Scania Annual Report 2011

Scania Annual Report 2011 Scania Annual Report 2011


124 notes to the consolidated financial statements NOTE 28 Compensation to executive officers FIXED SALARY FOR THE PRESIDENT AND CEO The fixed salary of the President and CEO amounted to SEK 10,000,000 for 2011. VARIABLE SALARY Variable salary is dependent on Scania’s earnings and consists of a two-part incentive programme, Part 1 and Part 2. The principles for variable salary to executive officers − including the President and CEO − were approved by the 2011 AGM and constitute a programme with the same parameters that were in force during 2010. The programme covers a maximum of 150 executive officers. The outcome is calculated on the basis of operating return defined as Scania Group net income after subtracting the cost of equity − resi dual net income (RNI ) − and is established by the Board’s Remuneration Committee. For 2011, the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors fixed RNI on the basis of a factor of equity amounting to 8 percent. Part 1 is related to actual ability to generate a return during the year in question, all provided that RNI according to the preceding paragraph is positive, and is determined as a cash amount (maximum 45 to 150 percent of fixed salary depending on position). Part 2 is related to Scania’ s ability to increase RNI as defined above from one year to another, and the outcome is also determined as a cash amount (maximum 35 to 80 percent of annual fixed salary). The outcome of both these components will be disbursed during 2012. As indicated above, both components are designed in such a way that they contain an upper limit for the compensation that is payabl e according to the programme. The outcome of the variable salary programme for the period 1997–2011 for the members of the Executive Board, among them the President and CEO, has varied from 0 to 150 percent for Part 1 and from 0 to 80 percent for Part 2. The outcome for the period 1997−2011 has, on average, amounted to 81 percent of annual fixed salary with regard to Part 1 and 27 percent of annual fixed salary with regard to Part 2. The 2011 outcome for the President and CEO was 105 percent for Part 1 and 0 percent for Part 2. When generating a payout, 50 percent of the total outcome of Part 1 and Part 2 shall be paid in cash as salary and the remaining 50 percent shall be determined as a cash amount that, after subtracting the applicable tax, is used by the employee for the purchase of Series B shares in Scania AB at market value through a third party designated by the company, on a day determined by the company. A purchase of Series B shares in Scania AB shall be carried out with one third of the cash amount each year over a three year period. The participants shall not have the right of disposal over the shares during a period of one year from the respective date of purchase. Full access to the allotted amount is granted four calendar years from the commencement of the incentive year. The Board is authorise d, in whole or part, to waive the requirement to use 50 percent to purchase Scania B shares, if on the payment date there is a risk that participants are regarded as possessing insider information or there is some other circum stance that makes a payment to purchase Scania B shares difficul t or impossible. The Board has utilised this authority for a limited number of participants during 2011. Payments will be made on the condition that the participant is employed in the Scania Group at the close of the calendar year or that employment has ended through agreed retirement. The return on the shares is at the participants’ disposal and participants shall be entitled to purchase shares for a pension according to a pension obligation, secured through endowment insurance. PENSION SYSTEM for executive officers The President and CEO, other Executive Board and Heads of Corpo rate Units are covered by a defined contribution pension system in addition to the public pension and the ITP occupational pension. Accor ding to this defined contribution system, benefits accrue by means of annual payment of premiums by the company. Added to this is the value of annual individual employee co-payments, amounting to 5 percent of fixed salary. The annual company-paid premium for members of the Executive Board, excluding the President and CEO, varies between 15–31 percent of fixed salary. The premium for Heads of Corporate Units varies between 16–30 percent of fixed salary. OTHER CONDITIONS FOR THE PRESIDENT AND CEO In addition to the fixed salary, the incentive programme in force for the Executive Board shall apply to the President and CEO. The annual company-paid pension premium for the President and CEO according to his pension agreement amounts to 35 percent of his fixed salary for as long as the President and CEO remains an employee of the company. The premium for 2011 amounted to SEK 3,500,000. The agreement also prescribes an extra annual pension provision, amounting to SEK 6,000,000 for 2011. If the President and CEO resigns of his own volition, he is entitled to his salary for a six-month notice period. The applicable outcome of the incentive programme shall be proportional to the length of his period of employment during the year in question. In case of termination by the company before the end of 31 March 2015, the President and CEO shall be entitled to his fixed salary in an unchanged amount per year, plus annual compensation equivalent to the average of three years’ variable salary according to applicable employment contract. TERMINATION CONDITIONS FOR THE EXECUTIVE BOARD If the company terminates their employment, the other members of the Executive Board are entitled to severance pay equivalent to a maximum of two years’ salary, in addition to their salary during the sixmonth notice period. If they obtain new employment within 18 months, counting from their termination date, the severance pay ceases. financial reports Scania 2011

125 2011, SEK thousand Fixed salary Board remuneration 1 Variable salary Part 1 Variable salary Part 2 Other remuneration Total salary and remuneration Pension expenses, defined contribution system Pension expenses, defined benefit system Total pension expenses Pension obligations Chairman of the Board President and CEO 10,000 10,528 – 29 20,557 9,509 816 10,325 8,673 Rest of Executive Board (5 persons) 16,500 16,740 – 1,194 34,434 5,539 2,638 8,177 11,666 Heads of Corporate Units (22 persons) 41,665 31,823 – 3,437 76,925 10,137 12,268 22,405 49,613 1 Other Board members’ total fees: Hans Dieter Pötsch 0; Francisco J. Garcia Sanz 0; Börje Ekholm 653; Helmut Aurenz 453; Gunnar Larsson 603; Peter Wallenberg Jr 453; Jochen Heizmann 0; Åsa Thurman 453. 2010, SEK thousand Fixed salary Board remuneration 2 Variable salary Part 1 Variable salary Part 2 Other remuneration Total salary and remuneration Pension expenses, defined contribution system Pension expenses, defined benefit system Total pension expenses Pension obligations Chairman of the Board President and CEO 8,750 9,501 7,000 12 25,263 8,297 820 9,117 7,856 Rest of Executive Board (5 persons) 15,300 14,189 10,453 951 40,893 8,494 2,389 10,883 9,353 Heads of Corporate Units (22 persons) 42,380 27,309 31,781 3,291 104,761 9,274 11,742 21,016 41,450 2 Other Board members’ total fees: Hans Dieter Pötsch 0; Francisco J. Garcia Sanz 0; Börje Ekholm 506; Helmut Aurenz 406; Gunnar Larsson 519; Peter Wallenberg Jr. 406; Jochen Heizmann 0; Åsa Thunman 203; Peggy Bruzelius 228; Staffan Bohman 387. Peggy Bruzelius and Staffan Bohman resigned at the Annual General Meeting on 6 May 2010. Pension expenses, defined-contribution system: annual premiums according to a defined contribution pension system and ITPK (defined contribution portion of the ITP occupational pension). Pension expenses, defined-benefit system (ITP): risk insurance premiums and the increase of retirement pension liability according to the ITP occupational pension plan. Other remuneration: taxable portion of car allowance, newspaper subscriptions and other perquisites. Retirement age: the retirement age according to agreements is 60 for the Executive Board excluding the President and CEO and 62 for other heads of Corporate Units. The retirement age for the ITP occupational pension is 65. NOTE 29 Fees and other remuneration to auditors Fees and other remuneration to auditors that were expensed during the year are reported below. Remuneration for consultations is reported in cases where the same public accountancy firm has the assignment to audit an individual company. “Auditing assignments” refers to statutor y examination of the annual accounts as well as the administration of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO. “Auditing activities beyon d auditing assignments” refers to examination of administratio n or financial information that shall be performed in accordance with laws, articles of association, statutes or agreements that is also intended for parties other than the client, and which is not included in the auditing assign ment. “Tax consultancy” is consultation on matters of tax law. “Other services” refers to consultancy that cannot be attri buted to any of the other categories. Auditing expenses that have arisen because Scania is a subsidiary of Volkswagen have been reinvoiced. 2011 2010 2009 Auditing firm Ernst & Young Other auditors Ernst & Young Other auditors Ernst & Young Other auditors Auditing assignments 43 1 45 1 52 1 Auditing activities beyond auditing assignments 1 – 4 – 12 – Tax consultancy 2 1 2 0 0 – Other services 1 0 2 1 6 0 Total 47 2 53 2 70 1 financial reports Scania 2011

124<br />

notes to the consolidated financial statements<br />

NOTE 28 Compensation to executive officers<br />


The fixed salary of the President and CEO amounted to<br />

SEK 10,000,000 for <strong>2011</strong>.<br />


Variable salary is dependent on <strong>Scania</strong>’s earnings and consists of a<br />

two-part incentive programme, Part 1 and Part 2.<br />

The principles for variable salary to executive officers − including the<br />

President and CEO − were approved by the <strong>2011</strong> AGM and constitute<br />

a programme with the same parameters that were in force during 2010.<br />

The programme covers a maximum of 150 executive officers.<br />

The outcome is calculated on the basis of operating return defined<br />

as <strong>Scania</strong> Group net income after subtracting the cost of equity −<br />

resi dual net income (RNI ) − and is established by the Board’s Remuneration<br />

Committee. For <strong>2011</strong>, the Remuneration Committee of the<br />

Board of Directors fixed RNI on the basis of a factor of equity amounting<br />

to 8 percent.<br />

Part 1 is related to actual ability to generate a return during the year<br />

in question, all provided that RNI according to the preceding paragraph<br />

is positive, and is determined as a cash amount (maximum 45<br />

to 150 percent of fixed salary depending on position). Part 2 is related<br />

to <strong>Scania</strong>’ s ability to increase RNI as defined above from one year to<br />

another, and the outcome is also determined as a cash amount (maximum<br />

35 to 80 percent of annual fixed salary). The outcome of both<br />

these components will be disbursed during 2012.<br />

As indicated above, both components are designed in such a way<br />

that they contain an upper limit for the compensation that is payabl e<br />

according to the programme. The outcome of the variable salary<br />

programme for the period 1997–<strong>2011</strong> for the members of the Executive<br />

Board, among them the President and CEO, has varied from 0 to 150<br />

percent for Part 1 and from 0 to 80 percent for Part 2. The outcome<br />

for the period 1997−<strong>2011</strong> has, on average, amounted to 81 percent of<br />

annual fixed salary with regard to Part 1 and 27 percent of annual fixed<br />

salary with regard to Part 2. The <strong>2011</strong> outcome for the President and<br />

CEO was 105 percent for Part 1 and 0 percent for Part 2.<br />

When generating a payout, 50 percent of the total outcome of<br />

Part 1 and Part 2 shall be paid in cash as salary and the remaining 50<br />

percent shall be determined as a cash amount that, after subtracting<br />

the applicable tax, is used by the employee for the purchase of Series<br />

B shares in <strong>Scania</strong> AB at market value through a third party designated<br />

by the company, on a day determined by the company. A purchase of<br />

Series B shares in <strong>Scania</strong> AB shall be carried out with one third of the<br />

cash amount each year over a three year period. The participants shall<br />

not have the right of disposal over the shares during a period of one<br />

year from the respective date of purchase.<br />

Full access to the allotted amount is granted four calendar<br />

years from the commencement of the incentive year. The Board<br />

is authorise d, in whole or part, to waive the requirement to use<br />

50 percent to purchase <strong>Scania</strong> B shares, if on the payment date there<br />

is a risk that participants are regarded as possessing insider information<br />

or there is some other circum stance that makes a payment to purchase<br />

<strong>Scania</strong> B shares difficul t or impossible. The Board has utilised<br />

this authority for a limited number of participants during <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

Payments will be made on the condition that the participant is<br />

employed in the <strong>Scania</strong> Group at the close of the calendar year or that<br />

employment has ended through agreed retirement. The return on the<br />

shares is at the participants’ disposal and participants shall be entitled<br />

to purchase shares for a pension according to a pension obligation,<br />

secured through endowment insurance.<br />

PENSION SYSTEM for executive officers<br />

The President and CEO, other Executive Board and Heads of<br />

Corpo rate Units are covered by a defined contribution pension system<br />

in addition to the public pension and the ITP occupational pension.<br />

Accor ding to this defined contribution system, benefits accrue by<br />

means of annual payment of premiums by the company. Added to this<br />

is the value of annual individual employee co-payments, amounting to<br />

5 percent of fixed salary.<br />

The annual company-paid premium for members of the Executive<br />

Board, excluding the President and CEO, varies between 15–31 percent<br />

of fixed salary. The premium for Heads of Corporate Units varies<br />

between 16–30 percent of fixed salary.<br />


In addition to the fixed salary, the incentive programme in force for the<br />

Executive Board shall apply to the President and CEO. The annual<br />

company-paid pension premium for the President and CEO according<br />

to his pension agreement amounts to 35 percent of his fixed salary for<br />

as long as the President and CEO remains an employee of the company.<br />

The premium for <strong>2011</strong> amounted to SEK 3,500,000. The agreement<br />

also prescribes an extra annual pension provision, amounting to<br />

SEK 6,000,000 for <strong>2011</strong>.<br />

If the President and CEO resigns of his own volition, he is entitled to<br />

his salary for a six-month notice period. The applicable outcome of the<br />

incentive programme shall be proportional to the length of his period<br />

of employment during the year in question. In case of termination by<br />

the company before the end of 31 March 2015, the President and CEO<br />

shall be entitled to his fixed salary in an unchanged amount per year,<br />

plus annual compensation equivalent to the average of three years’<br />

variable salary according to applicable employment contract.<br />


If the company terminates their employment, the other members of<br />

the Executive Board are entitled to severance pay equivalent to a<br />

maximum of two years’ salary, in addition to their salary during the sixmonth<br />

notice period. If they obtain new employment within 18 months,<br />

counting from their termination date, the severance pay ceases.<br />

financial reports <strong>Scania</strong> <strong>2011</strong>

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