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Reference Notes<br />

John Helin<br />

TAB 5<br />

Cliff Mesner – Former City Attorney, City of Central City, NE 308-946-3826<br />

Mr. Mesner has known Mr. Helin since 1996.<br />

Mr. Helin tackled the financial and political problems the City had experienced for a long time.<br />

No other person had wanted to attempt solving them until he arrived. He realized that these<br />

problems would not go away; so he formulated a plan, created a schedule, and had the resolve to<br />

finish dealing them. He pushed the Council when necessary. A new water treatment plant had<br />

to be built if the City was to avoid paying fines levied by the Department of Environmental<br />

Quality. Council did not want to confront the issue. Mr. Helin presented a plan that would solve<br />

the problem and pay for the plant. He convinced the Council, and his plan was executed. The<br />

City witnessed more positive changes under Mr. Helin than with any other City Administrator.<br />

Mr. Helin is a problem solver. He needs to be in a community with issues he can resolve. One<br />

housing project had sat dormant for five years. Mr. Helin questioned why. No one had an<br />

answer for him. He was determined to reinvigorate the neighborhood; so he identified the right<br />

people and created a pool of funds to complete the work. That subdivision is now full of homes.<br />

The biggest resolve Mr. Helin established in the community was a commitment to bring financial<br />

stability to the City. He supported a city sales tax for economic development which now<br />

provides a major source of revenue. Also, an ethanol plant was built in the area. The City sold<br />

some utilities to the plant and now receives a commission check from the plant’s owners.<br />

Mr. Helin’s communication style is direct. He has learned how to soften his direct approach<br />

when dealing with the community. If he senses the City is about to take a wrong course, he<br />

voices his concerns but will still follow Council’s directives. He has been trained to provide<br />

direct answers but do what he is told. He had an exceptionally good relationship with the Mayor.<br />

Mr. Helin is a strong leader. He took control of departments which had been running themselves<br />

for years. Some individuals did not appreciate his involvement in the beginning, but his<br />

approach has proven to be best for the organization. He has established consistency and control.<br />

Mr. Mesner interviewed Mr. Helin for the City Administrator position. He was concerned that<br />

Mr. Helin was just out of the military. By the end of the interview he knew Mr. Helin was the<br />

right candidate. He was productive and hardworking. He resolved many of the City’s problems<br />

and left the City financially stable.<br />

Words or phrases used to describe John Helin:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Problem solver,<br />

Get it done person,<br />

Direct,<br />

No nonsense approach,<br />

Collaborative, and<br />

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