Susanne Schulz Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books

Susanne Schulz Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books

Susanne Schulz Falster - Schulz-Falster Rare Books


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[COMENIUS.] MÜLLER, A, ed. Des Johann Amos Comenius Orbis Pictus. In zwei<br />

Abtheilungen. Nürnberg, 1835. Innovative version of Orbis Pictus – in two volumes, for<br />

two age groups, with 18 hand-coloured plates. $4,000<br />

[CURRENCY.] Ragguaglio fra la Lira italiana, lo Scudo romano, la Lira di Milano e la<br />

Lira Veneta. Ferrara, 1810. Fine tabbed exchange rate tables. $1,200<br />

DANIELS, A. von. Vollständige Abschilderung der Schwert- und Messer- Fabriken.<br />

Düsseldorf, 1802. Solingen metal and sword industry – history, regulation and trade<br />

legislation. $3,200<br />

DARDANA, G. Memoria intorno al Mezzi di Togliere agli Appartamenti il Fetore.<br />

Venice, 1792. Ventilation in hospitals. $600<br />

DEL BORRO, A. Dimostrazioni, e prove sopra l'Attività, ed uso vantaggioso del Gran<br />

Coltro. Milan, 1718. Old Master influence on scientific book illustration. $5,000<br />

DIODATI, L. Dello Stato presente della Moneta nel Regno di Napoli. Naples, 1790.<br />

Monetary history and the proposal of a fixed exchange-rate mechanism. $2,250<br />

DUCHANOY, C.-F. Essais sur l'art d'imiter les Eaux Minérales. Paris, 1780. Mineral<br />

water, distribution & analysis. $700<br />

DUVERNET, T.-I. et al. Les Joueurs et M. Dusaulx. Agripinae [London], 1781. Police<br />

protection of Paris gambling dens. $1,250<br />

[ENERGY EFFICIENCY.] Beschreibung neuer holzsparenden Oefen und<br />

Feuerherde.Vienna, 1808. Comparative report of energy efficient heating systems,<br />

extensively illustrated. $4,000<br />

ENGEL, J. J. Ideen zu einer Mimik. Berlin, 1785-1786. The aesthetics of dramatic<br />

expression illustrated. $1,200<br />

EUTENEUER, J. D. Der neue doppelte Buchhalter. Erster Theil. [all published].<br />

Barmen, 1789. <strong>Rare</strong> introduction to double-entry book-keeping. $2,500<br />

FARINATO, P. Diverses Figures a l'eau forte de petits Amours, Anges vollants, et<br />

Enfans. Paris, 1644. Cupids, angels & masks engraved by Abraham Bosse. $9,500<br />

FOURNIER. P. S. Manuel Typographique. Paris, 1764/1766 [vere 1768]. Highpoint of<br />

French 18 th century typography. $6,750<br />

GULDENER VON LOBES, E. V. Beobachtungen über die Krätze gesammelt in dem<br />

Arbeitshause zu Prag. Prague, 1791. Scabies and public health. $900<br />

HAMMARSKÖLD, L. Förtekning på de i Sverige, från äldre, till närvarande tider,<br />

utkomna schole- och undervisnings-böcker. Stockholm, 1817. Swedish books on<br />

education, the first bibliography. $900<br />

HICKES, G. Linguarum Vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico-criticus et<br />

archaeologicus. Oxford, 1703-1705. Large paper copy, finely bound, of the greatest work on<br />

the ancient northern languages. $12,500<br />

HOOK, J. A collection of Favorite Songs Sung by Mr Dignum, At Vauxhall Gardens.<br />

Book 1 st & 2 nd . 1794. Engraved music with engraving of Vauxhall music stand. $1,600<br />

JAECK, H. J. Viele Alphabete und ganze Schrift-Muster. Bamberg, 1833 -1835.<br />

Decorated initials from illuminated manuscripts in Bamberg library – four volumes folio.<br />

.n $4,000<br />

JUDD, J. & A. H. GLASS. Counsels to Authors and Hints to Advertisers. London,<br />

1856. Advertising for business – guide to self publishing. $600<br />

[JUVENILE - CHILDREN'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA.] Souvenir du Sacré-Coeur. [Paris],<br />

1872. Fine manuscript children’s encyclopaedia. $5,750<br />

[JUVENILE - DARTON.] Little Jack of all Trades, or Mechanical Arts described.<br />

London, 1823. Children’s guide to trades and professions. $800<br />

KNIGGE, A. F. F. von. Ueber den Umgang mit Menschen. Frankfurt, 1789. Advice on<br />

manners and conduct for the middle classes (first pirated edn.). $700<br />

KNOHLL, J. P., attrib. Kurtze Beschreibung und Unterricht des Wein-Baues. Dresden,<br />

1711, 1712. Wine-making and viticulture, a comprehensive guide. $5,000<br />

LAMESLE, C. Épreuves Générales des Caracteres. Paris, 1742. Fine type-specimen from<br />

Updike’s library. $7,200<br />

[LAW.] Ordini con i quali deve essere governata la venerabile archiconfraternita della<br />

SS. Madonna del Suffragio. Rome, 1700. Dowries for girls, and release from death row –<br />

the order of SS Madonna del Suffragio. $1,250<br />

[LAW - ART PROTECTION.] Chirografo sulle Antichità, e Belle Arti in Roma, 1802.<br />

[with:] Editto dell' Cardinal Pacca, sopra le Antichità, e gli Scavi, 7. April 1820. Rome,<br />

1820. Italian national and cultural heritage protected. $9,500<br />

[LAW – BESANÇON.] Ordonnances, Reglements et Statuts des Arts et Metiers.<br />

Besançon, 1689. Craft & guild rules in Besançon. $1,950<br />

[LAW - CORSICA.] Ordonnance de Louis XV, concernant les Délits & les Peines dans<br />

l'Isle de Corse. [1768]. [with:] Procédures Criminelles en Corse. Toulon [1768]. French<br />

criminal code & procedure introduced in Corsica. $2,800<br />

LE BLON, J.-C. L'Art d'imprimer les Tableaux. Paris, 1756. The foundation of modern<br />

colour printing, the three colour mezzotint. $10,500<br />

LE NOBLE, E. Carta Topografica dell'Isola del Maritaggio. Cosmopoli, 1765.<br />

Allegorical map of the island of Matrimony. $2,350<br />

[LIVORNO – COMMERCIAL NEWS.] Livorno 4 October 1756 and Livorno 13<br />

December, 1756. Livorno financial newspaper. $700<br />

[LOTTERY.] [INDOVINO Fortunato]. Il vero mezzo per vincere all'estrazione de' lotti.<br />

Venice, 1812. Dreambook for lottery numbers – with 270 woodcuts. $2,000<br />

LUYKEN, Jan. De Onwaardige Wereld, Amsterdam, 1728. The unworthy world in fifty<br />

emblems. $1000<br />

MAGRINI, L. Telegrafo elettro-magnetico practicabile a grandi distanze. Con Tavole.<br />

Venice, 1838. The electro-magnetic telegraph – presentation copy. $1,400<br />

MARTENS, A. E. Das Hamburgische Criminal-Gefängniss genannt: Das Spinnhaus.<br />

Hamburg, 1823. Prisons – organisation & justification. $1,200<br />

MARTIN, C. F. Le Régulateur universel des Poids et Mesures. Avignon, 1809. The first<br />

business calculator – in presentation binding. $2,250<br />

MEDICI, Sisto de. De Foenore Iudaeorum. Libri tres. Venice, 1555. Jewish money-lenders<br />

in Venice, the legal point. $4,100<br />

MENGER, C. Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre. Vienna, 1871. The foundation of<br />

the Austrian School of economics. $5,000<br />

NEURATH, O. Modern Man in the Making. New York & London, 1939. Isotypes – the<br />

Vienna method of pictorial statistics. $1,400<br />

NICOLAI, F. Wegweiser für Fremde und Einheimische durch die königl.<br />

Residenzstädte Berlin und Potsdam. Berlin, 1799. Berlin handbook, with details of<br />

libraries, businesses & artisans. $2,000<br />

NIVELON, F. The rudiments of genteel behavior. London, 1739. Illustrated manual of<br />

etiquette and deportment. $7,500<br />

PISANELLI, B. Trattato della Natura de Cibi et del Bere. Venice, 1584. Food, drink &<br />

gastronomy. $2,750<br />

PYE, C. Provincial Copper Coins or Tokens issued between the years 1787 and 1796.<br />

Birmingham, 1795. Classic work on English coins & tokens – entirely engraved. $1,150<br />

RAUCOURT de CHARLEVILLE, A. A Manual of Lithography. London, 1821.<br />

Lithographic printing translated by Hullmandel. $1,450<br />

REBOUL, M. Sommaire des Reglemens faits par le Bureau de Police de Montpellier.<br />

Montpellier, 1760. Practical policing with relevant legislation and precedence. $2,000<br />

ROSENTHAL, G. E. Litteratur der Technologie. Berlin & Stettin, 1795. The first<br />

bibliography of books on technology. $1,500<br />

ROSNATI, B. G. Sui Mezzi piu vantaggiosi al Conseguimento ed alla Conservazione<br />

della Prosperità fisica dell'Uomo civilizzato. Milano, 1821. Healthy living for general<br />

happiness – the holistic approach. $750<br />

ROUSSEAU, J-J. Discorso sull'origine e sui fondamenti dell'ineguaglianza tra gli<br />

uomini. Milan, 1797. First Italian edition of Rousseau’s classic plea for equality. $2,250

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