CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen
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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 And 20% NOx reduction has been confirmed by lowering the air temperature at combustion start by 50K. This result will encourage the engine designers to apply the Miller cycle technique. 3. Application of EFI (Electronically controlled fuel injection system) to achieve a “trade-off minimum” Drastic improvement of spray combustion by combining smaller injection holes and higher injection pressure (raised to 150 MPa) has been visualized. Utilizing the visual data and CFD spray combustion simulation, the “trade-off minimum” measures are being investigated. As an example, “rate-shaping”, controlling of fuel injection pressure at the beginning of injection applying EFI is introduced. A drop in flame temperature that leads to NOx reduction, with smaller deterioration of combustion by rate-shaping has been confirmed, compared to the normal way like injection timing retard, by analyzing the high-speed photos taken from the visual test engine. 15:30 June 15th Room Troldtog (2–5) Fundamental Engineering – Gas Engines Formation of formaldehyde in lean burn gas engines M. Bauer, G. Wachtmeister, Technical University of Munich, Germany In recent times stationary gas engines, especially those fuelled with poor gases, have shown amounts of formaldehyde emissions exceeding the given limits. In order to achieve compliance with the emission regulations for newly developed engines as well as for old sites, research was conducted at the Lehrstuhl fuer Verbrennungskraftmaschinen (LVK, Chair of Internal Combustion Engines) of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen to discover the factors influencing the formation of formaldehyde as gas-engine emission component. The fundamental effects of charge-air pressure, excess air ratio and ignition timings on the emissions of formaldehyde were investigated in basic experiments. A combination of high charge pressure, low excess air ratio and late ignition timings led to a decrease of the emissions of formaldehyde. On the other hand low charge pressures and lean airfuel- mixtures caused significantly higher emissions of formaldehyde, partly rising with decreasing spark advance. Following the basic experiments, the influence of engine and operating parameters on the emissions of formaldehyde were investigated. Within these experiments the operating parameters fuel gas composition and mixture humidity and the engine parameters swirl intensity, compression ratio, shape of the combustion chamber and top land crevice’s volume were varied. The emissions of nitrogen oxides were held constant within these investigations. The characteristics of the formaldehyde emissions over ignition timing were qualitatively the same for all variations. Emitting most formaldehyde at advanced ignition, late ignition timings implicate a decrease of formaldehyde emissions and sinking engine efficiency. The more carbon dioxide the fuel gas mixture contains, the lower are the formaldehyde emissions. A slight reduction of the formaldehyde emissions could also be achieved by reducing the compression ratio by one unit, whereas increasing it by two units caused the formaldehyde emissions to rise significantly at the same time. Strikingly increased formaldehyde emissions have also been measured in tests with a piston with increased volume of the top land crevice. Compared with this swirl intensity, mixture humidity and shape of the combustion chamber did not influence the amount of formaldehyde emissions significantly, but caused the characteristics of formaldehyde emissions over ignition timing to shift. A correlation could be found between the rate of heat release and the shifts in the formaldehyde emissions’ characteristics. The temperatures of fresh mixture and coolant as well as the exhaust gas pressure were varied within short tests. When nitrogen oxide emissions were held constant, no notable influence on the formaldehyde emissions could be found. A short test, in which the exhaust valve clearance was reduced to zero, led to a significant rising of formaldehyde emissions. Within this research project there could be found no factor capable of reducing formaldehyde emissions without negative effects on further important parameters, for example nitrogen oxides, efficiency and exhaust gas temperatures, except a reduced volume of the top land crevice. However, a reduction of the top land crevice’s volume is structurally limited. Optimization of combustion and knocking behaviour in open chamber gas engines based on optical analysis and 3D-CFD simulation P. Christiner, G. Kogler, A. Wimmer, LEC - Large Engines Competence Center, Austria, T. Jauk, Graz University of Technology, Austria In addition to the criteria of highest possible performance, greatest efficiency and lowest emissions, one critical development goal in the optimization of large gas engines is to apply engine concepts versatilely to a very diverse range of gases. In particular, the goal of reaching a high BMEP level with different gas qualities necessitates taking measures to shift the knocking limit. In this context, the optimization of piston geometry plays a decisive role in open chamber combustion concepts. To solve the complex problem, an integrated methodology consisting of calculation with the 3D-CFD code AVL-FIRE and experimental investigations on a single-cylinder research engine (SCRE) was chosen. To review the pre-calculations of the effects of changes in geometry on knocking behavior, a verification of the simulation results for selected variants was initially conducted using a VisioKnock system from AVL, which also permits the detection of knocking in piston bowls. Based on the adapted simulation tools, optimization measures were derived, extracts of which will be presented in the article. Knock occurrence prediction by means of chemical kinetics in heavy duty dual-fuel engine G. Javadirad, M. Gorji, Nushirvani University of Technology, Iran, A. Al-Sened, Technomot Ltd., United Kingdom, M. Keshavarz, H. Safari, Iran Heavy Diesel The onset of knock is a major issue of running dual fuel engines at high loads with different gaseous fuels and ambient conditions. Two types of knock can limit the power output from dual fuel engines: diesel knock and gas (spark) knock. It is acknowledged that the ratio of diesel fuel mass to gaseous fuel mass is an important index in determining which type of knock is predominant. This paper describes the development of a two-zone predictive model for the onset of knock in a dual fuel engine. A 9-step short mechanism with 11 chemical species is used to determine the chemical reactivity of the endgas zone. The contribution of pilot diesel fuel combustion is taken into account by a heat release model. The results were first validated against some published results of engine analysis and performance prediction. Secondly, a known dual-fuel development engine was simulated and, finally, an engine in service, which had been converted from diesel to dual-fuel, was simulated. Good agreement with existing performance data was demonstrated in all these cases. 60 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Wednesday, 16 June Thursday, 17 June Tuesday, 15 June Stoichiometric operation of natural gas engines for very low emissions applications J. Hiltner, M. Flory, Hiltner Combustion Systems, USA The utilization of natural gas engines for power generation and other stationary applications has grown dramatically in the last two decades, due largely to the favorable emissions characteristics, and more recently, to the favorable power density and thermal efficiency of lean burn spark ignited engines relative to their various market competitors. With minimal required after-treatment and relatively low-cost controls, open-chamber and pre-chamber lean burn engines are capable of efficiency and BMEP levels comparable to similar displacement diesel engines, with an order of magnitude reduction in NOx and particulate emissions. This rapid development is now threatened in many markets by proposed emissions regulations that are below the currently achievable engine out NOx capabilities of lean burn engines. While SCR aftertreatment offers a clear technical solution for larger installations where very low NOx levels are required, these systems represent a significant increase in system cost and complexity and are not economically feasible for smaller installations, particularly those operating in remote areas. This combination of factors is driving many traditional natural gas engine markets, particularly in North America, away from lean burn combustion and back to stoichiometric combustion systems where 3-way catalysts can be utilized to reduce overall emissions of NOx, CO, NMHC and to some extent other trace pollutants. Engines operating under stoichiometric conditions generally offer lower performance and suffer from significant durability issues due to high in-cylinder and exhaust gas temperatures. This paper explores the roots of the performance penalty paid for a shift to stoichiometric combustion. Engine test results from a heavy duty natural gas engine are used to illustrate the impact of heat release rate, charge thermodynamics, in-cylinder heat transfer, knock limits, engine breathing and exhaust gas temperature limits on engine performance under stoichiometric conditions. The individual effects of each of these parameters is quantified through one-dimensional modeling of the test engine. The impact of cooled, low pressure EGR is also discussed in terms of its performance potential relative to stoichiometric and lean combustion systems. The loss of engine power density, increase in brake specific engine cost, and the increase in greenhouse gas emissions of stoichiometric engines are then quantified relative to their NOx reduction potential with respect to high performance lean burn engines. This paper seeks to quantify the performance and market penalties associated with a shift to stoichiometric engine operation, as well as describing the roots of these penalties. 15:30 June 15th Room Klokkeklang (9–4) Turbochargers & Turbomachinery – Aspects of Turbomachinery Turbocharger performance stability under HFO conditions V. Haueisen, T. Behr, W. Gizzi, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd., Switzerland To meet the performance and emission requirements of modern diesel and gas engines turbochargers must be built using the same No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 61

Monday, 14 June<br />

Wednesday, 16 June<br />

Thursday, 17 June<br />

Tuesday, 15 June<br />

Stoichiometric operation of natural gas<br />

engines for very low emissions applications<br />

J. Hiltner, M. Flory, Hiltner Combustion Systems,<br />

USA<br />

The utilization of natural gas engines for power generation and<br />

other stationary applications has grown dramatically in the last two<br />

decades, due largely to the favorable emissions characteristics, and<br />

more recently, to the favorable power density and thermal efficiency<br />

of lean burn spark ignited engines relative to their various market<br />

competitors. With minimal required after-treatment and relatively<br />

low-cost controls, open-chamber and pre-chamber lean burn<br />

engines are capable of efficiency and BMEP levels comparable to<br />

similar displacement diesel engines, with an order of magnitude<br />

reduction in NOx and particulate emissions. This rapid development<br />

is now threatened in many markets by proposed emissions<br />

regulations that are below the currently achievable engine out NOx<br />

capabilities of lean burn engines. While SCR aftertreatment offers a<br />

clear technical solution for larger installations where very low NOx<br />

levels are required, these systems represent a significant increase in<br />

system cost and complexity and are not economically feasible for<br />

smaller installations, particularly those operating in remote areas.<br />

This combination of factors is driving many traditional natural gas<br />

engine markets, particularly in North America, away from lean burn<br />

combustion and back to stoichiometric combustion systems where<br />

3-way catalysts can be utilized to reduce overall emissions of NOx,<br />

CO, NMHC and to some extent other trace pollutants. Engines<br />

operating under stoichiometric conditions generally offer lower<br />

performance and suffer from significant durability issues due to<br />

high in-cylinder and exhaust gas temperatures. This paper explores<br />

the roots of the performance penalty paid for a shift to stoichiometric<br />

combustion. Engine test results from a heavy duty natural gas engine<br />

are used to illustrate the impact of heat release rate, charge<br />

thermodynamics, in-cylinder heat transfer, knock limits, engine<br />

breathing and exhaust gas temperature limits on engine performance<br />

under stoichiometric conditions. The individual effects of each of<br />

these parameters is quantified through one-dimensional modeling<br />

of the test engine. The impact of cooled, low pressure EGR is also<br />

discussed in terms of its performance potential relative to<br />

stoichiometric and lean combustion systems. The loss of engine<br />

power density, increase in brake specific engine cost, and the increase<br />

in greenhouse gas emissions of stoichiometric engines are then<br />

quantified relative to their NOx reduction potential with respect to<br />

high performance lean burn engines. This paper seeks to quantify<br />

the performance and market penalties associated with a shift to<br />

stoichiometric engine operation, as well as describing the roots of<br />

these penalties.<br />

15:30 June 15th Room Klokkeklang<br />

(9–4) Turbochargers & Turbomachinery –<br />

Aspects of Turbomachinery<br />

Turbocharger performance stability under<br />

HFO conditions<br />

V. Haueisen, T. Behr, W. Gizzi, ABB Turbo Systems<br />

Ltd., Switzerland<br />

To meet the performance and emission requirements of modern<br />

diesel and gas engines turbochargers must be built using the same<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore<br />


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