CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen
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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 detailed design phase. The application of proposed methods is provided on an example high end diesel engine cylinder head with 100kW/L specific power and 250 bar peak firing pressure. The initial dimensioning of the valve bridge proved to be safe in terms of TMF and 40-50% improvement in safety factors of local HCF critical regions are achieved within five iterations of an automatic overnight calculation, proving the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methodology. Keywords: cylinder head, high cycle fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue, TMF groove, structure optimization Fracture mechanics approach to contact problems in medium speed diesel engines C. Loennqvist, A. Maentylae, Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Finland A medium speed diesel engine contains many components that are intended to transmit high static and/or dynamic loads. To be able to transmit these loads, the components are joined to the engine block, or to sub-assemblies, with heavy-duty screws or interference fits. A high pre-tightening force or interference level is applied in order to obtain proper functioning of these joints. Due to complicated geometry, concentration of pre-tightening force around the screwhole, difference in compliance of the joined parts, machining errors and waviness, it is sometimes difficult to obtain an evenly distributed contact pressure. This, in connection with superposed cyclic external loading, may cause interfacial sliding to localize at regions where contact shear tractions reach a certain limit value: friction factor times contact pressure. This process is often referred to as fretting and may cause irreversible damage in the form of wear and/or fatigue crack nucleation at stick-slip boundaries. It is particularly perilous as it often is allowed to progress undetected until final failure. Many factors, such as the material combination, microstructure, variation of friction coefficient, number of cycles and influence of steep stress gradients, make fretting especially challenging to approach from a calculation point of view. In 2004 Wärtsilä therefore initiated a multi-collaborative research project with the ambitious aim to develop calculation methods and design rules that take fretting into consideration. The third and currently on-going continuation project is greatly focusing on the complete type of contacts, the category to which most of the contacts in medium speed diesel engines belong. The mating surfaces of engine block and liner, engine block and main bearing cap, counterweight and crankshaft are a few examples. In practice, analysis has to be conducted with the help of numerical methods like the finite element method (FEM) which allows contact-related displacement and traction fields of complex geometries to be solved. Sharp corners that constitute typical regions for crack nucleation, nevertheless, introduce singularities that require the use of an extremel dense mesh and an elastic-plastic material model. In this aspect, fracture mechanics and the application of generalized stress intensity factors developed by researchers at the University of Oxford offer a promising approach. This approach has an analogy with familiar linear elastic fracture mechanics, hence it assumes that the critica traction field scales with a proportionality constant. The attractiveness of the method is, among other things, found in the much lighter FE model its implementation requires. Tests with sharp cornered pads were therefore conducted at the University of Oxford with the aim to obtain a test setup that resembles a flat-on-flat contact of actual engine components. The results show that the knock-down factor with sharp-edged corners, as in comparison with plain fatigue, may be as high as 3.8. The test outcome correlates well with the analysis results obtained from implementation of a fine FE model and elastic-plastic material model. Moreover, the correlation by application of critical stress intensity is also in good agreement. The influence of hull deflection and propeller loading on load distribution in engine bearings B. J. Vartdal, Det Norske Veritas AS, Norway Out of damage cases reported to DNV, one of the most common machinery related damages experienced for direct coupled diesel engines are those to main engine bearings and in particular to the aft most engine bearings which are influenced by the alignment of the propeller shaft. The effect of the shaft alignment on the main engine bearings are to be accounted for by the shaft alignment calculation. However, historically the shaft alignment calculations have considered the only varying parameter affecting the load distribution of the main engine bearings to be due to structural changes of the main engine as caused by thermal variations. Other known parameters such as hull deflections and propeller forces are known to affect the main engine bearing loads, but these parameters have been omitted mainly due to the complexity associated with determining such parameters. Since 2001, DNV have carried out a research project in order to quantify the influence of hull deflections and propeller loads on shaft alignment and load distribution in propeller shaft and main engine bearings for direct coupled drive trains. The project included full scale measurements as well as comprehensive finite element and CFD analysis designed to quantify and assess the effect of such parameter variations. The measurements and analyses have been carried out for a number of vessels. Several vessels within the same vessel type have been studied as well as different vessel types. The vessel types studied are VLCC’s, container vessels and LNG’s. The part of the study presented here focuses on main engine bearings and the potential for variation of load distribution in the main engine bearings caused by feasible parameter variations experienced during vessel operation. Such parameters include hydrostatically induced hull deflections, hull deflections caused by tank filling, hull deflections caused by hydrodynamics, propeller thrust, lateral propeller forces and thermal effects. The results of the study clearly indicate the relative importance of each of the influencing parameters and that the need to include the influence of the parameters studied depends on the shafting and the vessel type. 10:30 June 16th Room Troldtog (3–9) Environment, Fuel & Combustion – Diesel Engines – Downstream Components Theoretical and practical results of engine and exhaust gas performance optimisation H. Jungbluth, A. Tippl, Innospec Ltd., Germany, D. Daniels, Innospec Fuel Specialties, USA, I. Crutchley, Innospec Limited, UK, S. Bludszuweit, H. Stueckrad, MET Motoren- und Energietechnik GmbH, Germany The economic crisis, the global target on emission reduction as well as cost speed efficiency has led to slow steaming, which causes a higher deposit formation in the combustion process and negatively influences the exhaust gas equipment. The negative impact of deposit formation on internal combustion equipment efficiency, operations, and subsequent cost is well documented in literature. This paper will not only describe this phenomenon; it will provide a theoretical calculation about the impact of the deposit formation on the turbocharger efficiency as well as practical methods to reduce and avoid these deposits. The formation of deposits in internal combustion engines and its influence on fuel economy was studied 72 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Tuesday, 15 June Thursday, 17 June Wednesday, 16 June by developing a foresighted calculation and by practical tests onboard ships. The presented investigation of the deposit formation is, in part, described as initiating with an induction phase. This phase is immediately followed by continual deposit growth until it reaches an equilibrium phase of growth and decay. Deposit growth is influenced by numerous factors. These factors include but are not limited to time, combustion environment, composition of the materials that form the deposits, and physical conditions at the location of formation. Engine efficiency can only be restored by removal of existing deposits, or more preferably by avoiding the induction phase itself. Avoiding the induction phase is best accomplished by precluding the initial formation of a liquid surface layer of deposit precursor material. The simulation as well as the field trials will show that keeping the exhaust gas system clean will avoid efficiency losses of the turbocharger system and improve environmental sustainability. A more complete combustion achieved by chemical fuel treatments will reduce deposit formation significantly. By example, only a clean turbocharger will avoid efficiency losses, which result into a fuel benefit of approximately 2 % or more depending on the equipment. These concepts will be proven by new innovative theoretical calculations and substantial field evidence. There are several known cleaning procedures for the turbocharger equipment. However, the optimum, most cost effective and most convenient method of protecting the equipment is to avoid fouling. Exhaust gas heat recovery on large engines – potential, opportunities, limitations I. Vlaskos, P. Feulner, A. Alizadeh, I. Kraljevic, Ricardo Deutschland, Germany Improving efficiency is a major development trend in all applications of energy conversion. This applies to large engines especially, since the ecological benefit of reduced greenhouse gas emissions is going hand in hand with the economic advantage of reduced fuel cost. In recent years conversion of exhaust gas heat to useful work has become a focus of development efforts in many branches of combustion engine work. This paper looks at the potential, which can be realised by staged processes, the opportunities for utilisation on large engines and some pertinent limitations. To this end a hypothetical large engine is conceived and some options for exhaust heat recovery systems are calculated for application on this engine. Analysis is limited to operation at full load and rated speed since the positive impact of any improvement of efficiency is greatest there and furthermore many large engines in energetic installations (power stations) are routinely operating at these conditions. Since steam and ORC systems are currently en vogue and widely covered in a great number of publications this paper will concentrate on gas cycles. Next generation of flexible and reliable SCR-systems C. Gerhart, H.-P. Krimmer, Alzchem Trostberg GmbH, Germany, B. Schulz, NIGU Chemie GmbH, Germany, O. Kroecher, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, D. Peitz, Paul Scherrer Institute, Germany, Th. Sattelmayer, P. Toshev, Lehrstuhl fuer Thermodynamik, Technical University of Munich, Germany, G. Wachtmeister, A. Heubuch, Lehrstuhl fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen, Technical University of Munich, Germany Driven by upcoming tighter emission regulations for internal combustion engines selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology had become state of the art. With SCR lowest NOx levels could be reached. SCR had been adapted to mobile onroad applications from heavy duty [1] down to smaller engines in passengers cars. Now first installations also for larger, nonroad or stationary engines have been realized. The integration of SCR with AdBlue R as standardized aqueous urea solution is already in operation in a variety of onroad applications [2]. Still there are reliability and operation problems to overcome concerning solid residues, mixing into the exhaust gas flow and efficient decomposition upstream or directly on the SCRcatalyst. Also for nonroad engines in many cases standard AdBlue R as ammonia precursor does not fulfil requirements in the various applications. Of interest would be a better ammonia release potential per litre, less water in the liquid solution and in some cases an improved stability concerning freezing at the lower end and less decomposition and consequently less vapour pressure at the higher end of the ambient temperature conditions. The direct use of ammonia gas from pressure vessels has already been banned in mobile onroad applications due to critical safety issues while handling and in the supply chain. Throughout the search of a safe, liquid ammonia precursor, guanidinium salts came into the focus of further investigations [3]. These high-N containing and non-toxic substances could become a new class of molecules as ammonia precursor in a variety of formulations depending on the application. Especially guanidinium formate has a extremely high solubility of more than 6 kg in 1 litre water (equal to > 0,52 kg NH 3 /l compared to 0,2 kg NH 3 /l of AdBlue R ). Guanidinium formate could be used in formulations with urea and water depending on the application: without urea as highly concentrated solution with an elevated freezing point but high stability up to 100°C or as an eutectic mixture with urea (e.g. 41% guanidinium formate, 16% urea) resulting in a freezing point below -30°C. Investigations on the hydrolysis have shown that this guanidinium salt can be completely decomposed to ammonia on a titania hydrolysis catalyst above 200°C. Due to the low water content of the liquid solution about 50% less energy is required for complete heating, evaporation and decomposition to ammonia compared to AdBlue R . The main difference compared to aqueous urea is the slightly elevated optimum temperature for complete decomposition. A complete, reliable and independently working system of such a next generation SCR should include a small and compact ammonia generator containing a hydrolysis catalyst operating under well defined conditions. A simple bypass reactor unit for the decomposition of the liquid precursor to ammonia gas could have advantages e.g. in availability of ammonia and be more independent of the exhaust or engine conditions. The complete decomposition to ammonia would occur under controlled conditions. Specifications and investigations on such a type of ammonia generator will be presented. Attenuation of low-frequency exhaust noise from combustion engines S. Frederiksen, C. Ammitzbo, Silentor A/S, Denmark, B. B. Jessen, Delta, Denmark There is an increased awareness about disturbance caused by lowfrequency exhaust noise from all types of combustion engines. Especially large, 2-stroke engines are characterized by a low ignition frequency which increases the risk of prominent noise at this frequency and at higher harmonics. When the frequency of a sound wave is low, there will be less attenuation at transmission through walls, windows, etc. In addition, low frequencies are associated with relatively long wavelengths that may coincide with distances between walls, whereby strong, standing waves can be set up. This increased awareness includes, not only audible sound of low frequency, but also infra-sound (below around 20 Hz), which cannot be heard, but No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 73

Monday, 14 June<br />

Tuesday, 15 June<br />

Thursday, 17 June<br />

Wednesday, 16 June<br />

by developing a foresighted calculation and by practical tests onboard<br />

ships. The presented investigation of the deposit formation is, in<br />

part, described as initiating with an induction phase. This phase is<br />

immediately followed by continual deposit growth until it reaches<br />

an equilibrium phase of growth and decay. Deposit growth is<br />

influenced by numerous factors. These factors include but are not<br />

limited to time, combustion environment, composition of the<br />

materials that form the deposits, and physical conditions at the<br />

location of formation. Engine efficiency can only be restored by<br />

removal of existing deposits, or more preferably by avoiding the<br />

induction phase itself. Avoiding the induction phase is best<br />

accomplished by precluding the initial formation of a liquid surface<br />

layer of deposit precursor material. The simulation as well as the field<br />

trials will show that keeping the exhaust gas system clean will avoid<br />

efficiency losses of the turbocharger system and improve<br />

environmental sustainability. A more complete combustion achieved<br />

by chemical fuel treatments will reduce deposit formation<br />

significantly. By example, only a clean turbocharger will avoid<br />

efficiency losses, which result into a fuel benefit of approximately 2<br />

% or more depending on the equipment. These concepts will be<br />

proven by new innovative theoretical calculations and substantial<br />

field evidence. There are several known cleaning procedures for the<br />

turbocharger equipment. However, the optimum, most cost effective<br />

and most convenient method of protecting the equipment is to<br />

avoid fouling.<br />

Exhaust gas heat recovery on large engines<br />

– potential, opportunities, limitations<br />

I. Vlaskos, P. Feulner, A. Alizadeh, I. Kraljevic,<br />

Ricardo Deutschland, Germany<br />

Improving efficiency is a major development trend in all applications<br />

of energy conversion. This applies to large engines especially, since<br />

the ecological benefit of reduced greenhouse gas emissions is going<br />

hand in hand with the economic advantage of reduced fuel cost. In<br />

recent years conversion of exhaust gas heat to useful work has become<br />

a focus of development efforts in many branches of combustion<br />

engine work. This paper looks at the potential, which can be realised<br />

by staged processes, the opportunities for utilisation on large engines<br />

and some pertinent limitations. To this end a hypothetical large<br />

engine is conceived and some options for exhaust heat recovery<br />

systems are calculated for application on this engine. Analysis is<br />

limited to operation at full load and rated speed since the positive<br />

impact of any improvement of efficiency is greatest there and<br />

furthermore many large engines in energetic installations (power<br />

stations) are routinely operating at these conditions. Since steam and<br />

ORC systems are currently en vogue and widely covered in a great<br />

number of publications this paper will concentrate on gas cycles.<br />

Next generation of flexible and reliable<br />

SCR-systems<br />

C. Gerhart, H.-P. Krimmer, Alzchem Trostberg GmbH,<br />

Germany,<br />

B. Schulz, NIGU Chemie GmbH, Germany,<br />

O. Kroecher, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, D.<br />

Peitz, Paul Scherrer Institute, Germany,<br />

Th. Sattelmayer, P. Toshev, Lehrstuhl fuer Thermodynamik,<br />

Technical University of Munich, Germany,<br />

G. Wachtmeister, A. Heubuch, Lehrstuhl fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen,<br />

Technical University of<br />

Munich, Germany<br />

Driven by upcoming tighter emission regulations for internal<br />

combustion engines selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology<br />

had become state of the art. With SCR lowest NOx levels could be<br />

reached. SCR had been adapted to mobile onroad applications from<br />

heavy duty [1] down to smaller engines in passengers cars. Now first<br />

installations also for larger, nonroad or stationary engines have been<br />

realized. The integration of SCR with AdBlue R as standardized<br />

aqueous urea solution is already in operation in a variety of onroad<br />

applications [2]. Still there are reliability and operation problems to<br />

overcome concerning solid residues, mixing into the exhaust gas<br />

flow and efficient decomposition upstream or directly on the SCRcatalyst.<br />

Also for nonroad engines in many cases standard AdBlue R<br />

as ammonia precursor does not fulfil requirements in the various<br />

applications. Of interest would be a better ammonia release potential<br />

per litre, less water in the liquid solution and in some cases an<br />

improved stability concerning freezing at the lower end and less<br />

decomposition and consequently less vapour pressure at the higher<br />

end of the ambient temperature conditions. The direct use of<br />

ammonia gas from pressure vessels has already been banned in<br />

mobile onroad applications due to critical safety issues while<br />

handling and in the supply chain. Throughout the search of a safe,<br />

liquid ammonia precursor, guanidinium salts came into the focus<br />

of further investigations [3]. These high-N containing and non-toxic<br />

substances could become a new class of molecules as ammonia<br />

precursor in a variety of formulations depending on the application.<br />

Especially guanidinium formate has a extremely high solubility of<br />

more than 6 kg in 1 litre water (equal to > 0,52 kg NH 3<br />

/l compared<br />

to 0,2 kg NH 3<br />

/l of AdBlue R ). Guanidinium formate could be used<br />

in formulations with urea and water depending on the application:<br />

without urea as highly concentrated solution with an elevated<br />

freezing point but high stability up to 100°C or as an eutectic<br />

mixture with urea (e.g. 41% guanidinium formate, 16% urea)<br />

resulting in a freezing point below -30°C. Investigations on the<br />

hydrolysis have shown that this guanidinium salt can be completely<br />

decomposed to ammonia on a titania hydrolysis catalyst above<br />

200°C. Due to the low water content of the liquid solution about<br />

50% less energy is required for complete heating, evaporation and<br />

decomposition to ammonia compared to AdBlue R . The main<br />

difference compared to aqueous urea is the slightly elevated<br />

optimum temperature for complete decomposition. A complete,<br />

reliable and independently working system of such a next generation<br />

SCR should include a small and compact ammonia generator<br />

containing a hydrolysis catalyst operating under well defined<br />

conditions. A simple bypass reactor unit for the decomposition of<br />

the liquid precursor to ammonia gas could have advantages e.g. in<br />

availability of ammonia and be more independent of the exhaust or<br />

engine conditions. The complete decomposition to ammonia<br />

would occur under controlled conditions. Specifications and<br />

investigations on such a type of ammonia generator will be<br />

presented.<br />

Attenuation of low-frequency exhaust<br />

noise from combustion engines<br />

S. Frederiksen, C. Ammitzbo, Silentor A/S, Denmark,<br />

B. B. Jessen, Delta, Denmark<br />

There is an increased awareness about disturbance caused by lowfrequency<br />

exhaust noise from all types of combustion engines.<br />

Especially large, 2-stroke engines are characterized by a low ignition<br />

frequency which increases the risk of prominent noise at this<br />

frequency and at higher harmonics. When the frequency of a sound<br />

wave is low, there will be less attenuation at transmission through<br />

walls, windows, etc. In addition, low frequencies are associated with<br />

relatively long wavelengths that may coincide with distances between<br />

walls, whereby strong, standing waves can be set up. This increased<br />

awareness includes, not only audible sound of low frequency, but<br />

also infra-sound (below around 20 Hz), which cannot be heard, but<br />

No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore<br />


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