CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen
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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 modelling framework aims at providing model-based decision support on: a) energy and emissions optimal design of onboard machinery, b) performance evaluation under real-service dynamic conditions for the whole mission envelope of the system, and c) assessment of the potential and operational capabilities of innovative designs. The main benefit from this holistic approach is that the steady-state design characteristics, off-design operational modes and dynamic/transient behaviour can be simultaneously assessed and/or optimised in a unified and consistent modelling framework. The presented approach can significantly aid the design process for new systems as well as the energy management, performance prognosis, and control optimisation and reconfiguration for existing vessels. The main characteristics and benefits of our methodology are illustrated via the dynamic modelling of a marine combined cycle system. Field experiences and opportunities of modern measurement techniques T. Philipp, Geislinger GmbH, Austria Condition monitoring plays an important role in modern drivelines with combustion engines in order to gain operational safety, to expand overhaul periods or to detect abnormal operating conditions. Torsional vibration measurement/ monitoring is a well known and wide spread instrument to supervise the vibratory behaviour of a certain element (e.g. torsional vibration damper, torsional elastic coupling) or of the complete driveline. The Geislinger Monitoring System (GMS) was originally invented as a monitoring device for dampers and couplings in combustion engines. Its main goal was – and it still is today – the monitoring of the damper vibratory twist angle, mounted on the free end of the engine. The on-line comparison with reference-data gives direct feedback to the operator of the installation. It shows the current condition of the damper or coupling which allows not only a direct judgement regarding the current situation but also indicates the necessity of an overhaul. The GMS has proven its appropriateness in hundreds of installations, mainly on two-stroke marine applications. NowadAys the GMS is not only used as a monitoring device for couplings and dampers but as a monitoring and measurement tool for all kinds of vibratory aspects in drivelines: The detection of engine misfiring based on the vibratory behaviour is significantely faster than the widley used observation of the exhaust temperatures. In future applications the t.d.c.-signa of electronically controlled engines can be used to offer not only a faster but also a detailed information on which cylinder the misfiring takes place. Theoretically even the detection of engine unbalance is possible using the same computational approach. A further enhancement on the capabilities of the GMS is the power-monitoring based on twist angle measurement. It allows the optimization of fuel consumption with minimized cost and installation effort compared to other power-meter solutions. Its effectiveness was already proven by various installations in wo-stroke and fourstroke applications. In critical installations the GMS can also be used as a long-term-measurement device with data storage. This feature allows the detection of stochastic and irregular load conditions as a part of failure investigations. A typical example are reciprocating compressor sets driven by combustion engines. These applications pass through various and sometimes unknown load conditions which makes a proper pre-calculation difficult. Long-term-measurements help to understand the special behaviour of these installations in order to select best matching and long lasting products and solutions. This paper describes the various monitoring and measurement possibilities of the GMS and possible future applications as a powerful tool for torsional vibration related problems. 8:30 June 17th Room Scene GH (3–1) Environment, Fuel & Combustion – Diesel Engines – Fuels I A step to reduce SOx emission from ships – improvement in combustion of higharomatic and low-sulfur distillate fuel K. Takasaki, K. Okazaki, D. Yamanishi, Kyushu University, Japan, K. Sugiura, Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan, S. Baba, H. Tanaka, Hitachi Zosen Corporation, Japan New regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), introducing drastic reductions in fuel sulfur content, allow 0.1% sulfur in fuels used in emission control areas (ECA), starting from 2015. Together with the worldwide situation of decreasing fuel resources the introduction of alternative fuels complying with future regulations displays an important research these days. Light Cycle Oil (LCO) also referred to as “Cracked gas oil”, a subproduct from the FCC process in refining, has the potential to be used as an alternative for current marine fuels. Due to the desulfurization in the FCC process, LCO reaches a low sulfur content of 0 to 0.2%. However, LCO shows a high content of aromatic hydrocarbons, mainly composed of one and/or two ring aromatics. As the number of fused benzene rings is rather low, LCO has a low and comparable viscosity to gas oil. The high aromaticity of LCO, 70-80%, results in a strong deterioration of the ignition and combustion properties of the fuel. Therefore experimental investigation showing the influence of LCO on the overall combustion characteristics is necessary in order to elaborate the feasibility of LCO as a low sulfur fuel. Experiments have been carried out in the following order: 1. Properties including the aromaticity of several LCO samples from Japanese oil refineries have been investigated. Their ignition quality has also been examined using the well known constant volume analyzer FCA (Fuel Combustion Analyzer). The results confirmed that recent LCO samples dating from the last four years show significantly poorer ignition quality compared to samples taken more than ten years ago. 2. Selecting a LCO sample of average fuel quality, combustion characteristics have been investigated in detail, using a specially designed visual test engine (bore/stroke: 190/350 mm, engine speed: 400 rpm). Investigation of the flame images clearly confirmed that the application of LCO leads to longer ignition delay, longer after-burning and longer spray/flame burnup length compared to MDO (Marine Diesel Oil) combustion. 3. Selecting another LCO sample of relatively good quality, running tests, using a full-size single-cylinder low-speed test engine (bore/stroke: 400/1350 mm, engine speed: 178 rpm), have been carried out. The application of LCO in low speed engines could not clearly indicate a difference in ignition quality compared to the use of MDO. However the deterioration in combustion quality due to LCO application could be detected by analyzing the exhaust gas data. 4. Unlike the case of low speed engines, LCO could have severe influence on medium or high-speed engines, considering not only the engine speed but also the combustion chamber size. The same LCO sample as in 3. has been tested using a high-speed turbo-charged 4-stroke marine engine (bore/stroke: 110/125 mm, 84 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Tuesday, 15 June Wednesday, 16 June Thursday, 17 June engine speed: 2400 rpm). As the high aromaticity of LCO might tend to promote PM (Particulate Matter) emission in the exhaust gas, PM and SOF (Soluble Organic Fraction) emission data have been precisely measured by a dilution tunnel system. During the test, pure LCO could not be burned at low load because of the severe diesel-knock caused by the long ignition delay and has therefore been blended to gas oil (for automobile use) with a varying percentage of 40 to 80%. The results indicate that LCO blending leads to drastically increased PM emission (especially SOF, unburned hydrocarbons). 5. Especially for medium and high-speed engines, the long ignition delay, long after-burning and long flame-length of LCO combustion could result in trouble for the piston ring and cylinder liner causing the dry-out of the lubricating oil film. Using the visual test engine of 2., some measures to avoid such problems have been investigated. It has been demonstrated that a pilot injection as an application of EFI (Electronically controlled Fuel Injection system) can be used to reduce the afterburning near the cylinder liner wall. In conclusion, pure application of LCO to highspeed engines seems to be unfeasible for all tested LCO samples. At present stage, continuous running tests by a medium-speed engine with 200-300 mm bore and engine speed of 750-1200 rpm are missing. Furthermore, additional experiments of worst grade LCO combustion in low-speed engines should be carried out. Consequently the lowest grade of LCO applicable for medium-speed 4-stroke engines and for lowspeed 2-stroke engines need to be verified by carrying out further studies until 2015, when IMO regulation in ECA will actually start. Ignition and combustion properties of marine muels, potential problems and challenges. Will current and revised fuel specifications be able to ensure ignition and combustion characteristics will be adequately addressed? D. O. Halle, J. Stirling, A. Strom, DNV Petroleum Services, Norway, J. K. Paulsen, Canima Services AS, Norway Increasing use of low viscous, low sulphur blending components in order to meet commercial specifications and requirements for marine heavy fuel, seems to have made an adverse impact on ignition and combustion properties of HFO. The paper presents recent findings and research results related to ignition and combustion properties of HFO and MDO fuels. The findings are based on extensive laboratory research and development as well as ship board experience from practical operations. In addition to the CCAI parameter, a standardized method for measuring actual ignition and combustion properties is now available (IP541). The project documents the limited global correlation between CCAI and actual ignition properties expressed by the Estimated Cetane Number (ECN) which is one of the parameters from IP541 combustion testing. An alternative screening method has been developed based on CCAI in combination with other easily available (low cost) analytical parameters like C, H and N. The screening method can be used to increase detection rate of potential problem fuels based on recommendations of ECN limit values from leading engine manufacturers. The method can be used to identify fuel samples that should be subject to further analysis by IP541 test method in order to verify the actual ECN values and avoid use of potential problem fuels onboard the ships. An extensive laboratory test program of Marine Distillate Fuels (DMA, DMB, DMC) has been conducted in order to get an overview of actual ignition and combustion quality of distillate fuels on the market. The results shows large variations, and indicates that current fuel specifications do not seem to secure consistent levels of ignition and combustion properties of marine distillate fuels. The paper questions whether increasing demand for distillate fuels may have an adverse impact on ignition and combustion quality also for these fuels supplied to ships in the future. Optical Combustion Analyzer (OCA) for evaluation of combustion characteristics of bunker fuel oils E. Tomita, A. Yamaguchi, T. Takeuchi, Okayama University, Japan, Y. Yamamoto, K. Morinaka, Eiwa-Giken, Co. Ltd., Japan Recently, two-stroke diesel engines with low-grade heavy oil have been used from the point of economical view because of high thermal efficiency and cheapness of the fuel price. However, some marine diesel engines have been damaged due to less lubricant oil that leads to abnormal abrasion of the piston ring and the cylinder liner of the engine. There are many factors that affect scuffing of the piston rings and cylinder liners. Because of the complexity and difficulties, however, no one can predict scuffing. On the other hand, nowadays, how to produce distillate and residual oils changes because of increase in demand of distillate oils. Therefore, the quality of the bunker fuel oil has become worse. It is said that CCAI value sometimes does not predict the ignitibility and there may be a link between scuffing and combustibility or after-burning of fuel. We have developed a constant-volume vessel and introduced in CIMAC 2004, ISME Tokyo 2005 and CIMAC 2007. In this paper, a constant-volume vessel was newly designed. It has only one long window and three photo-sensors at the opposite side of the window. Bunker fuel oils of many samples from 2007 till 2009, which were used in two-stroke cycle engines, were analyzed. This Optical Combustion Analyzer (OCA) system has several features: (1) visualization of transient spray flame; (2) excellent repeatability of experimental condition and sharp open and close movements of the injector; (3) variable conditions of ambient temperature and pressure; (4) control of the processes with a computer; (5) compact size of the experimental apparatus; (6) very short experimental time per one sample. A high-speed color camera, three photo-sensors as well as pressure history for analyzing rate of heat release were used to analyze the combustion characteristics. The viscosity of the fuel injected was set to 18 cSt. In this study, ignitibility, combustibility and afterburning were investigated. In particular, typical four samples were selected to compare the combustion characteristics. The ignitibility is one of the most important characteristics for diesel engine. Ignition delay was analyzed with photo-sensors and converted to OCA-CN (Cetane Number), which was compared to ECN value obtained with FCA. The combustibility was obtained to analyze the expansion rate of area of flame image just after the ignition. The after-burning was also obtained from image processing of equalizing. The criteria of distinguishing bad fuel from bunker fuel oils were discussed with analyzing ignitibility, combustibility and after-burning characteristics. In the present stage, the only way is to investigate the spray combustion itself. Further research should be needed to identify the fuel combustibility from the analysis of fuel properties in the future. The experimental conditions in this system are not the same as in engines. However, it is considered that this equipment is not a simulator but a detector. Then, this new OCA is considered to be an ideal equipment for testing ignitibility, combustibility and after-burning of bunker fuel oil by analyzing optical combustion characteristics. No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 85

<strong>CIMAC</strong> CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010<br />

modelling framework aims at providing model-based decision<br />

support on: a) energy and emissions optimal design of onboard<br />

machinery, b) performance evaluation under real-service<br />

dynamic conditions for the whole mission envelope of the<br />

system, and c) assessment of the potential and operational<br />

capabilities of innovative designs. The main benefit from this<br />

holistic approach is that the steady-state design characteristics,<br />

off-design operational modes and dynamic/transient behaviour<br />

can be simultaneously assessed and/or optimised in a unified<br />

and consistent modelling framework. The presented approach<br />

can significantly aid the design process for new systems as well<br />

as the energy management, performance prognosis, and control<br />

optimisation and reconfiguration for existing vessels. The main<br />

characteristics and benefits of our methodology are illustrated<br />

via the dynamic modelling of a marine combined cycle system.<br />

Field experiences and opportunities of<br />

modern measurement techniques<br />

T. Philipp, Geislinger GmbH, Austria<br />

Condition monitoring plays an important role in modern<br />

drivelines with combustion engines in order to gain operational<br />

safety, to expand overhaul periods or to detect abnormal<br />

operating conditions. Torsional vibration measurement/<br />

monitoring is a well known and wide spread instrument to<br />

supervise the vibratory behaviour of a certain element (e.g.<br />

torsional vibration damper, torsional elastic coupling) or of the<br />

complete driveline. The Geislinger Monitoring System (GMS)<br />

was originally invented as a monitoring device for dampers and<br />

couplings in combustion engines. Its main goal was – and it<br />

still is today – the monitoring of the damper vibratory twist<br />

angle, mounted on the free end of the engine. The on-line<br />

comparison with reference-data gives direct feedback to the<br />

operator of the installation. It shows the current condition of<br />

the damper or coupling which allows not only a direct<br />

judgement regarding the current situation but also indicates the<br />

necessity of an overhaul. The GMS has proven its appropriateness<br />

in hundreds of installations, mainly on two-stroke marine<br />

applications. NowadAys the GMS is not only used as a<br />

monitoring device for couplings and dampers but as a<br />

monitoring and measurement tool for all kinds of vibratory<br />

aspects in drivelines: The detection of engine misfiring based on<br />

the vibratory behaviour is significantely faster than the widley<br />

used observation of the exhaust temperatures. In future<br />

applications the t.d.c.-signa of electronically controlled engines<br />

can be used to offer not only a faster but also a detailed<br />

information on which cylinder the misfiring takes place.<br />

Theoretically even the detection of engine unbalance is possible<br />

using the same computational approach. A further enhancement<br />

on the capabilities of the GMS is the power-monitoring based<br />

on twist angle measurement. It allows the optimization of fuel<br />

consumption with minimized cost and installation effort<br />

compared to other power-meter solutions. Its effectiveness was<br />

already proven by various installations in wo-stroke and fourstroke<br />

applications. In critical installations the GMS can also be<br />

used as a long-term-measurement device with data storage. This<br />

feature allows the detection of stochastic and irregular load<br />

conditions as a part of failure investigations. A typical example<br />

are reciprocating compressor sets driven by combustion engines.<br />

These applications pass through various and sometimes<br />

unknown load conditions which makes a proper pre-calculation<br />

difficult. Long-term-measurements help to understand the<br />

special behaviour of these installations in order to select best<br />

matching and long lasting products and solutions. This paper<br />

describes the various monitoring and measurement possibilities<br />

of the GMS and possible future applications as a powerful tool<br />

for torsional vibration related problems.<br />

8:30 June 17th Room Scene GH<br />

(3–1) Environment, Fuel & Combustion –<br />

Diesel Engines – Fuels I<br />

A step to reduce SOx emission from ships<br />

– improvement in combustion of higharomatic<br />

and low-sulfur distillate fuel<br />

K. Takasaki, K. Okazaki, D. Yamanishi, Kyushu<br />

University, Japan,<br />

K. Sugiura, Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding<br />

Co., Ltd., Japan,<br />

S. Baba, H. Tanaka, Hitachi Zosen Corporation,<br />

Japan<br />

New regulations of the International Maritime Organization<br />

(IMO), introducing drastic reductions in fuel sulfur content, allow<br />

0.1% sulfur in fuels used in emission control areas (ECA), starting<br />

from 2015. Together with the worldwide situation of decreasing<br />

fuel resources the introduction of alternative fuels complying<br />

with future regulations displays an important research these days.<br />

Light Cycle Oil (LCO) also referred to as “Cracked gas oil”, a subproduct<br />

from the FCC process in refining, has the potential to be<br />

used as an alternative for current marine fuels. Due to the<br />

desulfurization in the FCC process, LCO reaches a low sulfur<br />

content of 0 to 0.2%. However, LCO shows a high content of<br />

aromatic hydrocarbons, mainly composed of one and/or two ring<br />

aromatics. As the number of fused benzene rings is rather low,<br />

LCO has a low and comparable viscosity to gas oil. The high<br />

aromaticity of LCO, 70-80%, results in a strong deterioration of<br />

the ignition and combustion properties of the fuel. Therefore<br />

experimental investigation showing the influence of LCO on the<br />

overall combustion characteristics is necessary in order to<br />

elaborate the feasibility of LCO as a low sulfur fuel. Experiments<br />

have been carried out in the following order:<br />

1. Properties including the aromaticity of several LCO samples<br />

from Japanese oil refineries have been investigated. Their ignition<br />

quality has also been examined using the well known constant<br />

volume analyzer FCA (Fuel Combustion Analyzer). The results<br />

confirmed that recent LCO samples dating from the last four years<br />

show significantly poorer ignition quality compared to samples<br />

taken more than ten years ago.<br />

2. Selecting a LCO sample of average fuel quality, combustion<br />

characteristics have been investigated in detail, using a specially<br />

designed visual test engine (bore/stroke: 190/350 mm, engine<br />

speed: 400 rpm). Investigation of the flame images clearly<br />

confirmed that the application of LCO leads to longer ignition<br />

delay, longer after-burning and longer spray/flame burnup length<br />

compared to MDO (Marine Diesel Oil) combustion.<br />

3. Selecting another LCO sample of relatively good quality,<br />

running tests, using a full-size single-cylinder low-speed test<br />

engine (bore/stroke: 400/1350 mm, engine speed: 178 rpm),<br />

have been carried out. The application of LCO in low speed<br />

engines could not clearly indicate a difference in ignition quality<br />

compared to the use of MDO. However the deterioration in<br />

combustion quality due to LCO application could be detected by<br />

analyzing the exhaust gas data.<br />

4. Unlike the case of low speed engines, LCO could have severe<br />

influence on medium or high-speed engines, considering not<br />

only the engine speed but also the combustion chamber size. The<br />

same LCO sample as in 3. has been tested using a high-speed<br />

turbo-charged 4-stroke marine engine (bore/stroke: 110/125 mm,<br />

84 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

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