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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 reduction rate at each load and the effects of a kind of the reducing agent, which are ammonia gas and urea water. As the results, it is confirmed that the SCR system has suitable NOx reduction performance at each load. It is also clarified that there is no deference by the kind of reducing agent in enough high temperature of the exhaust gas. On the other hand, we have investigated control methods with the experimental SCR system. In the control system, the reducing agent is controlled by a calculated exhaust gas flow rate and a measured NOx concentration. It is confirmed that the control system has suitable performance in our early tests. Based on the above test results, we have designed and developed a SCR system for a marine Diesel generator on a ship. The SCR system is installed to the ship and examined on board at sea. In the actual ship, there is not enough wide space for the SCR. Therefore the distance between the injection nozzle and the catalyst of the SCR system must be short, though it is needed a long distance for the conversion to ammonia from urea generally. We developed a special injection nozzle for the system and achieved suitable NOx reduction performance. In conclusion, we got a lot of beneficial results to apply a SCR system to a middle-speed marine diesel engine. In the next step, in order to develop a practical SCR system, it is necessary to develop a simple and low-cost control system and to estimate a durability performance of catalyst. Also, in order to apply the SCR system to large two-stroke diesel engine, we need to examine the SCR system performance in detail, because the engine has too low temperature of exhaust gas. Development of a NOx fast sampling system for marine diesel engines M. Ioannou, K. Xepapa, T. Stelios, N. Kyrtatos, NTUA, Greece Cylinder specific NOx measurements for large marine engines can provide important information for the combustion system that can be used by the engine design and development engineers. In addition, significant cost savings can result from reduced test bed running times which are usually required to characterise the combustion system. Furthermore, detailed NOx measured data can be used for the development and calibration of combustion system simulation models. Emission measurement equipment that allow cylinder specific measurements are currently only available to automotive industry applications. Due to the size of marine diesel engines, and more specifically the exhaust system, this equipment needs to be suitably modified in order to be used in large engines. The work reported here describes the further design and development of a NOx fast sampling system applicable to marine diesel engines towards a more reliable and robust system. The most important considerations when sampling exhaust gases from a marine engine is the strong possibility of probe’s blockage due to excessive soot deposition and the mechanical reliability, without compromising the performance of the measuring system. All these factors were considered during the design phase and the developed sampling system satisfies all requirements successfully. The main design parameters of the sampling system were first evaluated though theoretical analysis, followed by flow bench investigations, and the final evaluation of the design was done on the test bed by performing NOx measurements on a marine diesel research engine. The emission measurements were supported by detailed measurements of the engine performance parameters. The final probe design is a customised sampling system for a fast response chemiluminescence detector that can measure NOx in the exhaust gases downstream the exhaust valve of a specific cylinder of a marine diesel engine. The extremely fast response time of the system enables the characterization of NOx during an engine cycle with a one degree crank-angle resolution. Development of sulfur-tolerant SCR type De-NOx system for marine applications Y.-M. Lee, S.-K. An, DSME, Korea, K.-H. Kang, Y.-D. Yoo, IAE, Korea, Ø. Toft, BW Fleet Management AS, Norway Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are mainly generated by combustion of fossil fuels used for marine vessels. Nowadays, a consensus has been reached internationally to limit emission of air-polluting compounds. And the NOx emission level requirements of marine diesel engine are getting more stringent these days. Especially to meet the Tier III requirement of IMO MPEC 58, external flue gas treatment system may be necessary as the requirements cannot be met by NOx reduction system in diesel engine boundary. One of the possible solutions of the NOx reduction could be the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) type De-NOx system. However, it is well known that the SCR performance is greatly affected by the flue gas temperature and the existence of sulfur contents and that the temperature of exhaust gas from the marine diesel engine is relatively low and sulfur components are detrimental to the catalyst. In marine diesel oil, some amount of sulfur is contained in most of the cases. The typical contents of the sulfur in marine fuel oil could be 1.0 4 ~ .5% range. It is believed that the allowable sulfur level contained in fuel oil will be gradually reduced. Nevertheless, the complete removal of the sulfur in fuel oil is impractical due to high desulfurization cost in the process of fuel oil production. With the reason, the De-NOx system which can be operated in the existence of some range of sulfur, typically 1% in fuel oil, might be practically implemented in the marine diesel engine in the near future. Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Co., Ltd. (DSME) and BW Group are developing “Sulfurtolerant SCR type De-NOx system for Marine Applications”. We have evaluated the durability and optimum conditions for NOx reduction performance using selected commercial catalysts and have developed SCR catalyst suitable for low temperature and existence of SOx contents with a manufacturer specialized in the SCR catalyst. The influences of the SOx contents and dust for the developed SCR have been compared by extensive experiments. For the verification of the developed SCR, bench scale test facility has been utilized. With the facility, various performance comparisons of SOx and dust have been achieved. The test has been carried with the collaboration of Institute of Advanced Engineering (IAE). In addition to the bench scale test, we have been selected optimum combination of catalyst and SCR operational variables with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Through the studies, we expect sulfur-tolerant SCR element and practical De- NOx system for marine applications would be developed. Based on the results obtained from the test and CFD analysis, detailed engineering design and actual onboard tests will be carried out for targeted vessel. We expect the developed De-NOx system would contribute to the emission reduction in the marine industry. 10:30 June 15th Room Troldtog (6–3) Product Development, Component & Maintenance Technology – Gas Engines – Technology, Fuels & Emissions Methane slip reduction in Wärtsilä lean burn gas engines A. Järvi, Wärtsilä, Finland Global warming set reduction needs for all greenhouse gases. Lean burn gas engines are having superior efficiency and thanks to lowcarbon fuel, CO 2 emissions are low compared to diesel engines and gas turbines. Though the main emissions (CO 2 and NOx) are 46 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Wednesday, 16 June Thursday, 17 June Tuesday, 15 June generally low in lean burn gas engines, incomplete combustion leads to unburned hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, called methane slip. While methane is a 25 times more harmful greenhouse gas than CO 2 , the author’s company has a program to minimize HC emissions of lean burn gas engines. The program consists of engine testing both in laboratory and in field with both primary and secondary reduction methods. There are several primary methods in engine tuning, control and operation, which reduce HC emissions from lean burn gas engines. Among primary HC reduction methods are air fuel ratio, compression ratio, skip firing, EGR and optimization of gas admission. Utilising fully all mentioned methods is challenging, because gas engine combustion is a compromise of several parameters, targets and especially limits. To take into account the engine as a whole, there are reasons why primary HC emission reduction methods can not eliminate methane completely from exhaust gas. Therefore also higher reduction rates can be reached at low loads due to fewer limits. The reduction mechanisms and contribution of different methods to HC emissions are presented in this paper together with most common limiting factors in engine. Load dependency of HC reduction is a consequence of different engine limits. Therefore primary reduction methods fit better to marine applications, where engine load is typically on the range 0. . . 90%. Power plant engines operate practically on load range 90- 100% and therefore a rather small primary methane slip reduction can be achieved due to combination of several limits. After treatment methods are needed to reach even lower methane emissions. These include methane oxidisation in a catalyst or in sandbed. Challenge with methane oxidization is the high temperature required for the chemical reaction to start. While exhaust gas temperature after engine is remarkably lower, special arrangements are needed. This paper also describes the working principle of both after treatment methods together with reduction rates and examples of test arrangements. Qualifying the effect of different gas mixtures on NOx emissions M. Birner, G. Wachtmeister, Technical University of Munich, Germany Strict emissions regulations force engineers to successively optimize combustion motor parts, its combustion processes and operating range. Especially gas engines are operated with a wide range of different gas mixtures dependant on the place of installation. To comply with the strict legislation of emissions –in particular NOx emissions– the effect of different kinds of gas mixtures has to be identified. A short summary of the possible kinds of gas mixtures will introduce in the topic. Next the appearance of the gaseous fuels will be illustrated. At the chair of internal combustion engines (LVK) of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen a one cylinder diesel engine was retrofitted in a former research project to run as a spark ignited, charged gas engine. The test rig enables to mix six different kinds of gases and provides all the necessary measurement equipment for the combustion products. This study will concentrate on the effect of the gas mixtures on NOx emissions. First, out of the possible gaseous fuels the four most important ones are selected. Then the sensitive motor parameters for NOx emissions are defined and methodically varied. In the first part of the paper the measurement results will be discussed in detail. In addition to the test rig measurements the thermodynamic combustion analysis will remain as one of the essential tools during every step of the motor design. Thus the second part of the paper will focus on the effect of gas mixtures on the pressure curve analysis together with the calculation of NOx emissions. Therefore two different kinds of calculation models are tested. To summarize, this paper will discuss the effect of different gas mixtures on NOx emissions. The conducted measurements and calculations provide an insight into special features of a gas engine. Additionally it will give a short prospect of the capability to quantitatively calculate NOx emissions. Knock in dual fuel engines: A comparison between different techniques for detection and control F. Millo, G. Lavarino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, A. Cafari, Wärtsilä, Italy In dual fuel engines operating on gas mode knock represents one of the major constraints on performance and efficiency, because it limits the maximum value of the engine compression ratio and of the boost pressure. The detection of abnormal combustion onset and the evaluation of knock intensity is therefore a crucial issue in engine development. In this work two different categories of knockdetection methods, based both on frequency domain manipulations of the cylinder pressure signal and on cylinder head vibration analysis, were extensively compared through an experimental investigation carried out on a Wärtsilä W50DF engine. After a detailed literary review, the following three knock indicators were chosen to be examined through the experimental analysis: • maximum peak to peak value of the band-pass filtered pressure or vibration signal; • mean square value of the band-pass filtered pressure or vibration signal; • integral of the absolute value of the first derivative of band-pass filtered pressure or vibration signal. Different criteria for the identification of knocking cycles were evaluated, based on the comparison of the individual cycle knock indicator level with a constant threshold or on a statistical approach. While constant threshold approach was shown to be suitable for in cylinder pressure methods at constant engine load and speed (as for genset applications), the use of a statistical approach appeared to be mandatory for a fixed propeller pitch engine applications. Moreover the statistical approach turned out to be more reliable and robust in case of use of vibration based methods and therefore more suitable for the implementation on mass-produced engines. Finally, by means of a proper choice of filtering frequencies and of the accelerometer position, the influence of the engine transfer function on the vibration signal was remarkably reduced, thus allowing an easier and more reliable detection of knocking cycles, as well as a ranking of knocking cycles on the base of their intensity, thus paving the way to future finer engine control strategies development. Development of high-efficiency gas engine through observation and simulation of knocking phenomena H. Tajima, D. Tsuru, Kyushu University, Japan, M. Kunimitsu, K. Sugiura, Mitsui Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan Large-sized gas engines are appreciated as environmentally clean power sources thanks to their sulphur-free natural gas fuel and to their much lower NOx emission under lean combustion conditions of high air excess factor. Adding to which, their higher heat-to-power ratio seems advantageous to cogeneration systems in power generation facilities in suburban areas. Their efficiency, however, pales in comparison with that of their marine counterpart, that is, medium-speed four-stroke diesel engines. As reasonably anticipated, flame propagation in homogeneous premixture of natural gas and air cannot be decoupled from knocking limitation being the same with high-speed SI engines. This drawback becomes more evident in No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 47

Monday, 14 June<br />

Wednesday, 16 June<br />

Thursday, 17 June<br />

Tuesday, 15 June<br />

generally low in lean burn gas engines, incomplete combustion leads<br />

to unburned hydrocarbon (HC) emissions, called methane slip.<br />

While methane is a 25 times more harmful greenhouse gas than<br />

CO 2<br />

, the author’s company has a program to minimize HC emissions<br />

of lean burn gas engines. The program consists of engine testing both<br />

in laboratory and in field with both primary and secondary reduction<br />

methods. There are several primary methods in engine tuning,<br />

control and operation, which reduce HC emissions from lean burn<br />

gas engines. Among primary HC reduction methods are air fuel ratio,<br />

compression ratio, skip firing, EGR and optimization of gas<br />

admission. Utilising fully all mentioned methods is challenging,<br />

because gas engine combustion is a compromise of several<br />

parameters, targets and especially limits. To take into account the<br />

engine as a whole, there are reasons why primary HC emission<br />

reduction methods can not eliminate methane completely from<br />

exhaust gas. Therefore also higher reduction rates can be reached at<br />

low loads due to fewer limits. The reduction mechanisms and<br />

contribution of different methods to HC emissions are presented in<br />

this paper together with most common limiting factors in engine.<br />

Load dependency of HC reduction is a consequence of different<br />

engine limits. Therefore primary reduction methods fit better to<br />

marine applications, where engine load is typically on the range 0. .<br />

. 90%. Power plant engines operate practically on load range 90-<br />

100% and therefore a rather small primary methane slip reduction<br />

can be achieved due to combination of several limits. After treatment<br />

methods are needed to reach even lower methane emissions. These<br />

include methane oxidisation in a catalyst or in sandbed. Challenge<br />

with methane oxidization is the high temperature required for the<br />

chemical reaction to start. While exhaust gas temperature after engine<br />

is remarkably lower, special arrangements are needed. This paper<br />

also describes the working principle of both after treatment methods<br />

together with reduction rates and examples of test arrangements.<br />

Qualifying the effect of different gas<br />

mixtures on NOx emissions<br />

M. Birner, G. Wachtmeister, Technical University of<br />

Munich, Germany<br />

Strict emissions regulations force engineers to successively optimize<br />

combustion motor parts, its combustion processes and operating<br />

range. Especially gas engines are operated with a wide range of<br />

different gas mixtures dependant on the place of installation. To<br />

comply with the strict legislation of emissions –in particular NOx<br />

emissions– the effect of different kinds of gas mixtures has to be<br />

identified. A short summary of the possible kinds of gas mixtures<br />

will introduce in the topic. Next the appearance of the gaseous fuels<br />

will be illustrated. At the chair of internal combustion engines (LVK)<br />

of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen a one cylinder diesel<br />

engine was retrofitted in a former research project to run as a spark<br />

ignited, charged gas engine. The test rig enables to mix six different<br />

kinds of gases and provides all the necessary measurement equipment<br />

for the combustion products. This study will concentrate on the<br />

effect of the gas mixtures on NOx emissions. First, out of the possible<br />

gaseous fuels the four most important ones are selected. Then the<br />

sensitive motor parameters for NOx emissions are defined and<br />

methodically varied. In the first part of the paper the measurement<br />

results will be discussed in detail. In addition to the test rig<br />

measurements the thermodynamic combustion analysis will remain<br />

as one of the essential tools during every step of the motor design.<br />

Thus the second part of the paper will focus on the effect of gas<br />

mixtures on the pressure curve analysis together with the calculation<br />

of NOx emissions. Therefore two different kinds of calculation<br />

models are tested.<br />

To summarize, this paper will discuss the effect of different gas<br />

mixtures on NOx emissions. The conducted measurements and<br />

calculations provide an insight into special features of a gas engine.<br />

Additionally it will give a short prospect of the capability to<br />

quantitatively calculate NOx emissions.<br />

Knock in dual fuel engines: A comparison<br />

between different techniques for detection<br />

and control<br />

F. Millo, G. Lavarino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy,<br />

A. Cafari, Wärtsilä, Italy<br />

In dual fuel engines operating on gas mode knock represents one<br />

of the major constraints on performance and efficiency, because it<br />

limits the maximum value of the engine compression ratio and of<br />

the boost pressure. The detection of abnormal combustion onset<br />

and the evaluation of knock intensity is therefore a crucial issue in<br />

engine development. In this work two different categories of<br />

knockdetection methods, based both on frequency domain<br />

manipulations of the cylinder pressure signal and on cylinder head<br />

vibration analysis, were extensively compared through an<br />

experimental investigation carried out on a Wärtsilä W50DF engine.<br />

After a detailed literary review, the following three knock indicators<br />

were chosen to be examined through the experimental analysis:<br />

• maximum peak to peak value of the band-pass filtered pressure<br />

or vibration signal;<br />

• mean square value of the band-pass filtered pressure or vibration<br />

signal;<br />

• integral of the absolute value of the first derivative of band-pass<br />

filtered pressure or vibration signal.<br />

Different criteria for the identification of knocking cycles were<br />

evaluated, based on the comparison of the individual cycle knock<br />

indicator level with a constant threshold or on a statistical approach.<br />

While constant threshold approach was shown to be suitable for in<br />

cylinder pressure methods at constant engine load and speed (as<br />

for genset applications), the use of a statistical approach appeared<br />

to be mandatory for a fixed propeller pitch engine applications.<br />

Moreover the statistical approach turned out to be more reliable<br />

and robust in case of use of vibration based methods and therefore<br />

more suitable for the implementation on mass-produced engines.<br />

Finally, by means of a proper choice of filtering frequencies and of<br />

the accelerometer position, the influence of the engine transfer<br />

function on the vibration signal was remarkably reduced, thus<br />

allowing an easier and more reliable detection of knocking cycles,<br />

as well as a ranking of knocking cycles on the base of their intensity,<br />

thus paving the way to future finer engine control strategies<br />

development.<br />

Development of high-efficiency gas engine<br />

through observation and simulation of<br />

knocking phenomena<br />

H. Tajima, D. Tsuru, Kyushu University, Japan,<br />

M. Kunimitsu, K. Sugiura, Mitsui Engineering and<br />

Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Japan<br />

Large-sized gas engines are appreciated as environmentally clean<br />

power sources thanks to their sulphur-free natural gas fuel and to<br />

their much lower NOx emission under lean combustion conditions<br />

of high air excess factor. Adding to which, their higher heat-to-power<br />

ratio seems advantageous to cogeneration systems in power<br />

generation facilities in suburban areas. Their efficiency, however,<br />

pales in comparison with that of their marine counterpart, that is,<br />

medium-speed four-stroke diesel engines. As reasonably anticipated,<br />

flame propagation in homogeneous premixture of natural gas and<br />

air cannot be decoupled from knocking limitation being the same<br />

with high-speed SI engines. This drawback becomes more evident in<br />

No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore<br />


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