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here - Satellite Beach

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TAB 5<br />

General Fund – 41%; Enterprise Funds – 16%; Special Revenue Funds – 17% Debt Service –<br />

23%; CIP – 3%.<br />

The City has 100 full and part time employees and 90 seasonal with 14 department/functional<br />

area heads reporting directly to me.<br />

The following are the three (3) most important issues facing our City:<br />

(1) Economic Development. Trying to continue to attract new development, both retail<br />

and residential. While we have had good success with attracting new retail businesses<br />

even during the last few years of recession, we need to continue to build up our retail<br />

base in order to make our community an attractive place for potential new residents.<br />

Going hand-in-hand with retail development is increasing our residential growth.<br />

Because the two are inexorably connected, we must work to get both types of<br />

development simultaneously.<br />

(2) Infrastructure. We need to continue our effort in updating our infrastructure. We are<br />

on course to repair, replace and upgrade our streets but t<strong>here</strong> is still much to do. We<br />

allocate upwards of $300,000 a year for this purpose but are still trying to catch up<br />

with decades of neglect due to budgetary constraints. Likewise, we have aging water<br />

and wastewater infrastructure which we need to replace. This year we are drilling a<br />

new water well and upgrading our wastewater treatment plant as well as replacing<br />

aging pipes throughout the City.<br />

(3) Parks and Recreation. We need to continue to upgrade our parks, walking trails and<br />

recreation programs. We will be totally rehabilitating our main baseball field this year<br />

and constructing Phase 4 of our walking trail system. We are currently applying for<br />

grants to construct the fifth and final phase of our walking trail. With a small staff and<br />

limited budget, it is a challenge to add recreation programs to meet the desires of our<br />

citizens and this takes creativity on the part of our staff. We make improvements in<br />

phases to stay within a restricted budget and will continue on that path while the<br />

economy still struggles.<br />


After over ten years in my current position, I am interested in new challenges that will allow me<br />

to grow and stretch my professional muscles, find and implement solutions to new challenges<br />

and continue to grow as a leader and manager. I believe the challenges facing the City of<br />

<strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> would offer me that opportunity.<br />

I manage non-human assets through my Department Heads and practice oversight of the budget<br />

and development and implementation of effective policies and procedures. My leadership style<br />

is one of collaboration, both with staff and elected officials. I see my position as being a member<br />

of a team. It is my responsibility to hire, train, coach, mentor and lead the staff to provide the<br />

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