CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen
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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 combustion chamber. First results show that endoscopic in-situ investigations of the combustion process can give feasible data for validating CFD combustion simulation models. The used CFDmodels are capable of predicting standard measurement data of medium speed diesel engines like cylinder pressure, heat release rate or NOx emissions without adjustment of model parameters. The comparisons of spatially resolved data show that the used CFD models are capable of predicting important trends, but that they are not yet accurate enough for getting exact agreement with the optical images. Nevertheless, the observed deviations between spatially resolved details represent valuable information about how to further optimize the CFD models with a focus on medium speed diesel engines. Fuel injection strategies for heavy fuel medium speed engines to comply with future emission limits R. Rabe, M. Epp, H. Harndorf, E. Hassel, C. Fink, University of Rostock, Germany To fulfil prospective emission regulations, IMO Tier III engines must be able to adjust themselves to operating conditions and to fuel quality currently applied. This requires the implementation of an optimal combustion control strategy to distinguish between HFO and distillate fuel operation. The research objective at the University of Rostock is to find fuel injection strategies for efficient and emission-minimised combustion of maritime fuels. The conventional fuel injection system of the heavyfuel capable singlecylinder research engine has been replaced with a CR injection system, a freely programmable research engine control unit and fitted with optical accesses. With this HFO-capable, needle controlled CR injection system which allows up to five independent injection events per working cycle, the medium-speed single-cylinder research engine offers ideal conditions for research. Results from other analysis facilities at the University of Rostock, i.e. the CR injection rate analyser, the high-pressure / high-temperature chamber, the optical and laser-optical research tools and the DOE-Method are validated with the single cylinder HFO- research engine. Thereby, a detailed understanding of the relationships between different CR injection strategies, fuel quality, combustion and emission formation processes is gained. This serves as a valuable foundation for future engine control strategies and engine internal emission reduction. As a result, engine-type independent basics for the functions to be integrated in engine control units are created, allowing injection adapted to the pertaining emission limits and the operation conditions of the individual fuels and fuel qualities. The test engine and the optical and laser-optical analysis tools used are presented in the paper. Furthermore, Injection Rate Analyzer studies such as the injection rate dependency on fuel viscosity and the viscosityinfluence on fuel spray penetration depth found in the highpressure/high-temperature chamber are shown. Their effects on the engine’s emission process depending on the fuel and its conditioning are discussed. Further research projects will be presented. Experimental and computational considerations of fuel spray mixing H. J. Hillamo, V. Vuorinen, T. Sarjovaara, O. Kaario, M. Larmi, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland Fuel sprays play major role in primary emission reduction of diesel engines. In this study fuel sprays have been studied in pressurized measurement chamber. Experimental fuel spray imaging results were analyzed by image processing techniques to analyze mixing and the internal structure of the sprays. The interesting features of sprays include shear layer vortices, interaction of droplets with the vortices and subsequently mixing. To support these views we offer possible explanations to mixing using Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of a spray jet. The LES results support the experimental picture on spray formation mechanisms. In specific, LES reveals that droplet size is an important parameter and closely related to mixing. Turbulent diffusion of droplets is also demonstrated in the LES simulations. Measurements were performed using both laser sheet imaging and back-light imaging. The inner structures of fuel spray and turbulent mixing were of interest. Ambient conditions were non-evaporative. The tests of the common rail diesel engine injector have been done at pressurized injection test rig. In diesel sprays the inner structures of spray can have high effect on mixing and those structures are monitored. Turbulence levels in fuel sprays have high importance to mixing of fuel and air. Used procedure reveals inner structures of spray, and the growth of structure sizes of droplet clusters (more concentrated areas of spray). In the near nozzle area the occasional change in concentration of droplets is most likely dominated by nozzle effects, but after the spreading of spray and complete atomization, the more concentrated areas of spray are formed due to flow effects. Certain estimations of droplet size distribution can be linked to experimental data. 8:30 June 16th Room Troldtog (3–7) Environment, Fuel & Combustion – Diesel Engines – Modelling I Aspects of emulsified fuel spray combustion in a high-pressure and hightemperature atmosphere H. Okada, T. Tsukamoto, H. Sasaki, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, T. Ohtsuka, Ibaraki Prefectual Kaiyo High School, Japan Marine diesel engine-operation with emulsified fuels is an effectual method for NOx reduction as the Tier II regulation controls applied from 2011 in IMO. Previous studies revealed that the emulsified fuel improved the thermal efficiency, and suppressed the formation of thermal NO and soot particles (carbon components etc) in diesel engine due to the secondary atomization caused by the microexplosion. However, the micro-explosion phenomena and the behavior of water particles in the emulsified fuel droplets are not clear enough to understand its effects on combustion. The process of spray formation, ignition and combustion of emulsified fuel spray in high-pressure and high-temperature atmosphere which corresponds to burning condition in marine diesel engines was investigated by using the equipment involving a combustion chamber (386’×533), a fuel injection system was able to single diesel spray and a fuel nozzle of marine diesel engine. The experiments were conducted in a variety of conditions of ambient gas pressure up to 6.9MPa, the ambient gas temperature up to 900K, the fuel injection pressure up to 75MPa, and the nozzle opening pressure was 31.4MPa. The emulsified fuel was a mixture of water particles dispersed in marine diesel fuel (MDF). We made the different water content emulsified fuel oil with the emulsifier. It was found that as follows: (1) The spray angle of fuel became wide following the increase of injection volume and ambient gas pressure regardless of water contents. Its angle of emulsified-fuel became a little narrow for increasing of penetration by high density with water content in compared with MDF. (2) The position of occurring first flame exists at the mixing part 66 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Tuesday, 15 June Thursday, 17 June Wednesday, 16 June of around spray, and the flame at downstream region spreads in case of burning with high water contents emulsified fuel. (3) In the high ambient temperature, the ignition lag became short regardless of water contents in emulsified fuels, and the burning periods became long. (4) As the water contents increased, the ignition lag became short whereas the burning period became short. (5) In the high ambient pressure, the ignition lag became short regardless of water contents. In the high-temperature and highpressure combustion chamber same as in high load diesel engine conditions , the differences of ignition lag between the emulsified fuel and MDF become little, and the burning period of emulsified fuel becomes short in compared with MDF. From these experimental results using emulsified fuels, it is presumed that the combustion temperature decreases by evaporating latent heat of water, the burning period becomes short, the high temperature burning period decreases, and then, the creation of thermal NO is suppressed for them. Assessing the performance of spray and combustion simulation tools against reference data obtained in a spray combustion chamber representative of large two-stroke diesel engine combustion systems R. Schulz, K. Herrmann, G. Weisser, B. v. Rotz, S. Hensel, F. Seling, Wärtsilä Switzerland Ltd, Switzerland, Y. M. Wright, M. Bolla, K. Boulouchos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, Switzerland The optimization of the combustion systems of large marine diesel engines still relies largely on extensive testing; however, it is more and more supported by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations – in spite of limitations regarding the applicability of the available spray, evaporation, combustion and emissions formation models to those systems. As combustion is particularly sensitive to the fuel vapour distribution, the accurate simulation of spray and evaporation processes is seen as a prerequisite for reliable combustion and emissions formation results. In order to enable the validation of such simulations at conditions relevant to large twostroke engines, a novel experimental setup was realized, consisting of an optically accessible, disk-shaped constant volume chamber of 500 mm diameter with peripheral injection into a swirling flow. In this setup, thermo- and fluid dynamic conditions similar to those applying at start of injection of an engine are obtained by feeding pressurized and heated air or nitrogen to the spray combustion chamber (SCC) via inclined intake ports. The SCC has been used extensively for visualizing spray phenomena by means of shadow imaging techniques, thereby covering a large range of operating conditions, including non-reactive and reactive cases, as well as a variety of configurations, specifically with respect to the injector nozzle. In the present paper, those data are used for the validation of different CFD sub-models for spray and evaporation, based on initial conditions at start of injection, which have been derived on the basis of comprehensive simulations of the filling of the chamber, verified separately through flow measurements. Additionally, since each spray is also affected by the conditions upstream the orifice, the flow inside the injector is simulated in order to identify its effect on the injection boundary conditions, thereby taking into account the geometry of the nozzle tip actually used in the SCC tests, which is determined by means of computer tomography. This investigation hence focuses on the key aspects of spray and evaporation simulation, including different fuel modelling approaches and injector geometry effects. It allows identifying the most suitable models and model combinations, thereby establishing a basis for the simulation of combustion and emissions formation, and thus represents a major step towards the application of CFD for actual combustion system optimization. Modelling of the oxidation of fuel sulphur in low speed two-stroke diesel engines A. Andreasen, S. Mayer, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Denmark In large marine two stroke diesel engines during combustion of sulfur containing fuel, the sulfur is oxidised to SO 2 , mainly, although substantial amounts of SO 3 and H 2 SO 4 will form as well. These latter species may cause corrosional wear of the cylinder liner if not neutralised by lube oil additives. Potential attacks is due to either condensation of sulfuric acid on the cylinder liner lube oil film or direct dissolution of oxidised sulfur species in the lube oil film in which reaction with dissolved water may be the source of acidic species. In order to evaluate and predict corrosional wear of the liner material, it is pivotal to have realistic estimates of the distribution/ concentration of oxidised sulfur species as well as a reliable model of formation, transport and destruction of acidic species in the oil film. This paper addresses the former part by invoking a detailed reaction mechanism in order to simulate the oxidation of fuel bound sulfur and predicting the concentration of SO 2 as well as the conversion fraction into SO 3 and H 2 SO 4 . The reaction mechanism is coupled to a realistic model of the combustion process in which the air entrainment into the combustion zone is accounted for. The results of the simulation are evaluated with respect to previously applied models as well as existing data on the conversion fraction of SO 2 to SO 3 and H 2 SO 4 . The conversion fraction is found to be in a range of 2.6-6.7 %. A study on the spray combustion characteristics of bio diesel fuel A. Azetsu, K.-O. Hagio, M. Aoki, Tokai University, Japan Bio-derived fuel, such as vegetable oil and so forth, is a renewable energy and obtained a considerable amount of interests as a promising alternative fuel for IC engines. Concerning the alternative fuel for diesel engine, fatty acid methyl ester, FAME, is now in the stage of practical usage. The production of FAME is examined from many vegetable oils such as palm oil, rapeseed oil, coconuts oil, etc., and there are many studies concerning the applicability of FAMEs as an alternative fuels for diesel engines. However majority of those studies are engine tests to examine the effect on engine performance and emission characteristics, and the study concerning the fundamental characteristics of spray combustion, i.e., ignition delay, flame temperature and soot production characteristics are still needed. From these backgrounds, the objective of our study is to understand the fundamental spray combustion characteristics of FAME mixed with diesel oil, called Bio Diesel Fuel hereafter. To examine the phenomena in detail, diesel spray flame formed in the constant volume high pressure vessel was visualized and the flame temperature and the soot concentration were analyzed by two color method of luminous flame. The ambient high-pressure and high-temperature conditions inside the constant volume vessel were achieved by the combustion of hydrogen in an enriched oxygen and air mixture. The composition of the mixture was such that the oxygen concentration after hydrogen combustion was approximately 21% by volume. Following hydrogen combustion, No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 67

<strong>CIMAC</strong> CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010<br />

combustion chamber. First results show that endoscopic in-situ<br />

investigations of the combustion process can give feasible data for<br />

validating CFD combustion simulation models. The used CFDmodels<br />

are capable of predicting standard measurement data of<br />

medium speed diesel engines like cylinder pressure, heat release rate<br />

or NOx emissions without adjustment of model parameters. The<br />

comparisons of spatially resolved data show that the used CFD<br />

models are capable of predicting important trends, but that they are<br />

not yet accurate enough for getting exact agreement with the optical<br />

images. Nevertheless, the observed deviations between spatially<br />

resolved details represent valuable information about how to further<br />

optimize the CFD models with a focus on medium speed diesel<br />

engines.<br />

Fuel injection strategies for heavy fuel<br />

medium speed engines to comply with<br />

future emission limits<br />

R. Rabe, M. Epp, H. Harndorf, E. Hassel, C. Fink,<br />

University of Rostock, Germany<br />

To fulfil prospective emission regulations, IMO Tier III engines must<br />

be able to adjust themselves to operating conditions and to fuel<br />

quality currently applied. This requires the implementation of an<br />

optimal combustion control strategy to distinguish between HFO<br />

and distillate fuel operation. The research objective at the University<br />

of Rostock is to find fuel injection strategies for efficient and<br />

emission-minimised combustion of maritime fuels. The<br />

conventional fuel injection system of the heavyfuel capable singlecylinder<br />

research engine has been replaced with a CR injection<br />

system, a freely programmable research engine control unit and<br />

fitted with optical accesses. With this HFO-capable, needle controlled<br />

CR injection system which allows up to five independent injection<br />

events per working cycle, the medium-speed single-cylinder research<br />

engine offers ideal conditions for research. Results from other<br />

analysis facilities at the University of Rostock, i.e. the CR injection<br />

rate analyser, the high-pressure / high-temperature chamber, the<br />

optical and laser-optical research tools and the DOE-Method are<br />

validated with the single cylinder HFO- research engine. Thereby, a<br />

detailed understanding of the relationships between different CR<br />

injection strategies, fuel quality, combustion and emission formation<br />

processes is gained. This serves as a valuable foundation for future<br />

engine control strategies and engine internal emission reduction. As<br />

a result, engine-type independent basics for the functions to be<br />

integrated in engine control units are created, allowing injection<br />

adapted to the pertaining emission limits and the operation<br />

conditions of the individual fuels and fuel qualities. The test engine<br />

and the optical and laser-optical analysis tools used are presented in<br />

the paper. Furthermore, Injection Rate Analyzer studies such as the<br />

injection rate dependency on fuel viscosity and the viscosityinfluence<br />

on fuel spray penetration depth found in the highpressure/high-temperature<br />

chamber are shown. Their effects on the<br />

engine’s emission process depending on the fuel and its conditioning<br />

are discussed. Further research projects will be presented.<br />

Experimental and computational<br />

considerations of fuel spray mixing<br />

H. J. Hillamo, V. Vuorinen, T. Sarjovaara, O. Kaario, M.<br />

Larmi, Aalto University School of Science and<br />

Technology, Finland<br />

Fuel sprays play major role in primary emission reduction of diesel<br />

engines. In this study fuel sprays have been studied in pressurized<br />

measurement chamber. Experimental fuel spray imaging results<br />

were analyzed by image processing techniques to analyze mixing<br />

and the internal structure of the sprays. The interesting features of<br />

sprays include shear layer vortices, interaction of droplets with the<br />

vortices and subsequently mixing. To support these views we offer<br />

possible explanations to mixing using Large-Eddy Simulation (LES)<br />

of a spray jet. The LES results support the experimental picture on<br />

spray formation mechanisms. In specific, LES reveals that droplet<br />

size is an important parameter and closely related to mixing.<br />

Turbulent diffusion of droplets is also demonstrated in the LES<br />

simulations. Measurements were performed using both laser sheet<br />

imaging and back-light imaging. The inner structures of fuel spray<br />

and turbulent mixing were of interest. Ambient conditions were<br />

non-evaporative. The tests of the common rail diesel engine injector<br />

have been done at pressurized injection test rig. In diesel sprays the<br />

inner structures of spray can have high effect on mixing and those<br />

structures are monitored. Turbulence levels in fuel sprays have high<br />

importance to mixing of fuel and air. Used procedure reveals inner<br />

structures of spray, and the growth of structure sizes of droplet<br />

clusters (more concentrated areas of spray). In the near nozzle area<br />

the occasional change in concentration of droplets is most likely<br />

dominated by nozzle effects, but after the spreading of spray and<br />

complete atomization, the more concentrated areas of spray are<br />

formed due to flow effects. Certain estimations of droplet size<br />

distribution can be linked to experimental data.<br />

8:30 June 16th Room Troldtog<br />

(3–7) Environment, Fuel & Combustion –<br />

Diesel Engines – Modelling I<br />

Aspects of emulsified fuel spray<br />

combustion in a high-pressure and hightemperature<br />

atmosphere<br />

H. Okada, T. Tsukamoto, H. Sasaki, Tokyo University<br />

of Marine Science and Technology, Japan,<br />

T. Ohtsuka, Ibaraki Prefectual Kaiyo High School,<br />

Japan<br />

Marine diesel engine-operation with emulsified fuels is an effectual<br />

method for NOx reduction as the Tier II regulation controls applied<br />

from 2011 in IMO. Previous studies revealed that the emulsified fuel<br />

improved the thermal efficiency, and suppressed the formation of<br />

thermal NO and soot particles (carbon components etc) in diesel<br />

engine due to the secondary atomization caused by the microexplosion.<br />

However, the micro-explosion phenomena and the<br />

behavior of water particles in the emulsified fuel droplets are not<br />

clear enough to understand its effects on combustion. The process<br />

of spray formation, ignition and combustion of emulsified fuel<br />

spray in high-pressure and high-temperature atmosphere which<br />

corresponds to burning condition in marine diesel engines was<br />

investigated by using the equipment involving a combustion<br />

chamber (386’×533), a fuel injection system was able to single<br />

diesel spray and a fuel nozzle of marine diesel engine. The<br />

experiments were conducted in a variety of conditions of ambient<br />

gas pressure up to 6.9MPa, the ambient gas temperature up to 900K,<br />

the fuel injection pressure up to 75MPa, and the nozzle opening<br />

pressure was 31.4MPa. The emulsified fuel was a mixture of water<br />

particles dispersed in marine diesel fuel (MDF). We made the<br />

different water content emulsified fuel oil with the emulsifier. It was<br />

found that as follows:<br />

(1) The spray angle of fuel became wide following the increase of<br />

injection volume and ambient gas pressure regardless of water<br />

contents. Its angle of emulsified-fuel became a little narrow for<br />

increasing of penetration by high density with water content in<br />

compared with MDF.<br />

(2) The position of occurring first flame exists at the mixing part<br />

66 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

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