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Reference Notes<br />

Paul “Andy” Stewart<br />

Tab 11<br />

implement its vision. However, he also understood how certain decisions would impact his<br />

Departmental Directors. He prepared background information and analysis then presented his<br />

findings to the Commission and Directors. He tried to ensure that all decision makers had<br />

sufficient information to make clear and fair decisions. For example, he suggested contracting a<br />

third party auditing team to evaluate staff roles and pay scales. He first had to recommend this<br />

idea to the Commission and obtain their buy-in for the necessary funds. Then he had to get buyin<br />

from his Directors. Because of his attention to the details, both parties agreed to the audit.<br />

The audit analysis identified problem areas and provided recommended solutions. The City<br />

implemented the recommendations and now operates more efficiently on a restrictive budget, but<br />

without having a negative effect on employee relations or their dedication.<br />

While Mr. Stewart worked as Assistant City Manager in Auburndale, he was responsible for<br />

human resource activities. He worked equally well with Department Directors and the frontline<br />

staff. When he had to hire new staff, he thoroughly analyzed the need for the proposed new hires<br />

and reviewed the information submitted by applicants. He applied keen analytical and<br />

information gathering skills when making disciplinary or termination decisions. He made certain<br />

he was always following the City’s Human Resource policies and procedures.<br />

Mr. Stewart consistently reached out to the public and encouraged community involvement. For<br />

example, as Auburndale’s CRA Director he recommended that decision making processes should<br />

include a community outreach component. Such a component would include posting public<br />

announcements of proposed projects, providing scheduled periods for public input, and making a<br />

commitment that citizen comments would definitely be presented to the CRA Board. His<br />

recommendations are now incorporated into Auburndale’s CRA five year Capital Improvement<br />

Plans.<br />

Mr. Stewart was a dedicated public servant who provided high quality customer service to<br />

Auburndale’s citizens. He listened citizen’s complaints and did his best to resolve them. He<br />

frequently went to the site of the complaint and personally analyzed the situation before<br />

recommending a solution. For example, a citizen once complained about inadequate speed limit<br />

signage in one particular area. Mr. Stewart drove to that location and analyzed the merits of the<br />

complaint. He agreed with the citizen and immediately ordered the installation of additional<br />

signage. Then he followed up to make sure the citizen was aware of the improvements.<br />

Words or phrases used to describe Paul Stewart:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Responsible,<br />

Intelligent,<br />

Stable,<br />

Task oriented,<br />

Enjoyable to be around,<br />

Energetic, and<br />

Analytical.<br />

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