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ÉDITORIAL Vivant depuis des années à Côte Saint-Luc, la municipalité qui compte la population la plus âgée au Canada, ma femme et moi avons longtemps pensé que ce serait une bonne idée que des musiciens donnent régulièrement des concerts gratuits dans des résidences pour personnes âgées. Le mois dernier, cette idée est devenue réalité sous la forme de la Société pour les arts en milieux de santé (SAMS), dont le but est de se servir de la musique et des arts pour briser l’isolement des personnes âgées qui vivent dans ces établissements. Pour l’année 2009-2010, la SAMS a obtenu suffisamment de fonds des gouvernements pour organiser 528 concerts gratuits, les musiciens (des professionnels ou des étudiants avancés) recevant une petite somme de 100 à 150 $. La SAMS est modelée sur la Health Arts Society fondée en 2006 en Colombie-Britannique par David Lemon et qui produit maintenant quelque 1000 concerts par année. L’animatrice de L’Opéra du samedi sur les ondes de Radio- Canada, Sylvia l’Écuyer, une résidente de Vancouver, a proposé l’idée à l’ancien député à l’Assemblée nationale Daniel Turp, qui a embrassé cette cause après les dernières élections au Québec et qui est maintenant président de l’organisme. Voilà une merveilleuse initiative – et je me permets d’ajouter que tous les musiciens, que ce soit par la SAMS ou par eux-mêmes, devraient ainsi contribuer à la collectivité, même à titre bénévole. Juin est un autre mois capital pour La Scena Musicale, qui présente son 13 e numéro national annuel sur les festivals. Le deuxième de deux numéros à distribution pancanadienne, il paraît le 29 mai (édition Québec) et le 5 juin (édition Canada anglais) et continue de fournir l’information la plus complète pour planifier votre été en musique au Canada, incluant notre 13 e Guide annuel des festivals de musique classique et des arts – plus de 200 festivals ! Ce sera notre guide le plus ambitieux jusqu’ici, répertoriant plus de 80 festivals et 700 concerts de musique classique et 120 festivals des arts. En outre, nous proposons des choix d’événements parmi les plus prometteurs. En couverture, la contralto canadienne Marie-Nicole Lemieux, qui célèbre ses dix ans de carrière. Après une longue année à l’étranger, elle revient au pays pour chanter aux festivals de Lanaudière et de Knowlton et faire ses débuts à l’Opéra de Montréal. Notre couverture des festivals se poursuit avec un regard sur l’aspect économique des festivals, dans des entrevues avec plusieurs directeurs généraux de festivals. Nous nous arrêtons également sur la musique de Henry Purcell, célébré cette année par le Festival Montréal Baroque qui s’ouvrira au son de six violes de gambe restaurées. Juin sera aussi un mois Bruckner à Montréal, alors qu’on y jouera ses septième et huitième symphonies; LSM se penche sur le compositeur et discute des œuvres avec Raffi Armenian et Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Le CD Découverte de juin mettra en vedette la percussionniste Marie-Josée Simard et la pianiste Marie Fabi. Ce CD (une collaboration avec les Disques XXI) est offert gratuitement à tous les lecteurs qui achètent La Scena Musicale. Nous poursuivons notre campagne d’abonnement 2009 et je suis particulièrement heureux d’annoncer que l’industrie canadienne du disque apporte un soutien inespéré à notre grand concours d’abonnement en offrant des prix fort généreux. Jusqu’ici, nous avons 20 000 $ de prix à distribuer : les Disques XXI offrent une collection de 260 CD, SRI Distribution 200 CD, Analekta 200 CD, ATMA 200 CD, Naxos 200 CD et les Disques SRC 100 CD. Quelle meilleure façon de commencer ou d’arrondir votre collection de musique ? Ce concours est ouvert aux abonnés existants et nouveaux en date du 15 août 2009. Living in Côte St-Luc, the Canadian city with the oldest population, for years my wife and I have thought that it would be a great idea for musicians to give regular free concerts at senior residences. Last month, this idea became a reality with the formation of la Société pour les arts en milieux de santé (SAMS), whose aim is to use music and the arts to bridge the isolation of people living in such facilities. For 2009-2010, SAMS has secured enough government funding to organize 528 free concerts, with professional or professional level students receiving a stipend of $100 to $150. SAMS is modeled after the Health Arts Society (HAS), founded in 2006 in British Columbia by David Lemon, and which now runs 1000 concerts. Radio- Canada Opera de samedi host Sylvia l’Écuyer, a Vancouver resident, brought the idea to former MNA Daniel Turp, who decided to take up the cause following last fall’s Quebec Elections, and is now president of SAMS. This is a great initiative, and at the same time, whether through SAMS or on their own, all musicians would contribute to the community in this way. June is another exciting month for La Scena Musicale, as we feature our 13th annual National Festival issue.The second of two nationally distributed issues, it appears on May 29 (Quebec Edition) and on June 5 (English Canada Edition) and continues to provide the most complete information to plan a musical summer in Canada, including our 13th annual Guide to Classical Music and Arts Festivals (more than 200 festivals!).This will be the most comprehensive guide yet, with 80 classical music festivals and 700 concert listings, as well as 120 arts festivals. Furthermore, our festival picks highlight the most exciting events. On the cover is Canadian contralto Marie-Nicole Lemieux, who will celebrate her first 10 years of career; after a long year and a half abroad, she returns to Canada to appear at the Lanaudière and Knowlton Festivals, and make her Montreal Opera debut. Our festival coverage continues with a look at the business of festivals through interviews with several festival general directors. We look at the music of Henry Purcell, who is celebrated this year by the Montreal Baroque Festival, which will open the festival featuring the sounds of 6 restored violas da gamba with an interesting history. June will be a Bruckner month in Montreal, as both Symphonies No. 7 and No. 8 will be presented; LSM looks at the composer and discusses the works with Raffi Armenian and Yannick Nézet-Séguin. The June Discovery CD features the percussionist Marie-Josée Simard and pianist Mari Fabi. Remember that this CD (a collaboration with XXI Records) is free for paying copies of La Scena Musicale. As we continue our 2009 Subscription Campaign, I am pleased to announce that the Canadian music recording industry is lending its support with prizes for a Super Subscription Contest. So far, we have $20,000 in prizes: XXI Records will contribute a collection of 260 CDs, SRI Distribution 200 CDs, Analekta 200 CDs, ATMA 200 CDs, Naxos 200 CDs and CBC Records 100 CDs. What better way to start or complete your CD collection? This contest is open to current and new subscribers as of August 15, 2009. WAH KEUNG CHAN FONDATEUR ET RÉDACTEUR EN CHEF FOUNDING EDITOR La Scena Musicale / La SCENA 10 Juin 2009 June

Crystal Chan (CC), Philippe Gervais (PG) EMC LOSES HOME AND RESOURCES IN LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA Library and Archives Canada withdrew access to its research collection and cancelled office space and resources for The Encyclopedia of Music in Canada in mid-May. At that time all access to the library for non-LAC workers, such as volunteers and external agencies like the EMC, was cancelled. Access to the stacks is also denied to those enrolled in LAC practicum courses, which provides work experience for university students. LAC Archives Head Daniel Caron revoked access for potential security reasons just three weeks after he stepped into his portfolio. According to Senior Subject Editor Betty King, EMC was given only e-mail notice just a few days before having to move out. She said the EMC had never proven to be a cause for security issues in the past. Since May 14, EMC has lost its office and has had to make written applications in order to reaccess materials in the library. The EMC has occupied space in LAC ’s Ottawa building since its inception over 30 years ago. The encyclopedia is committed to documenting the wide variety of Canadian music and musical culture in all genres. It published two print editions, one in 1981 and one in 1992, before becoming accessible in a searchable online database through the Historica Foundation. The EMC is still in operation, and its editors are attempting to work out a NOTES possible solution with LAC. “EMC remains hopeful that we can work something out with LAC, and that a solution can be found so that we can continue to have quick and easy access to their specialized music collections,” said King.“Discussions with LAC are underway. Since the research we do is so specialized and has to be done by specialists with a music background, reducing our access to the same level that the general public has will not be sufficient to meet our needs. The specialized music collections and music Canadiana that LAC holds are invaluable to EMC’s daily operations.” CC LA PETITE BANDE EST SAUVÉE ! On s’en souviendra, l’orchestre de Sigiswald Kuijken, la Petite Bande, menacé de perdre les subventions qui assuraient sa survie, avait réagi en lançant une pétition Internet. Devant le succès de l’opération (près de 21000 signatures venues du monde entier), le ministère de la Culture de la Belgique a changé d’avis et redonne à l’orchestre les moyens de poursuivre son œuvre au moins jusqu’en 2012. Bel exemple des fruits que peut porter la solidarité entre musiciens et mélomanes, d’autant qu’on compte parmi les signataires la plupart des grands noms de la musique ancienne (Savall, Gardiner, Bartoli…), mais aussi d’autres interprètes qui ne sont pas forcément associés à ce répertoire (Daniel Barenboim, Alexandre Tharaud…). PG COMPETITIONS Concours Musical International de Montréal – Chant 2009 Premier prix : Angela Meade, soprano,USA Deuxième prix : Yannick-Muriel Noah, soprano, Canada Troisième prix : Andrew Garland, baritone, USA 2009 Eckhardt Gramatté National Music Competition in Strings 1st Prize and City of Brandon Prize : Carissa Klopoushak, violin 2nd Prize : Alexander Read, violin 3rd Prize : Jessica Tong, violin 2009 Pulitzer Prize in Music Steve Reich, Double Sextet 2009 Polar Music Prize 2009 British rock legend Peter Gabriel and Venezuelan composer and conductor Jose Antonio Abreu 14-8 ERRATA In his article “Lucia di Lammermoor: Madness and Mayhem at the Montreal Opera”, Joseph So says that he heard Eglise Gutierrez as the Fairy Godmother in Rossini’s La Cenerentola in Santa Fe; in fact, he heard her in Massenet’s Cendrillon. L’ENVOLÉE MONTREAL PARK NAMED IN HONOUR OF OSCAR PETERSON After a highly publicized but failed October 2008 attempt to rename Lionel-Groulx metro station after Oscar Peterson, the city of Montreal has approved the renaming of Campbell Centre Park to pay tribute to the legendary jazz pianist, who passed away in Mississaugua in December 2007. Plans are in motion for the park to host music festivals and other public events beginning this summer. Peterson, an officer of the Order of Canada and a winner of the Governor General’s Award, grew up just blocks away from the park in the Little Burgundy neighbourhood. A group of lobbyists from the neighbourhood, The Coalition of Little Burgundy, started pushing for the name change shortly after Peterson’s passing. The same coalition, led by Université de Montréal law student Michael Citrome, had also lobbied to rename the metro station. Campbell Centre Park was originally named after Charles Campbell, a lawyer who left funding for the creation of parks and music concerts for the public after he passed away in 1923. Now that the approval of the Campbell family and the municipal government has been received, Campbell’s two original aims will be joined as one, with a public park honouring a music great and featuring musical performances. CC de l’orchestre et des comédiens du Québec 5 JUIN 20 h Église Saint-Roch Montréal 6 JUIN 20 h Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier Trois-Rivières 7 JUIN 20 h 10 $ taxes et services en sus. CONSERVATOIRE.GOUV.QC.CA Juin 2009 June 11

Crystal Chan (CC), Philippe Gervais (PG)<br />



Library and Archives Canada withdrew access to its research collection and<br />

cancelled office space and resources for The Encyclopedia of Music in<br />

Canada in mid-May. At that time all access to the library for non-LAC workers,<br />

such as volunteers and external agencies like the EMC, was cancelled.<br />

Access to the stacks is also denied to those enrolled in LAC practicum courses,<br />

which provides work experience for university students. LAC Archives<br />

Head Daniel Caron revoked access for potential security reasons just three<br />

weeks after he stepped into his portfolio.<br />

According to Senior Subject Editor Betty King, EMC was given only e-mail<br />

notice just a few days before having to move out. She said the EMC had<br />

never proven to be a cause for security issues in the past. Since May 14, EMC<br />

has lost its office and has had to make written applications in order to reaccess<br />

materials in the library.<br />

The EMC has occupied space in LAC ’s Ottawa building since its inception<br />

over 30 years ago. The encyclopedia is committed to documenting the wide<br />

variety of Canadian music and musical culture in all genres. It published two<br />

print editions, one in 1981 and one in 1992, before becoming accessible in a<br />

searchable online database through the Historica Foundation.<br />

The EMC is still in operation, and its editors are attempting to work out a<br />

NOTES<br />

possible solution with LAC. “EMC remains hopeful that we can work something<br />

out with LAC, and that a solution can be found so that we can continue<br />

to have quick and easy access to their specialized music collections,” said<br />

King.“Discussions with LAC are underway. Since the research we do is so specialized<br />

and has to be done by specialists with a music background, reducing<br />

our access to the same level that the general public has will not be sufficient<br />

to meet our needs. The specialized music collections and music Canadiana<br />

that LAC holds are invaluable to EMC’s daily operations.”<br />

CC<br />


On s’en souviendra, l’orchestre de Sigiswald Kuijken, la Petite Bande,<br />

menacé de perdre les subventions qui assuraient sa survie, avait réagi en lançant<br />

une pétition Internet. Devant le succès de l’opération (près de 21000<br />

signatures venues du monde entier), le ministère de la Culture de la<br />

Belgique a changé d’avis et redonne à l’orchestre les moyens de poursuivre<br />

son œuvre au moins jusqu’en 2012. Bel exemple des fruits que peut porter<br />

la solidarité entre musiciens et mélomanes, d’autant qu’on compte parmi<br />

les signataires la plupart des grands noms de la musique ancienne (Savall,<br />

Gardiner, Bartoli…), mais aussi d’autres interprètes qui ne sont pas forcément<br />

associés à ce répertoire (Daniel Barenboim, Alexandre Tharaud…). PG<br />


Concours Musical International de<br />

Montréal – Chant 2009<br />

Premier prix : Angela Meade, soprano,USA<br />

Deuxième prix : Yannick-Muriel Noah,<br />

soprano, Canada<br />

Troisième prix : Andrew Garland,<br />

baritone, USA<br />

2009 Eckhardt Gramatté National<br />

Music Competition in Strings<br />

1st Prize and City of Brandon Prize :<br />

Carissa Klopoushak, violin<br />

2nd Prize : Alexander Read, violin<br />

3rd Prize : Jessica Tong, violin<br />

2009 Pulitzer Prize in Music<br />

Steve Reich, Double Sextet<br />

2009 Polar Music Prize 2009<br />

British rock legend Peter Gabriel and<br />

Venezuelan composer and conductor<br />

Jose Antonio Abreu<br />

14-8 ERRATA<br />

In his article “Lucia di <strong>La</strong>mmermoor: Madness and Mayhem at the Montreal Opera”,<br />

Joseph So says that he heard Eglise Gutierrez as the Fairy Godmother in Rossini’s <strong>La</strong><br />

Cenerentola in Santa Fe; in fact, he heard her in Massenet’s Cendrillon.<br />



After a highly publicized but failed October 2008 attempt to rename<br />

Lionel-Groulx metro station after Oscar Peterson, the city of Montreal<br />

has approved the renaming of Campbell Centre Park to pay tribute to<br />

the legendary jazz pianist, who passed away in Mississaugua in<br />

December 2007. Plans are in motion for the park to host music festivals<br />

and other public events beginning this summer.<br />

Peterson, an officer of the Order of Canada and a winner of the<br />

Governor General’s Award, grew up just blocks away from the park in the<br />

Little Burgundy neighbourhood. A group of lobbyists from the neighbourhood,<br />

The Coalition of Little Burgundy, started pushing for the name<br />

change shortly after Peterson’s passing. The same coalition,<br />

led by Université de Montréal law student<br />

Michael Citrome, had also lobbied to rename the<br />

metro station.<br />

Campbell Centre Park was originally named after<br />

Charles Campbell, a lawyer who left funding for the<br />

creation of parks and music concerts for the public<br />

after he passed away in 1923. Now that the<br />

approval of the Campbell family and the<br />

municipal government has been<br />

received, Campbell’s two original<br />

aims will be joined as one,<br />

with a public park honouring<br />

a music great and featuring<br />

musical performances. CC<br />

de l’orchestre et des comédiens du<br />

Québec 5 JUIN<br />

20 h Église Saint-Roch<br /><br />

Montréal 6 JUIN<br />

20 h Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier<br />

Trois-Rivières 7 JUIN<br />

20 h<br /><br />

10 $ taxes et services en sus.<br />


Juin 2009 June 11

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