CIMAC Congress - Schiff & Hafen

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CIMAC CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010 and by - the turbocharging system. The simultaneous achievement of emissions compliance, targeted power density and lowest specific fuel consumption are decisively affected by charge air pressure and particularly with low speed engines exhaust gas receiver pressure as a function of engine load and engine speed. Based on these values, the turbocharger air pressure ratio and efficiency can be derived. Other parameters, like the specific volume flow of the compressor, variable elements of the turbocharging system and the design of the turbocharger itself, are mainly related to economics, servicefriendliness and reliability as well as to the physical restrictions imposed by flows and materials. In a first step, this paper discusses the principal thermodynamic requirements of turbocharger design for diesel and gas engines with enhanced emissions, higher power density and optimised fuel consumption and how they have evolved for the three major engine types i.e. low, medium and high speed. In a second step, using the evolution of ABB’s A100 turbocharger generation as an example, the practical realisation of turbocharging systems for the fulfilment of these requirements is described, including the product objectives reliability and service friendliness. The paper emphasises the new technical features against the background of future engine requirements but also justifies the retention of well-proven principles from predecessor generations. Finally, the paper concludes with a summary of field experience to date is given. TCA33 – the new MAN Diesel turbocharger for high-speed engines K. Bartholomae, E. Boelt, D. Balthasar, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, Germany In summer 2008 the decision was made to develop a new turbocharger for MAN Diesel’s new high-speed engine 28/33D. This turbocharger should be tailor-made to the particular needs of this engine type. The development process should profit from all advantages resulting from the fact that MAN Diesel engines and turbochargers are all developed under one roof so that the turbocharger is integrated to a great extent into the engine architecture. As MAN Diesel’s latest turbocharger the TCA33- 42 extends the TCA axial turbocharger series towards smaller power outputs. Being the smallest TCA turbocharger this turbocharger type combines the advantages of the well-established TCA and TCR turbocharger series. As forerunner for a new TCA 4- stroke generation the design includes all features necessary for fulfilling the IMO Tier II regulations. The turbocharger TCA33-42 is characterized by a high power to weight ratio and high compactness. The requirement specification also contained highest pressure ratios up to six in the peak as well as a low mass moment of inertia, high flexibility for Tier I and Tier II applications to cover all cylinder numbers from 12V to 20V28/33D. Different rotors are installed in the same outlines for the different cylinder numbers in order to keep the mounting variants on the engine and hence the development effort for the engine customer at a minimum. As many modern diesel engines, the 28/33D is also designed for Miller timing, resulting in the demand of a high pressure ratio for the turbocharger. MAN Diesel has consequently developed special compressor wheels that also generate the best possible flow rate at a high pressure ratio. In comparison with previous turbochargers, the increased pressure ratio results in an increased air temperature and as a consequence to an increase of the compressor wheel component temperature. If, however, the use of aluminium as compressor wheel material instead of titanium should be continued, then the service life of the compressor wheel will be considerably shortened due to the accelerated material aging. An efficient compressor wheel cooling counteracts this drawback. MAN Diesel developed a water cooling that utilizes the water from the engine circuit and has hence no influence on the thermodynamic parameters of the turbocharging unit. Two turbochargers TCA33-42 were mounted on an engine 20V28/33D and successfully tested already one year after starting the development. At the same time MAN Diesel carried out fundamental investigations and approval tests at the combustion chamber in Augsburg. The results of these first operational experiences as well as the new design features of the new turbocharger are presented. Development of high-pressure ratio type turbocharger R. Murano, K. Nakano, Y. Hirata, IHI, Japan The raising of the environmental awareness in global scale over the past few years has lead to the discussion of the prevention of air pollution by exhaust gas from ship engines at International Maritime Organization (IMO). The discussion has been held at IMO for many years. And as a result, MARPOL Appendix VI was established, and the 1 st stage emission regulation became effective in May 2005. The regulation value is agreed to be adjusted in every five years, so the 2 nd stage regulation will become effective in Jan 2011. In the 2 nd stage regulation, NOx has to be reduced approximately 20% more, compared to the 1 st stage regulation. It is possible to achieve this desired value by applying mirror cycle timing, which is available by changing the intake air valve timing in the engine. And for turbochargers, higher pressure ratio will be demanded to take in necessary amount of suction air at shorter time. In addition to these technical demands related to environment, users also strongly require longer maintenance interval, easier handling, and reduction of life cycle cost, against turbochargers. Under these circumstances, IHI has developed the new radial type high-pressure ratio turbocharger based on a conventional type for 500kW class marine diesel engine. The main development items are the compressor wheel, the compressor housing with recirculation device, cooling system of the compressor back surface, and simplification of maintenance. IHI improved pressure ratio from 3.8 to up to 5.0 at the engine operation point, by optimizing the compressor wheel, the diffuser, and also the compressor housing with recirculation device, by using CFD and so on. When rising compressor pressure ratio, the compressor wheel is heated up by the compressed air, and this gives negative effect on life duration of the compressor wheel. IHI solved this problem by developing a system to spray lubricant oil on the back plate by way of cooling the back plate and reducing the radiation heat transferred to the compressor wheel. A turbocharger for marine diesel engines requires easy maintenance by the users. This is because that a turbocharger is usually maintained several times by the users themselves while on the ship. To answer this request, IHI revised the design of the housings to make it simpler, and also applied ’seal bush’ type rotor. A ’seal bush’ type rotor separates the turbine side sealing part as a ’seal bush’ from the rotor, and is easily available to replace the sealing part for maintenance. These efforts have made IHI turbochargers more convenient than the conventional. IHI’s highpressure ratio type turbocharger which has succeeded in various developments, has already been adopted as a standard model by some engine builders, and is expected to show its high-performance in the global market. IHI is continuously developing series of this turbocharger for 300kW – 400kW smaller marine diesel engines. High performance of small turbochargers J. Klima, M. Vacek, O. Tomek, PBS Turbo s.r.o., Czech Republic The papers summarize the latest results for the development of turbochargers suitable for the latest generation of engines. The engines have to observe primary emission limits such as IMO Tier II, TALUFT, which will come into force soon. To meet these limits, most engine-makers have settled on the design concept of 42 Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

Monday, 14 June Wednesday, 16 June Thursday, 17 June Tuesday, 15 June - shortened compression in cylinder (Miller, Atkinson timing) - high power density (increased BMEP, to keep relative power price at an acceptable level) Both items specify a clear requirement for the charging group - high pressure ratio, which means a ratio higher than 5:0. The challenge was solved in larger turbochargers, but there are not so many high pressure turbochargers within the range of compressor mass flow 0.5 – 1.2 kg/s. To keep the engine scavenging, an efficiency of about 60% is necessary for the turbocharger. This target can be reached by using the well-proven flow parts of the TCR family of turbochargers. PBS Turbo responded by reinforcing the capacity for simulation and by TCR turbochargers series extension to lower compressor mass flow. It was not just downscaling, it was necessary to respect some specifics and modify the design to meet the needs of our customers. A summary of the requirements and subsequent development steps forms the main content of this paper. We would like to focus primarily on the description of rotor dynamics optimization, increasing the compressor circumferential speed and the safety directly related to it. Items which are important to users of the turbocharger, such as matching, durability and maintenance will also be mentioned. From this point of view, the concept of maintaining the durability of the aluminum compressor wheel is very important. The short and long test results will be presented so as to be able to confront the prediction from the simulations and actual behaviour of the rotor and casings. The first experience in the field will also be mentioned. The next part of the results will focus on the thermodynamics parameters. We would like to present not only the results of the final design but some of the intermediate steps to show the effect of compressor and turbine specification changes and effect of the different geometry of some flow parts. In the conclusion, the most important results will be summarized to be able to show the technical level of the turbochargers which we plan for the coming decade. 10:30 June 15th Room Peer Gynt Salen (1–4) Product Development – Diesel Engines – High & Medium Speed Engines Development of the Series 4000 Ironmen workboat engine N. Veser, R. Speetzen, C. Glowacki, MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, Germany MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH has developed a specialized diesel engine for workboats. This new engine is a Series 4000 engine and draws on MTU’s experience dating back to 1996 in the use of heavy-duty diesel engines in the construction, industrial, rail, and marine sectors. The engine is specially adapted to workboat requirements. Therefore, the key technologies focus on benefits in terms of engine performance, fuel consumption, time between overhauls, and the valid worldwide marine emissions limits such as EPA Tier II and EU Stage IIIA. Optimum engine design and charge air concepts were determined by means of thermodynamic and fluid dynamic analysis, as well as from information obtained in a thorough market survey. These were the basis for the final engine design and the cylinder versions: 8V, 12V and 16V. The common rail fuel injection system and combustion components were optimized in single-cylinder engine studies. These components and thermodynamic concepts were then qualified on test engines for each cylinder version. Special attention was also paid to the suitability of fuel qualities available worldwide. Another key technology, the electronic engine control system, as well as the engine operating software were also updated specifically for workboat requirements. The development process from market survey to serially produced engine and detailed information on the key technologies and engine concepts form a major part of this article about the development of Series 4000 Ironmen workboat engines. Impact of market demands and future emission legislations on medium speed engine design E. Reichert, H. Pleimling, FEV, Germany Future market demands as well as reduced NOx, HC, CO 2 and particulate emissions without drawbacks in fuel consumption/ CO 2 –emissions, engine reliability and cost, will face ”Medium Speed Engine”-design with new challenges regarding mechanical and thermal loading. Depending on the engine size and the application (e.g. marine propulsion, gen-set or railroad) combined with the use of different fuels (e.g. distillate; heavy fuel oil, gas, alternative fuels) different measures like flexibility in the injection system combined with increased injection pressure, variable valveactuation-system, higher boost system performance as well as possible exhaust after treatment systems will have to be considered. Especially the possible need for exhaust after treatments systems will have an impact on the engine package and engine room layout. After a short introduction of the emission legislations for the different applications, detailed measures to cope with this legislation and there impact on engine design will be described. The influence of variable valve timing, anticipated two-stage turbo-charging and higher peak cylinder pressure requirements on the design of major engine components like crankshaft, bearings, cylinder head, cylinder liner and crankcase will be discussed. Furthermore the possible need for upgraded materials and/or surface treatments will be presented. A further part of the publication will focus on the impact on engine design caused by future market demands like ”plug-in-solutions” with as much as possible on-engine accessories, power density (kW/ m 3 ), life cycle cost ($/kW) and reliability. More cost effective solutions for the base engine component and subsystem design have to compensate the cost for additional emission related components like exhaust after treatment systems. An other measure to keep the life cycle cost ($/kW) on an acceptable level will be to use two-stage turbo charging for emissions compliance but also for power growth capability to ensure higher power density. Oncondition-maintenance ensured by intensive engine component and subsystem monitoring will also have to be considered during engine design. In order to ensure high engine reliability from market introduction on, intensive use of CAE tools combined with an intelligent engine testing strategy will be a key point for future engine development. The presentation will end with a short outline of a vision for the future design of ”Medium Speed Engine”. Emissions reduction opportunities on MaK engines K. Wirth, Caterpillar Motoren GmbH und Co. KG, Germany The upcoming emission legislation IMO Tier II and IMO Tier III require a further step in technology for inside the engine technologies. These will be of major interest for customers as Emission Control Areas (ECAs), state or port authorities may drive towards implementation of emissions reduction solutions from a financial perspective. The pay back time for the customer after implementation can be extremely short. Caterpillar Motoren GmbH & Co. KG has developed or is on the way to develop those solutions. One of the tasks was and still is to develop these solutions to be retrofittable. In former presentations Caterpillar had announced that the pure IMO No. 3 | 2010 | Ship & Offshore 43

<strong>CIMAC</strong> CONGRESS | BERGEN 2010<br />

and by - the turbocharging system. The simultaneous achievement of<br />

emissions compliance, targeted power density and lowest specific fuel<br />

consumption are decisively affected by charge air pressure and<br />

particularly with low speed engines exhaust gas receiver pressure as a<br />

function of engine load and engine speed. Based on these values, the<br />

turbocharger air pressure ratio and efficiency can be derived. Other<br />

parameters, like the specific volume flow of the compressor, variable<br />

elements of the turbocharging system and the design of the<br />

turbocharger itself, are mainly related to economics, servicefriendliness<br />

and reliability as well as to the physical restrictions<br />

imposed by flows and materials. In a first step, this paper discusses the<br />

principal thermodynamic requirements of turbocharger design for<br />

diesel and gas engines with enhanced emissions, higher power density<br />

and optimised fuel consumption and how they have evolved for the<br />

three major engine types i.e. low, medium and high speed. In a second<br />

step, using the evolution of ABB’s A100 turbocharger generation as an<br />

example, the practical realisation of turbocharging systems for the<br />

fulfilment of these requirements is described, including the product<br />

objectives reliability and service friendliness. The paper emphasises<br />

the new technical features against the background of future engine<br />

requirements but also justifies the retention of well-proven principles<br />

from predecessor generations. Finally, the paper concludes with a<br />

summary of field experience to date is given.<br />

TCA33 – the new MAN Diesel turbocharger<br />

for high-speed engines<br />

K. Bartholomae, E. Boelt, D. Balthasar, MAN Diesel &<br />

Turbo SE, Germany<br />

In summer 2008 the decision was made to develop a new turbocharger<br />

for MAN Diesel’s new high-speed engine 28/33D. This turbocharger<br />

should be tailor-made to the particular needs of this engine type. The<br />

development process should profit from all advantages resulting<br />

from the fact that MAN Diesel engines and turbochargers are all<br />

developed under one roof so that the turbocharger is integrated to a<br />

great extent into the engine architecture. As MAN Diesel’s latest<br />

turbocharger the TCA33- 42 extends the TCA axial turbocharger<br />

series towards smaller power outputs. Being the smallest TCA<br />

turbocharger this turbocharger type combines the advantages of the<br />

well-established TCA and TCR turbocharger series. As forerunner for<br />

a new TCA 4- stroke generation the design includes all features<br />

necessary for fulfilling the IMO Tier II regulations. The turbocharger<br />

TCA33-42 is characterized by a high power to weight ratio and high<br />

compactness. The requirement specification also contained highest<br />

pressure ratios up to six in the peak as well as a low mass moment of<br />

inertia, high flexibility for Tier I and Tier II applications to cover all<br />

cylinder numbers from 12V to 20V28/33D. Different rotors are<br />

installed in the same outlines for the different cylinder numbers in<br />

order to keep the mounting variants on the engine and hence the<br />

development effort for the engine customer at a minimum. As many<br />

modern diesel engines, the 28/33D is also designed for Miller timing,<br />

resulting in the demand of a high pressure ratio for the turbocharger.<br />

MAN Diesel has consequently developed special compressor wheels<br />

that also generate the best possible flow rate at a high pressure ratio.<br />

In comparison with previous turbochargers, the increased pressure<br />

ratio results in an increased air temperature and as a consequence to<br />

an increase of the compressor wheel component temperature. If,<br />

however, the use of aluminium as compressor wheel material instead<br />

of titanium should be continued, then the service life of the<br />

compressor wheel will be considerably shortened due to the<br />

accelerated material aging. An efficient compressor wheel cooling<br />

counteracts this drawback. MAN Diesel developed a water cooling<br />

that utilizes the water from the engine circuit and has hence no<br />

influence on the thermodynamic parameters of the turbocharging<br />

unit. Two turbochargers TCA33-42 were mounted on an engine<br />

20V28/33D and successfully tested already one year after starting the<br />

development. At the same time MAN Diesel carried out fundamental<br />

investigations and approval tests at the combustion chamber in<br />

Augsburg. The results of these first operational experiences as well as<br />

the new design features of the new turbocharger are presented.<br />

Development of high-pressure ratio type<br />

turbocharger<br />

R. Murano, K. Nakano, Y. Hirata, IHI, Japan<br />

The raising of the environmental awareness in global scale over the<br />

past few years has lead to the discussion of the prevention of air<br />

pollution by exhaust gas from ship engines at International Maritime<br />

Organization (IMO). The discussion has been held at IMO for many<br />

years. And as a result, MARPOL Appendix VI was established, and the<br />

1 st stage emission regulation became effective in May 2005. The<br />

regulation value is agreed to be adjusted in every five years, so the 2 nd<br />

stage regulation will become effective in Jan 2011. In the 2 nd stage<br />

regulation, NOx has to be reduced approximately 20% more,<br />

compared to the 1 st stage regulation. It is possible to achieve this<br />

desired value by applying mirror cycle timing, which is available by<br />

changing the intake air valve timing in the engine. And for<br />

turbochargers, higher pressure ratio will be demanded to take in<br />

necessary amount of suction air at shorter time. In addition to these<br />

technical demands related to environment, users also strongly require<br />

longer maintenance interval, easier handling, and reduction of life<br />

cycle cost, against turbochargers. Under these circumstances, IHI has<br />

developed the new radial type high-pressure ratio turbocharger based<br />

on a conventional type for 500kW class marine diesel engine. The<br />

main development items are the compressor wheel, the compressor<br />

housing with recirculation device, cooling system of the compressor<br />

back surface, and simplification of maintenance. IHI improved<br />

pressure ratio from 3.8 to up to 5.0 at the engine operation point, by<br />

optimizing the compressor wheel, the diffuser, and also the<br />

compressor housing with recirculation device, by using CFD and so<br />

on. When rising compressor pressure ratio, the compressor wheel is<br />

heated up by the compressed air, and this gives negative effect on life<br />

duration of the compressor wheel. IHI solved this problem by<br />

developing a system to spray lubricant oil on the back plate by way of<br />

cooling the back plate and reducing the radiation heat transferred to<br />

the compressor wheel. A turbocharger for marine diesel engines<br />

requires easy maintenance by the users. This is because that a<br />

turbocharger is usually maintained several times by the users<br />

themselves while on the ship. To answer this request, IHI revised the<br />

design of the housings to make it simpler, and also applied ’seal bush’<br />

type rotor. A ’seal bush’ type rotor separates the turbine side sealing<br />

part as a ’seal bush’ from the rotor, and is easily available to replace<br />

the sealing part for maintenance. These efforts have made IHI<br />

turbochargers more convenient than the conventional. IHI’s highpressure<br />

ratio type turbocharger which has succeeded in various<br />

developments, has already been adopted as a standard model by<br />

some engine builders, and is expected to show its high-performance<br />

in the global market. IHI is continuously developing series of this<br />

turbocharger for 300kW – 400kW smaller marine diesel engines.<br />

High performance of small turbochargers<br />

J. Klima, M. Vacek, O. Tomek, PBS Turbo s.r.o.,<br />

Czech Republic<br />

The papers summarize the latest results for the development of<br />

turbochargers suitable for the latest generation of engines. The<br />

engines have to observe primary emission limits such as IMO Tier<br />

II, TALUFT, which will come into force soon. To meet these limits,<br />

most engine-makers have settled on the design concept of<br />

42<br />

Ship & Offshore | 2010 | No. 3

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