOSSE, A. Traité des Manières à graver en taille douce sur l’Airain. Paris, [Aubouin & Clousier] paste-over label: Paris, Claude Jombert, 1701. $4,400 8vo, engraved title & frontispiece, pp. [viii], 70, [2] with 16 numbered engraved plates, and two unnumbered plates; contemporary full calf, spine gilt. First LeClerc edition of Bosse’s manual of etching, engraving and printing. The Auboüin imprint has been pasted over with a new Jombert imprint, which is rather fitting, as Jombert was to publish the next substantially enlarged edition – see below. See Bigmore-Wyman, I, 72; Cicognara 254; see En Français dans le Texte, 92.

12. BOSSE, A. De la Maniere de Graver a l’Eau forte et au Burin … Augmentée de l’Impression qui imite les tableaux, de la Gravure en maniere de crayon, & de celle qui imite le lavis. Paris, Jombert, 1758 [vere ca 1773]. $4,000 Tall 8vo (196 x120 mm), engraved frontispiece, pp. xxxii, 205, [3], with four engraved vignettes and 21engraved folding plates; contemporary full catspaw calf, gilt. Second Jombert edition of Bosse’s etching and engraving manual with extensive additions on colour printing. Bigmore-Wyman, I, 72; Cicognara 255. 13. BOTTARELLI, G. De Bagni di San Casciano. Florence, Vangelisti, [1688]. $3,500 12mo, pp. 308 [310], with four etched plates bound in; contemporary vellum. First and only edition of this detailed account of the medical benefits of the hot springs of San Casciano, one of the preeminent Italian thermal baths of classical antiquity and up to the eighteenth century, with fine etched plates, showing ladies submerged, and gentlemen under the head shower. Vinciana 1845; Krivatsy 1607; Waller 1338; Wellcome II, p. 210. 14. BOZE, C. Gros de or G.-A. BAZIN. Le Livre Jaune. Basle, 1748. $2,800 8vo, pp. [xxiv], 184; contemporary half calf, printed on bright yellow paper. First edition, privately printed on yellow paper (limited to thirty or fifty copies only), of this philosophical discussion of logic and semantics. Barbier II 1331; Brunet III 1129 (50 copies); G. Peignot & A.A. Renouard, p. 25 (30 copies). 15. BRUNNER, J. J. Vorschrift zu nützlicher Nachahmung und einer fleissigen Ubung zu Gutem vorgestellt und geschrieben. Bern, Guttenberger, 1766. $1,950 Oblong folio ll. 17 engraved plates including engraved title; early nineteenth century roanbacked boards. First edition of an attractive practical writing manual by Brunner. Becker 173; Berlin 4912; Bonacini 286; Doede 190. 16. CALENDAR. Agenda Perpétuel. A l’usage des Négocians, Banquiers, Agens de Change. Paris, Caillot, ca 1820. $900 12mo, frontispiece, title, pp. [122], ll. 32 of blank leaves, and a printed calendar for 1821 pasted in; original green crushed morocco, gilt, with matching silver stylus. A charming perpetual calendar diary, which includes substantial economic and financial information. 17. CARTOGRAPHY – ANON. Vorschriften für topographische Zeichnungen in der Königlich Bayerischen Armee. Mit 42 Tafeln. Munich, G. F., 1845. $1,200 Ten parts, 8vo, pp. vi, 47, and 42 plates, mounted on buff cloth, in nine sections; preserved in the original slipcase. First edition of this attractive introduction to the production and colouring of topographical maps and charts for the Bavarian army. The work is clearly meant to be used in the field, and the introductory volume and the plates mounted on cloth are housed in a map case. OCLC records 3 copies in Bavaria, Swiss National Library, Den Haag, French National Library and BL. 18. CHAPPE, C. Il Telegrafo. Rome, n.p., 1794. $1,000 8vo, pp. xiii, [3] blank, 4 engraved plates bound at the end; partly uncut in contemporary blue wrappers. First edition in Italian of Claude Chappe’s ‘optical’ telegraph, a semaphore which depended on visual signals and preceded the modern telegraph. See E. Jacquez, Claude Chappe, notice biographique, 1893; Newton, Encyclopedia of Cryptology, p. 205.

5. BAURENFEIND, M. Vollkommene<br />

Wieder-Herstellung der bissher sehr in<br />

Verfall gekommenen gründlich und zierlichen<br />

Schreib-kunst. Nürnberg, Adelbulner for<br />

Weigel, 1716. $2,400<br />

Oblong 4to, engraved title, pp. [iv], 39, [1] blank;<br />

59 engraved plates (versos blank); with three<br />

duplicate plates printed in red; contemporary half<br />

vellum; preserved in a contemporary slipcase.<br />

First edition of Baurenfeind’s manual of calligraphy<br />

– with three of the engraved plates repeated and<br />

printed in red.<br />

Bauer (Weigel), 38, 2; Doede 126; Bonacini 157; Berlin 4871;<br />

Hoefer 166.<br />

6. BLUMENBACH, J. F. Ueber den<br />

Bildungstrieb und das Zeugungsgeschäfte.<br />

Göttingen, Dieterich, 1781. $2,000<br />

Small 8vo, pp. 87, [1] blank, one engraved plate;<br />

contemporary half tan calf; contemporary<br />

ownership inscription by the surgeon Joachim<br />

Thomas Bosch.<br />

First edition, rare, of Blumenbach’s work on the<br />

Bildungstrieb (nisus formativus), the continuing<br />

quest by thinkers since Aristotle to understand the<br />

nature of life.<br />

Blake p. 51; Garrison-Morton 104; NDB II, p. 329.<br />

7. BOCCACCIO, G. Il Decameron.<br />

Florence, Insegna di Dante, 1820. $2,500<br />

Tall narrow 8vo (360 x 78 mm), pp. [viii], 307,<br />

[1]; uncut in contemporary (original) green pastepaper<br />

boards;<br />

Limited edition, one of 100 copies on paper, of a<br />

typographic oddity, a book printed in an unusually<br />

tall format, the ‘papiriforme’ style.<br />

OCLC lists copies at Oxford, Manchester, Yale, Harvard,<br />

Stanford and University of Minnesota.<br />

8. BONI, M. Lettere sui primi Libri a<br />

Stampa di alcune Città e Terre dell’Italia<br />

superiore. Venice, Carlo Palese, 1794. $2,000<br />

4to, pp. CXXXII (132); engraved title vignettes<br />

by Novelli; contemporary half vellum over<br />

boards.<br />

First and only edition of a detailed study of early<br />

printing in Genoa, Pavia and Brescia, and northern<br />

Italy in general, with an appealing title vignette<br />

showing putti setting type and inspecting books.<br />

Bigmore & Wyman I, p. 70; Bonamici p. 27; Graesse I,<br />

p. 487.<br />


Manuscript catalogue of a book collection.<br />

[n.p, n.d, possibly Lyon, ca. 1750.] $6,000<br />

Tall narrow 8vo (255 x 100mm); pp. 161;<br />

contemporary vellum wallet binding.<br />

A fine and most interesting manuscript catalogue<br />

of books, mostly of the sixteenth and seventeenth<br />

centuries, arranged in sections.<br />


Bibliotheca Smithiana. Venice, Pasquali,<br />

1755. $4,800<br />

Two parts in two volumes, 4to, pp. [viii], xliii, [1]<br />

blank, 520; 348 [vere] 352, [4]; contemporary calfbacked<br />

paste-paper boards; gilt.<br />

First complete edition of Smith’s library catalogue,<br />

listing the superb collection formed by Joseph Smith<br />

(1682–1770), British Consul at Venice, which in 1765<br />

was sold in its entirety to George III, and thus became<br />

the ‘nucleus’ of the King’s library and thus the British<br />

Museum, now British Library.<br />

De Ricci, pp. 54 ff; Taylor, pp. 261 ff.; for a full study see Lotte<br />

Hellinga, The Bibliotheca Smithiana, in G. Mandelbrote ed.,<br />

Libraries within the Library. 2009.<br />

11. BOSSE, A. Traité des Manières à graver<br />

en taille douce sur l’Airain. Paris, [Aubouin<br />

& Clousier] paste-over label: Paris, Claude<br />

Jombert, 1701. $4,400<br />

8vo, engraved title & frontispiece, pp. [viii], 70,<br />

[2] with 16 numbered engraved plates, and two<br />

unnumbered plates; contemporary full calf, spine<br />

gilt.<br />

First LeClerc edition of Bosse’s manual of etching,<br />

engraving and printing. The Auboüin imprint has<br />

been pasted over with a new Jombert imprint, which<br />

is rather fitting, as Jombert was to publish the next<br />

substantially enlarged edition – see below.<br />

See Bigmore-Wyman, I, 72; Cicognara 254; see En Français<br />

dans le Texte, 92.

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