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Interaction Between Two Closed Shell Atoms - Sociedade Brasileira ...


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Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n9 2, 1987<br />

<strong>Interaction</strong> <strong>Between</strong> <strong>Two</strong> <strong>Closed</strong> <strong>Shell</strong> <strong>Atoms</strong><br />


Departamento de F~síca e Química, CEG, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 29CK)O, Vitória,<br />

ES, Brasil<br />

and<br />


Instituto de Fhica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Caixa Postal 1170, Campinas, 131a0, SP, Brasil<br />

Recebido em 16 de junho de 1986<br />

Abstract We use the theory of Boehm-Yaris and Jacobi-Csanak to calculate<br />

the di pele-d i pole, dipole-quadrupole, quadrupole-di pole and quadrupol e-<br />

-quadrupole contributions to the dispersion energy between two different<br />

closed shell atoms. To this energy we add one of the Born-Meyer type wrresponding<br />

to valence effects. In this way we find a finite total interaction<br />

energy for any interatomic distance, whose asymptotic behavior<br />

reproduces the usual dispersion energy. The results are compared to experimental<br />

data and to some theoretical values found in the literature.<br />

The interaction potential between atoms and/or molecules is of<br />

fundamental importante to understand several static and dynamic pro-<br />

prieties in gases, liquíds and solidsl.<br />

Since the pioneer work of Slater in 1928~, a number of s impl i-<br />

f ied potent ials have been suc~~ested~'~~, mai nl y based on asymptot ic sol-<br />

ut ions of the Schrod i nger equat ion.<br />

I n more recent papers one has tr ied to obta i n rel iabl e wliversal<br />

formulae for the intermolecular potential in certain gas types,<br />

mostly<br />

by means of ab initio calculations. Particularly 8arkanZ6 suggested re-<br />

cently that the Kiara potential, wirh careful ly calculated<br />

yields a self-consistent description of several macroscopic<br />

of inert gases.<br />

parameters,<br />

proper t i es<br />

Even though it is artificial, it is convenient to divide the in-<br />

teraction potentia 11 into two types: short range potential (also cal led<br />

This work was part ia1 ly supported by CAPES (Brazi l ian government agency).<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, no 2, 1987<br />

valence or chemical potential) and long range potential (or Van der<br />

Waals potential).<br />

For two closed shell atoms separated by a distance R, the<br />

valence potential can be expressed by the ul tra-simpl if ied form (Born-<br />

-Meyer type)<br />

where A and b are characteristic parameters of the a tom i c pa i r under<br />

study.<br />

The long range interaction between two non-polar sys tems in<br />

their respective ground states (as in the case of this paper) is characterized<br />

by a dispersion (sometimes cal led ~ondon) potential . This potential<br />

is due to the correlation between electrons in distinct atoms. Here<br />

the expansion of the inverse internuclear distance (R-') forms a problematic<br />

detai 1 . Second order perturbat ion theory, by means of a mul ti polar<br />

expansion, gives for the dispersion potential between two atoms the expans<br />

ionZ7<br />

where the coefficient C6 represents the dipole-dipole interaction, C,<br />

the dipol e-quadrupole interaction and C1 o<br />

drupole and dipole-octupol e interactions.<br />

refers to the quadrupole-qua-<br />

From eq. (2) i t fol lows that V(R) -t -- when R -+ O. Nevertheless,<br />

it is generally desirable to obtain damped potentials for<br />

intermediate<br />

and small values of R. Severa1 authors have already treated the damping<br />

of interaction dispersion for decreasing values of<br />

R. Bucki ngham and<br />

corner7 were the first to work in this direction multiplying the dis-<br />

persion terms by a damping function dependent on R. Later, Musher and<br />

mos", introduci ng terms formed by mul tipl y ing pol ynomial s by exponen-<br />

tial functions, obtained convergent dispersion series.<br />

More recentl y, analytical fosrmulae were proposed for the damp-<br />

ing of the London potential in ground state atoms. The first of them<br />

suppl ies expl icitly the principal term of the dispersion potential be-<br />

tween two identical atoms and was publ ished by Jacobi and csanak2'. The<br />

technique introduced by those authors is of basic importance<br />

for the

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

present paper and wi 11 be discussed in the fol lowing section. ~ichardson~'<br />

proposed a completely different technique supplying analytical<br />

results<br />

for the d i pol e-di pol e, di pol e-quadrupol e and quadrupol e-quadrupol e con-<br />

tributions to the dispersion interaction between two atoms. This is<br />

semi-classical formulation where every atom is treated as a harmonic<br />

oscillator. ~oide~l, too, introduced a method supplying a convergent<br />

series for the dispersion energy. In this method physical properties of<br />

every atom appear separately. Koide stud'ied particularly the H2 system,<br />

obtaining analyt ical formulae for the dipole-dipole'and dipol e- quadru-<br />

pole contributions, in the interaction dispersion. The Koide<br />

is valid only for spherically symmetrical systems and is nearly<br />

a<br />

expansion<br />

equiv-<br />

alent to that of Jacobi-Csanak. Finally, Battezzati and ~a~nasco~~,also,<br />

developed an analytical formula for the dispersion energy<br />

by a method<br />

inspired in works by ~ o n ~ u e t - ~ i and ~ ~ ~ i nc s ~ ~ e~<br />

e n For ~ ~ the ~ . dipole<br />

-dipole contribution the results obtained in references 32 and 29 are<br />

coincident.<br />


This technique represents essentially an improvement introduced<br />

by these authors to that part of the second quantization<br />

Boehm and yaris3' treating the dispersion energy. This<br />

formalism of<br />

forma 1 i sm de-<br />

scribes the interaction between two systems by a linear response theory<br />

based on themany body Green's function techniques of Martin and<br />

~chwin~er~~. Instead of using a multipolar expansion leading to eq. (21,<br />

Jacobi and Csanak adopted the strategy of introducing in the<br />

formalism<br />

of Boehm and Yaris the analytical representation of the Born ampl i tudes<br />

obtained by Csanak and ~a~lor~'.<br />

The basic equation of the work by Jacobi-Csanak can be written<br />

where (RlR2L;000) are Clebsch-Gordan coeff icients,

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

(vnR = exci tation energy)<br />

and<br />

In eq. (5) FBR(q) is the radial part of a Born ampl i tude which,<br />

atomic system, can be factorized in the form3'<br />

for an<br />

with Y<br />

h<br />

(c) denoting a spherical harmonic of order R and<br />

I n eq. (7) Ji- and $; are, respect ivel y, the wave funct ions of<br />

n<br />

the exci ted and ground states of an atom wi th N electrons and q the mo-<br />

mentum absorbed by i t during the exci tation process. By x = (xl ,r2,.<br />

. ,x ) we are denoting the set of coordinates of the N electrons.<br />

"j'" + N<br />

r = (r.,~.) refers to the four coordinates of the j-th electron, three<br />

i 3 3<br />

spatial (r.) and one of spin (w .) . i and o indicate the set of quantum<br />

3 3<br />

numbers respectively defining the excited and ground states.<br />

. . ,<br />

The inte-<br />

gration ranges over a1 1 the atomic coordinates (including summing over<br />

the spin coordinates) and d~ is the volume element.<br />

We wi 11 adopt the Jacobi-Csanak a~proximation~~, replacing the<br />

exact Born ampl i tudes [eq. (7)] by simpl if ied forms of the corresponding<br />

series of ~sanak-~aylor~~. We refer to the expressions (in atomic uni-<br />


Rwista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n9 2, 1987<br />

and<br />

where<br />

In eq. (12) I is the ionization energy and Fi one exci tation energy.<br />

Equation (3) was applied by its authors only in the calculation<br />

of the principal term (Ri=R2=1) of the Van der Waals potential between<br />

two helium atoms, separated by intermediate and largekelative to the<br />

atomic diameter) distances. It was used alço by J.C.<br />

to calculate<br />

the dipole-quadrupole term of the dispersion potential between<br />

two helium atoms.<br />


a) Introductory cons iderat ions<br />

We wi l l use equations (3), (8) and (9) to obtain anal ytical express<br />

ions for the dipole-dipole, dipol e-quadrupole, quadrupole- d i po 1 e<br />

and quadrupole-quadrupole terms of the dispersion potential between two<br />

different closed shell atoms. In particular we will numerically calculate<br />

the interact ion between an hel ium atom and neon one. We think that<br />

this work is a fair generalization of the calculation made by Jacobi-<br />

-csanakZ9 and J.C. Antonio 3 ', mainly because our study of the interaction<br />

between two distinct atoms demanded an analytical calculation,with<br />

very 1 ittle aid of tables, of quite complex integral5 (see Appendix).<br />

We express the dispersion energy In the form

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

and calculate each of these four contributions separately<br />

b) Dipole-dipole contribution<br />

Taking in eq. (3) Ri = R2 = 1 and considering that the Clebsch<br />

-Gordan coeff icients (R1R2~;000) are different f rom zero only if the<br />

conditions IRi-R2( á L S (R1+!&) and (R1+R2+1;) = even number are simul-<br />

taneous fullfilled, we will have<br />

vd,d(R)<br />

(0,O) (2,2)<br />

r gn1l,n2l kn,l,n2~ (R) + 2 1 nll ,n21(R)] (14)<br />

2n5 n, ,nZ<br />

'-L<br />

Assuming the approximationfl indicated in eqs. (8) and (9)<br />

where, for each one of the systemç@and@, the parameter a defined by<br />

(12) is independent of the principal quantum number n, introducing (8)<br />

in (5) (withL =L' = O and L =Lf = 2) and substituting the results<br />

into eq. (]h), we obtain<br />

where<br />

(in a.u.)<br />

On the other hand, defining the oscillator strength in an atom<br />

as<br />

ii O<br />

and compar ing wi th eq. (1 O) , we have

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n9 2, 1987<br />

So, from eqs. (4) and (18) it follows that<br />

Thereforqdef ining the dynamic polar izabi 1 i ties in an atom as4'<br />

and the dispersion coefficients C as 2 '<br />

R13 R2<br />

eq.<br />

(1 5) takes the form<br />

where C is obtained through eq. (20).<br />

c) Dipole-quadrupol e contr ibution<br />

Taking in eq. (3) R1 = 1 and R2 = 2 and considering that (1 2. L;<br />

O O O) is different from zero only for L = 1 and L = 3 we obtain<br />

Now, introducing eqs. (8) and (9)ineq(5) (with L -- L' = 1 and L =L1=3)<br />

and substi tuting the resul ts into eq. (22) we have

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

where the fS(li) are funct ions to be obta ined from eq. (16).<br />

m<br />

On the other hand from eqs. (1 I ) and (1 7) we obtain<br />

Further, f rom eqs. (41, (18) and (24) i t fol lows that<br />

C<br />

C<br />

Final ly, using relations (19) and (20) successively in (25) and<br />

ducing the resul t thus obtained in (231, we have<br />

intro-<br />

d) Quadrupole-dipole contribution<br />

Taking in eq.(3) R1 = 2 and R2 = 1 and performing the same<br />

stages as we did in the preceding sub-section, we find<br />

where the coeff icient C is calculated through eq. (20) and the par-<br />

231<br />

ameters cik (k = 1,2) are obtained through equation (12). The functions<br />

z13(R) and z~~(R) resul t from two of the integrations indicated in eq.<br />

4 3 4 3<br />

(16).<br />

e) Quadrupol e-quadrupole cont r ibution<br />

Taking in eq. (3) R, = Ri = 2 and using the procedures and<br />

f ini tions of sub-sections b) and c), we obtain<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

f) Resul ts<br />

Introducing eq.(A18) in eqs. (211, (261, (27) and (28) and substituting<br />

the results thus obtained into eq.(13), the usual dispers ion<br />

energy W(K) is reproduced<br />

On the other side, adding the valence energy given by eq.(l) to<br />

our d ispers ion energy [eq. (1311 we obtain the total interact ion energy<br />

For a nurnerical appl ication we choose the He-Ne system, for which A =<br />

= 57.00 a.u. and b = 2.43 a.u. As dispersion coefficients we use<br />

those of reference 27, that is, C = 3.13 a.u., C = 17.5 a.u.,C,<br />

l, ,<br />

= 15.2 a.u and C = 15.7 a.u..<br />

2Y2<br />

In figures 1 and 2 we show a surnrnary of our results, together<br />

wíth equivalent resuls obtained by other authors. As for the heliumatorn<br />

we first take a1 = 1.67508 a.u. (corresponding with the I'S + 3 ' tran- ~<br />

si tion) and subsequentely al = 2.48535 a.u. (corresponding wi th the<br />

auerage energy ezcitatZon calculated by Victor et a2. I). As for the<br />

neon atorn we remain with the transitions (lsI2 ( 2 ~ (2p)6 ) ~ (Is ) -+ 3s'<br />

1 o<br />

o<br />

(2)1 ('P~), corresponding to a, = 1.84720 a.u..<br />


Our equations and graphs show that:<br />

a) In the asymptotic region (R > 4.0 8) our resul ts reproduce the usual<br />

dispersion energy, being therefore practically independent from the<br />

parameters a, and a,.<br />

o<br />

b) In the interrnediate region (2.0 A < R 6 4.0 2) our curves decrease<br />

quite more slowly than in the corresponding usua 1 dispersion energy<br />

graph. In this way the dependence of our results<br />

a, does not rernain negligible any longer. The sh<br />

nounced as R becomes smaller. (See in fig. 1<br />

the<br />

relative to a, and<br />

if t becomes more proregion<br />

R < 4.0 a).

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, r)? 2, 1987<br />

Fig.1 - (a) our dispersion<br />

energy for a1 = 1.67508 a.u.<br />

and a2 = 1 .84720 a.u. ; (b)<br />

our dispers ion energy for a,<br />

= 2.48535 a.u. and a;! =<br />

= 1.84720 a.u.; (c) usual<br />

dispersion energy [eq. (2911.<br />

Fig.2 - (d) total interaction<br />

energy for A = 57.0 a.u,<br />

b = 2.43 a.u., a, = 1.67508<br />

a.u. and a2 = 1.84720 a.u.<br />

(ao = 0.529 8) ;(e) the same as<br />

in (d) for ai = 2.48535 a.u.<br />

and a2 = 1.84720 a.u.; (f)<br />

total interaction energy calculated<br />

for ~ a; (g) e exper- ~ ~<br />

imental results of by Chen<br />

et UZ.'~

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

c) Our total interaction energy, given in eq. (30), shows a good agree-<br />

ment with the theoretical work of ~ a e and ' ~ with the experimental re-<br />

sults of Chen et a~~~ (see fig.2).<br />

It is interesting to see that in<br />

the problematic region of the Van der Waals minimum our calculations<br />

show a better agreement wi th the experimental data than Rae's resul ts.<br />

Further, it is simple to obtain still better results choos ing ad-<br />

equate values for the parameters ai and ae.<br />

d) Our resul ts, differentely from the usual dispersion energy, do not<br />

diverge for small<br />

R-values. Is this way, they may be useful in the<br />

study of problems such as atom-atom scattering.<br />

The au thors wish to thank Raquel<br />

for assistance in the execution of numerica 1 calculations and Dr. Karel<br />

Frans Van den Bergen for his generous help<br />

wor k .<br />

Regis Azevedo de<br />

Carvalho<br />

in the last stage of this<br />

To illustrate the analytical technique used in calculating the<br />

integrals fS def ined by eq. (16) let us take<br />

mn<br />

In eq.(A3)<br />

the integrand is an even function; so

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

The integral (A41 can be calculated with the help of residue<br />

theory. To do that let us define the functions f(z) of a complex vari-<br />

able z as follows.<br />

Consider the functions<br />

and use the contour shown in fig. AI.<br />

Fig.AI - Contour to be used in the calculation of integral (A4).<br />

Accord ing to the res idue theory<br />

where Ri and RI are the residues of the poles of f(z)<br />

ly i'ng within the<br />

integration contour (see f ig. AI). We know that those residues are given<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, nQ 2, 1987<br />

where m is the<br />

pole's order. In the 1 imi t R + rn, J f (z) dz + O and so<br />

c2<br />

I(R) =$f(q)dq =2iR1 +2iR2 . (A81<br />

-m<br />

From eqs.<br />

(As) and (A7) if follows (for rn = 3) that<br />

and<br />

Applying these two resul ts in eq. (A8) and executing the operations shown<br />

in eq. (~2) we obtain:<br />

where<br />

P~(R) = + E,~]R , P ~(R) = El12 + ElI3R and P (R) =<br />

6<br />

3 (a: -0.2 ) 'R<br />

9<br />

wi th

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17. nP 2, 1987<br />

By an direct generalisation of this method we obtain the following<br />

results for the remaining integrals pointed out in eqs. (21),(26),<br />

(27) and (28). We have<br />

2 2<br />

1<br />

Z (R) = -{L<br />

3 3 ala2<br />

-a2R<br />

+ [P,, (R) - P, (R)] e P, (R) + P, (R)) e<br />

},<br />

with<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

We have<br />

where<br />

We have<br />

where<br />

wi th<br />

p1 (R) = (IW~R)R~/(~~-~:) ' and P*, (R) = (~+a~~)~~/(a~-a~)' ,

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Fisica, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

We have<br />

We have

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Fisica, Vol. 17, n? 2, 1987<br />

where<br />

1 1<br />

Pl (R) = E21 5(1 +alR +- 2 a2R2<br />

1 ió<br />

a;R3) + E,, ,R4 + E,~,R~ + E,, ,R6 ,<br />

PZo<br />

1 1<br />

(R) = E,, ,(1 + a2R + a ' ~ + ~ a2R3) + E,] o ~ + 4 E2 i ,<br />

2<br />

P2<br />

(1 + ~,R)R~ (1 + a2~.)R2<br />

(R) =<br />

(a: - a:)<br />

(R) = and PZ2<br />

= -[ a a I - +<br />

a: (ai-a:) '<br />

+<br />

+ a: (a:-a:) a: (a:-ai><br />

We have<br />

(A1 5)<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Fhica, Vol. 17, nP 2, 1987<br />

and<br />

- 1<br />

- and E =<br />

E224 - - 1 6a2 ($-a:) (a:-a:) 22 48aZ (a:-a:) *<br />

1<br />

We have<br />

where<br />

and<br />

1<br />

P (R) = E2210(l + a R +-a:R2) + E R3 + E R' + E R'<br />

2 7 2 2 2211 2212 2213

Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de Física, Vol. 17, nQ 2, 1987<br />

Finally we have<br />

where<br />

(A1 7)<br />


Revista <strong>Brasileira</strong> de F isica, Vol. 17, no 2, 1987<br />

It is interesting to note that the functions (A9) - (A171 are<br />

analytical and that, for large values of R, we have the following behavior<br />

15 1<br />

, 240: + O , zZ4 + O and + ---- - .<br />

233 +- -<br />

105 1<br />

43 a8a6 ~4 rr 4<br />

1 2<br />

44 (ala2)' R5<br />

(A181<br />


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Resumo<br />

O formal ismo de Bohem-Yaris e Jacobi-Csanak 6 usado no cálculo<br />

dos termos dipolo-dipolo, dipolo-quadrupolo, quadrupolo-dipolo e quadrw<br />

polo-quadrupolo da energia de dispersão entre dois diferentes átomos de<br />

camadas fechadas. A esta energia foi adicionada uma energia de valência<br />

do tipo Born-Meyer. Assim foi obtida uma energia total de integração f i-<br />

nita para todas as distâncias inter-atômicas, cuja forma assintõtica reproduz<br />

a energia de dispersão usual. Os resultados foram comparados com<br />

dados experimentais e outros valores teõr icos disponíveis na l i teratura.

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