CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen
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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 10:30 June 16th Room Peer Gynt Salen (11–2) Users’ Aspects – Marine Applications – Monitoring Shipboard engine performance assessment by comparing actual measured data to nominal values produced by detailed engine simulations N. Kyrtatos, E. Tzanos, NTUA, Greece, J. Coustas, D. Vastarouhas, E. Rizos, Danaos Shipping Co. Ltd., Greece During the lifetime of a ship’s engine, the original shop trials and sea trials are often the only available reference conditions, which can be used for engine performance analysis, during ship operation. In the case of container vessels, the engine actual operating point may be far away from any reference conditions. In addition, charterers may request different operating regimes for the ship. In such cases, the shipping company needs to predict, with confidence, details about the operation and performance of the engine and its auxiliaries, in conditions where there is no measured or reference data. Extrapolation, using corrected figures from shop/sea trials, often results in errors. This paper presents a novel method and procedure for obtaining performance figures for a specific shipboard engine, at any possible operating point, at different operating regimes. These reference figures are produced by using detailed simulation models for engine performance prediction. Up to now, such detailed models are mainly used by manufacturers for engine design. The nominal performance figures produced by detailed simulation models can also be used as reference, to compare with any shipboard measured actual performance data, for engine performance evaluation. The paper describes the above procedure used by Danaos Shipping Co. on two different main engines of large containerships, typical of its fleet. The implementation initially involved collection of geometric and operational data for each engine. Then the generic engine simulation software Mother (Motor Thermodynamics) was tuned and pegged using the shop test data and initially validated using the sea trials data for each specific engine. The results of simulation allowed prediction of all engine parameters within 3% of actual measured values at sea trials. A task force within the Danaos Technical Department was specially trained in using the simulation software. Further sets of simulations at operating conditions away from sea/shop trials, allowed the prediction of all engine parameters and comparison to measured data and thus provided a good baseline for engine performance evaluation and condition assessment. One way to condition-based survey for marine diesel engines J. Rebel, Germanischer Lloyd, Germany Particularly in times of economic crisis, availability and hence reliability is very important for cargo vessels. This is the main reason why an increasing number of shipping companies invest in condition monitoring technology and move towards conditionbased maintenance. Classification societies are involved in this subject in order to support non-open-up surveys by offering respective survey arrangements. Since 2005, Germanischer Lloyd has been engaged in pilot projects for condition monitoring (CM) systems covering the crank-train of two-stroke crosshead diesel engines and other items of diesel equipment. The main engine of the test vessels C/V “Norasia Alya” and C/V “Hamburg Express” are equipped with bearing wear condition monitoring. In joint industry projects, the shipping company, the engine licenser, the manufacturers of the CM systems and the GL as the responsible classification society have been working closely together in order to gain field experience with these tools and to develop an efficient way to condition-based survey procedures. The paper continues the presentation of selected results of the ongoing field tests regarding the verification of the condition monitoring method and the definition of requirements for the condition-based maintenance procedures. In case of the crank-train bearing monitoring, the condition-based survey procedure is fully developed and will be presented for both vessels. Development of a remote non intrusive diagnosis system for two stroke diesel engines F. J. Jimenez-Espadafor, J. A. Becerra Villanueva, M. Torres Garcia, T. Sanchez Lencero, Seville University, Spain, F. Fernandez-Vacas, M. Bueno del Amo, Endesa Generacion, Spain Maintenance cost and unexpected failures can be drastically reduced in low speed diesel engines using vibro-acoustic analysis. This methodology has presented as a reliable method for detection of manufacturing faults, running damages and other abnormalities in engine and its components. Continuous trending keeping deviations of monitorized parameter allows also reduction of fuel consumption, optimize exhaust emissions, and increase components life time and increase safety. This paper describes the method of vibration monitoring for fault diagnosis based on time-windowing and frequency analysis. The effectiveness is demonstrated based on the results of two year operation on a large two stroke power plant diesel engine, located in Mahon, Spain. Evaluation method of engine and propulsion shaft alignment for large vessel I. Sugimoto, T. Nakao, Hitachi Zosen Diesel and Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan Propulsion shaft alignment of large vessel is sensitive to draft change from light draft to full load draft. Each initial bearing offset of the shaft alignment changes by the fluctuation of draft level. Especially, it presents vessels such as VLCC and large bulk carrier. The reasons include a propulsion shaft diameter stiffer and an engine main bearing center distance shorter. Those correspond to engine development trend of higher power and more compact size. The initial bearing offset change affects each bearing performance. In some cases, the change causes sever trouble to an engine and propulsion shaft. It is necessary to estimate an engine crankshaft and propulsion shaft alignment against a draft change for both engine development trend and improving reliability of bearings and shafts. Our past study was mainly focused on engine bearings in service condition. Before in service, it is indispensable for users to estimate reliability both of engine and propulsion shaft alignment against a vessel deformation and engine thermal expansion. So, an evaluation method of both engine and propulsion shaft alignment has developed for large vessel such as VLCC and bulk carrier. Input parameters are a vessel deformation information and an engine thermal expansion data. The vessel deformation is able to be given by a vessel deformation result by a FEM analysis, a directly measurement result of shaft alignment of a similar vessel or an inverse calculation result of shaft alignment of a similar vessel by using our developed software. In this tudy, an inverse calculation result is used. The evaluation values are conventional shaft alignment calculation values and engine crankshaft values. The conventional shaft alignment values include bearing load, propulsion shaft angle 70 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Tuesday, 15 June Thursday, 17 June Wednesday, 16 June at stern tube bearing, shaft bending moment and shaft bending stress. The engine crankshaft values are crankshaft deflection and bearing load. Calculation parameters are intermediate shaft bearing height, engine bearing height and engine inclination, which are decided by a vessel deformation and an engine thermal expansion. The calculation procedures are as follows. (1) A certain shaft alignment for initial condition is set. (2) Shaft alignment after considered a vessel deformation for a vessel draft condition and an engine thermal expansion is calculated. (3) Output values are calculated. (4) Each output value is estimated whether to meet or not with permissible values. (5) Permissible vessel deformation and draft level is solved. By calculating the shaft alignment including the whole range of designed draft level, allowable shaft alignment area is able to be solved. The validity of this method is confirmed that the already serviced vessel data are enough for reliability within the allowable area. It is also confirmed that the vessel deformation and engine thermal expansion influence mainly engine aft side bearing. A stern tube bearing performance is determined by initial installation and is not influenced by a vessel deformation and engine thermal expansion. Finally, it is clarified that a conventional design is essential for the stern tube bearing, and it is necessary for engine bearing to consider a vessel deformation. At a vessel under construction, this method is able to indicate the allowable value of intermediate shaft bearing height, engine bearing height and engine inclination. And for in-service vessel, by using the inverse shaft alignment calculation, safety margin of shaft alignment against vessel deformation is able to be indicated. 10:30 June 16th Room Scene GH (2–2) Fundamental Engineering – Piston Engines – Mechanics Comparison of crankshaft calculation methods with reference to classification societies’ requirements M. Savolainen, H. Tienhaara, Wärtsilä Oy, Finland, T. Resch, AVL List GmbH, Austria, B. Smiljanic, AVL AST d.o.o, Croatia Crankshaft strength analysis methods have significantly developed since last ten years. Modern numerical methods combine flexible multi-body dynamic simulation, Finite Element method and multiaxial fatigue criteria to predict local stresses under realistic boundary conditions very accurately. In parallel traditional, analytical methods and rules as Unified Requirement M53 are still used and have their place in large engine development due to their stability and reliability. Therefore they are also used by classification societies. Nevertheless, durability results between different methods can vary significantly due to their different approaches, representation of structures and loads, but also material data consideration and influence factors. Modern numerical methods also have the disadvantage that they can be considerably dependent on the tools involved and even the user, due to high number of required input and their deviation, as well as the complexity of the usage in general. Due to the necessity for high reliability, especially for large engine crankshafts, on one hand, but new demands in sense of efficiency and costs on the other hand, which can hardly be covered by traditional approaches, it is important to enhance the current rules to go closer to the limits and reach the new targets, but avoid loosing the stability of these methods. Therefore the relation between the methods and their results is of interest to be able to connect them or further develop the traditional ones. Within the current project different methods for crankshaft fillet strength are analyzed and compared. The present work is done within the CIMAC Working Group 4 and discusses a sequence of different approaches, starting from original UR M53 up to most complex approach using MBS, FEM-structures and multi-axial fatigue method. Each step is based on the previous one and differences in results are outlined to detect the specific influences of each approach. Focus is set on the local stresses and safety factors in pin and journal fillets of the specific crankshaft. The target crankshaft is a modern 20-cylinder 4-stroke ship engine crankshaft from Wärtsilä. The examined operating condition is 600rpm with full load. Specific influences are investigated separately. Most important are stress concentration factors from analytical definition, via FEM based ones, up to direct evaluation of stresses, which avoids the usage of such factors, the load definition and the resultant local stresses. Loads are derived from analytically calculated bending moments in combination with torsional torque from separate torsional vibration analysis up to full 3-dimensional and transient coupled bending and torsional ones. Effects of phasing between loads and stress components as well as mean stress influence are worked out. Additional influences from material definition, influence factors and the usage of different fatigue methods are compared. Fatigue design and optimization of diesel engine cylinder heads T. Gocmez, Institute for Combustion Engines VKA RWTH Aachen University, Germany, S. Lauer, FEV Motorentechnik GmbH, Germany Cylinder head high cycle fatigue (HCF) and thermomechanical fatigue (TMF) behavior has become more critical under today’s stringent demands, where modern engines are increasingly designed much closer to their mechanical limits. Often, the problem of critical loading of cylinder heads is solved by a material variation and/or by a design change - depending on the most critical fatigue mechanism. This leads to additional design iterations and accordingly costs. Therefore, an optimized design done in early phases of engine development lowers the cost. This paper aims to give an insight on optimization possibilities (production process, material selection, design features) and a focus on integrated cylinder head design optimization for cost effective engine development. An integrated simulation approach covering the development needs in terms of turnaround times, accuracy and reliability during the different phases of cylinder head engineering process is presented. A through understanding of fatigue mechanisms via design of experiments is provided along with primary material and design feature selection criteria, mathematical formulation of the design optimization problem and cylinder head optimization roadmap. Showing that TMF is a global problem and HCF is a local one, pre- and postoptimization measures for the former and latter are proposed, respectively. Emphasis is given to increased quality in entire development process by “do it right the first time” philosophy, where analysis of mass distribution on cylinder heads and 1D heat transfer through the combustion chamber walls taking into account the coolant side boiling effects are integrated to the frontloading. A new solution for the TMF problem of heavy duty cylinder heads, by the introduction of a groove between bore diameter and sealing diameter on cylinder head flame deck, is presented as well. The result is maximization of effectiveness of calculation methods on the end product. The integrated usage of benchmark, empirical, analytical and finite element methods, which are explained throughout the paper, delivers an optimized dimensioning process of valve bridge width and thickness at concept phase and removal of local structural weaknesses on cylinder head coolant jacket side at No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 71

<strong>CIMAC</strong> CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010<br />

10:30 June 16th Room Peer Gynt Salen<br />

(11–2) Users’ Aspects –<br />

Marine Applications – Monitoring<br />

Shipboard engine performance assessment<br />

by comparing actual measured data to<br />

nominal values produced by detailed<br />

engine simulations<br />

N. Kyrtatos, E. Tzanos, NTUA, Greece,<br />

J. Coustas, D. Vastarouhas, E. Rizos, Danaos<br />

Shipping Co. Ltd., Greece<br />

During the lifetime of a ship’s engine, the original shop trials and<br />

sea trials are often the only available reference conditions, which<br />

can be used for engine performance analysis, during ship operation.<br />

In the case of container vessels, the engine actual operating point<br />

may be far away from any reference conditions. In addition,<br />

charterers may request different operating regimes for the ship. In<br />

such cases, the shipping company needs to predict, with confidence,<br />

details about the operation and performance of the engine and its<br />

auxiliaries, in conditions where there is no measured or reference<br />

data. Extrapolation, using corrected figures from shop/sea trials,<br />

often results in errors. This paper presents a novel method and<br />

procedure for obtaining performance figures for a specific shipboard<br />

engine, at any possible operating point, at different operating<br />

regimes. These reference figures are produced by using detailed<br />

simulation models for engine performance prediction. Up to now,<br />

such detailed models are mainly used by manufacturers for engine<br />

design. The nominal performance figures produced by detailed<br />

simulation models can also be used as reference, to compare with<br />

any shipboard measured actual performance data, for engine<br />

performance evaluation. The paper describes the above procedure<br />

used by Danaos Shipping Co. on two different main engines of large<br />

containerships, typical of its fleet. The implementation initially<br />

involved collection of geometric and operational data for each<br />

engine. Then the generic engine simulation software Mother (Motor<br />

Thermodynamics) was tuned and pegged using the shop test data<br />

and initially validated using the sea trials data for each specific<br />

engine. The results of simulation allowed prediction of all engine<br />

parameters within 3% of actual measured values at sea trials. A task<br />

force within the Danaos Technical Department was specially trained<br />

in using the simulation software. Further sets of simulations at<br />

operating conditions away from sea/shop trials, allowed the<br />

prediction of all engine parameters and comparison to measured<br />

data and thus provided a good baseline for engine performance<br />

evaluation and condition assessment.<br />

One way to condition-based survey for<br />

marine diesel engines<br />

J. Rebel, Germanischer Lloyd, Germany<br />

Particularly in times of economic crisis, availability and hence<br />

reliability is very important for cargo vessels. This is the main reason<br />

why an increasing number of shipping companies invest in<br />

condition monitoring technology and move towards conditionbased<br />

maintenance. Classification societies are involved in this subject in<br />

order to support non-open-up surveys by offering respective survey<br />

arrangements. Since 2005, Germanischer Lloyd has been engaged in<br />

pilot projects for condition monitoring (CM) systems covering the<br />

crank-train of two-stroke crosshead diesel engines and other items<br />

of diesel equipment. The main engine of the test vessels C/V “Norasia<br />

Alya” and C/V “Hamburg Express” are equipped with bearing wear<br />

condition monitoring. In joint industry projects, the shipping<br />

company, the engine licenser, the manufacturers of the CM systems<br />

and the GL as the responsible classification society have been<br />

working closely together in order to gain field experience with these<br />

tools and to develop an efficient way to condition-based survey<br />

procedures. The paper continues the presentation of selected results<br />

of the ongoing field tests regarding the verification of the condition<br />

monitoring method and the definition of requirements for the<br />

condition-based maintenance procedures. In case of the crank-train<br />

bearing monitoring, the condition-based survey procedure is fully<br />

developed and will be presented for both vessels.<br />

Development of a remote non intrusive<br />

diagnosis system for two stroke diesel<br />

engines<br />

F. J. Jimenez-Espadafor, J. A. Becerra Villanueva,<br />

M. Torres Garcia, T. Sanchez Lencero, Seville<br />

University, Spain,<br />

F. Fernandez-Vacas, M. Bueno del Amo, Endesa<br />

Generacion, Spain<br />

Maintenance cost and unexpected failures can be drastically reduced<br />

in low speed diesel engines using vibro-acoustic analysis. This<br />

methodology has presented as a reliable method for detection of<br />

manufacturing faults, running damages and other abnormalities in<br />

engine and its components. Continuous trending keeping deviations<br />

of monitorized parameter allows also reduction of fuel consumption,<br />

optimize exhaust emissions, and increase components life time and<br />

increase safety. This paper describes the method of vibration<br />

monitoring for fault diagnosis based on time-windowing and<br />

frequency analysis. The effectiveness is demonstrated based on the<br />

results of two year operation on a large two stroke power plant diesel<br />

engine, located in Mahon, Spain.<br />

Evaluation method of engine and<br />

propulsion shaft alignment for large vessel<br />

I. Sugimoto, T. Nakao, Hitachi Zosen Diesel and<br />

Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan<br />

Propulsion shaft alignment of large vessel is sensitive to draft change<br />

from light draft to full load draft. Each initial bearing offset of the<br />

shaft alignment changes by the fluctuation of draft level. Especially,<br />

it presents vessels such as VLCC and large bulk carrier. The reasons<br />

include a propulsion shaft diameter stiffer and an engine main<br />

bearing center distance shorter. Those correspond to engine<br />

development trend of higher power and more compact size. The<br />

initial bearing offset change affects each bearing performance. In<br />

some cases, the change causes sever trouble to an engine and<br />

propulsion shaft. It is necessary to estimate an engine crankshaft<br />

and propulsion shaft alignment against a draft change for both<br />

engine development trend and improving reliability of bearings and<br />

shafts. Our past study was mainly focused on engine bearings in<br />

service condition. Before in service, it is indispensable for users to<br />

estimate reliability both of engine and propulsion shaft alignment<br />

against a vessel deformation and engine thermal expansion. So, an<br />

evaluation method of both engine and propulsion shaft alignment<br />

has developed for large vessel such as VLCC and bulk carrier. Input<br />

parameters are a vessel deformation information and an engine<br />

thermal expansion data. The vessel deformation is able to be given<br />

by a vessel deformation result by a FEM analysis, a directly<br />

measurement result of shaft alignment of a similar vessel or an<br />

inverse calculation result of shaft alignment of a similar vessel by<br />

using our developed software. In this tudy, an inverse calculation<br />

result is used. The evaluation values are conventional shaft alignment<br />

calculation values and engine crankshaft values. The conventional<br />

shaft alignment values include bearing load, propulsion shaft angle<br />

70 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

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