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ISSUES RELEVANT TO TEEN MOMS Sexual Purity Sexual conduct is one important area in which teen moms must learn to submit to the standard of the Bible. It is very hard for the teen mom to stop having sex with the father of her baby or to not get sexually involved with someone else when she and the father break up. She may think it’s too late! Sexual activity can become a life-dominating sin that is difficult to break without the persistent encouragement and support of a mentor who helps her draw on Christ’s resurrection power. Returning to our case study, you will remember that Stacy told Brad of her commitment to stay sexually pure. But that does not mean that she will no longer be tempted. Even though Brad was beginning to be discipled, there could come times when he would pressure Stacy into having sex again. She may think that to keep Brad in the picture, she will have to continue having sex with him or he will lose interest and find someone else. In addition, the sexual relationship offers many pleasures including the intimacy and security Stacy desires in her relationship with Brad. It would be much easier to continue than to resist. That’s why it’s essential for mentors to continually encourage teen moms to stay pure through a vital relationship with Jesus Christ which is bolstered by Bible study, scripture memorization, and fellowship and accountability with other believers. Marriage If the teen mother is a Christian who wants to do things God’s way, she will not marry a non-Christian even if he is the father of her baby (see I Cor 7:39). She will wait until he makes a commitment to the Lord. Of course, if they are both non-Christians, then there would be no teaching that would prohibit them from marrying, although they would certainly receive counsel concerning marriage—and all of life—being designed by God to worship Jesus Christ, and so also designed to function best by following God’s ways. Again, let’s return to Brad and Stacy. After several months of discipleship, Brad showed definite signs of growth in his spiritual walk with God. One day he approached Stacy’s father, John, to ask if he could have Stacy’s hand in marriage. John, unsure of what to say, went to his pastor for advice. He was glad that Brad wanted to take his rightful responsibility for his child, but he was also concerned about how young the couple was. How would Brad support Stacy and the child? What if they ended up being ill-prepared for marriage, or marriage to each other? John’s pastor pointed out that because both Brad and Stacy were Christians there was no biblical reason to forbid the marriage. On the contrary, men who fathered children needed to be encouraged to take their responsibility even if it posed a hardship and the couple had to start out poor. God intended for the family to consist of two parents for the stability and care of the children. And, with God’s help, the couple could overcome any incompatibilities and choose to love each other sacrificially. With a relationship centered on Christ and grounded in God’s Word, and with the body of Christ standing behind them, this young couple could achieve a lasting and happy marriage in which to raise their children. At the close of their conversation, John’s pastor offered to do extra pre-marital counseling to help the couple deal with all the strikes they had against them by entering into a marriage prompted by a pregnancy. John, greatly encouraged by what his pastor said, went home to tell Brad the good news. After Stacy graduated from high school, she and Brad had a beautiful wedding attended by the entire church. During the ceremony, tears streamed down Jan and Tom’s faces as they thanked God for answering their prayers. As they watched the bride walk down the aisle in her white dress, they remembered the many days and months of praying and trusting God to work—and knew that it had all been worthwhile. THE BLESSING OF BEING A MENTOR God will richly bless those who follow Jesus’ commands. Christ has promised to be with you in a special way. Your life will take on real joy as you see God use you to rescue a teen mom/dad from Satan’s clutches by the transforming power of Christ. As you reach this young couple for Christ, remember that you are not only influencing this generation, but the next. Many other lives will be affected through theirs and the ministry 54

of Christ’s Church. When Jesus comes to receive us to himself, may we hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master” (Matt 25:21). Adapted from: WOMEN HELPING WOMEN Copyright © 1997 by Harvest House Publishers Eugene, Oregon 97402 Used by Permission. ENDNOTES 1 The Alan Guttmacher Institute, Facts on American Teens’ Sexual and Reproductive Health, December 2011. 2 The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Statistics website [accessed 12-30-11]. 55

of Christ’s Church. When Jesus comes to receive us to<br />

himself, may we hear the words, “Well done, good and<br />

faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will<br />

put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of<br />

your master” (Matt 25:21).<br />

Adapted from: WOMEN HELPING WOMEN<br />

Copyright © 1997 by Harvest House Publishers<br />

Eugene, Oregon 97402<br /><br />

Used by Permission.<br />


1<br />

<strong>The</strong> Alan Guttmacher Institute, Facts on American<br />

Teens’ Sexual and Reproductive Health, December<br />

2011.<br />

2<br />

<strong>The</strong> National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy<br />

Statistics website [accessed 12-30-11].<br />


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