Selscted Properties of Hydrogenated Silicon Carbon Alloys with ...

Selscted Properties of Hydrogenated Silicon Carbon Alloys with ...

Selscted Properties of Hydrogenated Silicon Carbon Alloys with ...


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Rrazilian Joilrnal <strong>of</strong> P ~YSJC~. YOI. 24, no. 1. March. 1994 411<br />

-.<br />

Ihe a.ut.hor is indeht>ed (.o 1;. Evange1ist.i a.nd liis<br />

group, Dip;utiiiieilto cli Fisica. [.a Sa.pirilza! R,oina:<br />

Ihly mliere part <strong>of</strong> tliis worlí nras peiforinetl.<br />

Xlso:<br />

tlie autlior wisll to tlianlz to a11 tlie ii~ernheis <strong>of</strong> t,he<br />

P1iotovolt.aic Groiip. IFGIIr. Ciiicaiiip for t,heir irivalu-<br />

ahlc help. To Dr. D. Comedi for ci.itica.l rcadiiig<br />

the iiiaiiusci ipt,. This worlr was part,ially support,ed by<br />

F.4PESP cont,ract Y2/1603-2, Fi\EP contracts 0171/92<br />

and 0144/9:,.<br />

1. 11'. S. Spear a.nd P. G. L~C'oiiil~r. .J. Non Cryst,.<br />

Solids. 6-10. (I 972).<br />

2. S. \I'. Ilepp aiid I\'. E. Hon.a.rd. Sci. Ai11. (hila.rc11<br />

1993) r]. 90.<br />

3. Y. Tawa.cla, H. Olrarnot,~ aiid Y. Hainalíaa~a, Appl.<br />

Pligs. l,etters, 39, 237 (1981).<br />

4. A. Xlatsutla aiid I

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