Supporting Documents (Data and Analysis) - Satellite Beach

Supporting Documents (Data and Analysis) - Satellite Beach

Supporting Documents (Data and Analysis) - Satellite Beach


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Introduction<br />

The City of <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> is almost fully developed with only about 2% remaining vacant. The<br />

ongoing process of growth <strong>and</strong> change--which has now taken the form of "redevelopment"--has<br />

important implications for the aesthetic qualities of the community. These aesthetic qualities are<br />

often referred to collectively as "community character." Once investments are made in building the<br />

infrastructure, i.e., streets, parking areas, public utilities, <strong>and</strong> other physical features, there are few<br />

opportunities to correct major l<strong>and</strong> development mistakes or bring about significant change in a<br />

community’s character.<br />

In spite of the difficulty of upgrading the character of an already developed community, overall<br />

appearance issues should be considered along with other components of a Comprehensive Plan.<br />

Several conditions can contribute to success in achieving an attractive community character: (1) The<br />

existing natural beauty in the setting itself; (2) the presence of an attitude <strong>and</strong> commitment by the<br />

citizenry to work diligently toward achieving high st<strong>and</strong>ards of aesthetic quality in public <strong>and</strong> private<br />

decisions affecting all aspects of the City’s physical environment; <strong>and</strong> (3) the adoption <strong>and</strong><br />

enforcement of codes <strong>and</strong> ordinances which carry out stated community objectives concerning<br />

community appearance.<br />

The City of <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>, as a "developed" community, must look at its needs <strong>and</strong> opportunities<br />

differently than might have been the case at the time of incorporation. With only about two percent<br />

(2%) of the City’s l<strong>and</strong> area remaining to be developed, any alterations of the community’s visual<br />

characteristics will be accomplished gradually. On the other h<strong>and</strong>, the City can be justifiably proud<br />

of its orderly development pattern, the absence of severely blighted areas <strong>and</strong> the high level of<br />

property maintenance. These characteristics must be maintained <strong>and</strong> supported with clearly stated<br />

goals <strong>and</strong> objectives within the Comprehensive Plan, appropriate L<strong>and</strong> Development Regulations,<br />

ongoing public awareness programs, <strong>and</strong> strong evidence of the City's commitment to an improved<br />

community appearance.<br />

Approaches to Improved Community Appearance<br />

A reality which must be understood in approaching community appearance issues is that prevention<br />

of undesirable aesthetic conditions before they are permitted to occur is the preferable alternative to<br />

correcting blight once it becomes established.<br />

While <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> has few conditions which suggest urban blight <strong>and</strong> disinvestment, the City<br />

must be vigilant in addressing the inevitable forces which will impact our community as it matures.<br />

Objective criteria for guiding community appearance should include:<br />

a. gradual transition in height, bulk <strong>and</strong> mass of physical development<br />

b. natural beauty <strong>and</strong> natural resource conservation<br />

c. avoidance of visual distractions contributing to traffic safety problems<br />

d. "comprehensive," rather than "selective," enforcement relating to the regulation of l<strong>and</strong><br />

use, lighting <strong>and</strong> signage, screening <strong>and</strong> other features of development.<br />

Community Appearance Element<br />

<strong>Data</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Analysis</strong> 9-1

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