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Reference Notes<br />

Paul “Andy” Stewart<br />

Tab 11<br />

<br />

Intelligent.<br />

Strengths:<br />

Knows how to obtain grants, financially savvy, and has vision.<br />

Weaknesses: None identified.<br />

Steven Glenn - Town Commissioner, Dundee, FL 678-571-3027<br />

Mr. Glenn is a Town Commissioner who has worked with Mr. Stewart on many projects. Mr.<br />

Glenn hates the idea of Mr. Stewart leaving his position in Dundee.<br />

When Mr. Stewart assumed the position of City Manager, Dundee was in a financial bind and<br />

did not have a balanced budget. He evaluated the efficacy of assigned staff duties and<br />

discovered overlaps and redundancies. Consequently he restructured staff duties, reassigned<br />

responsibilities, and provided cross training. Mr. Stewart promised he could streamline city<br />

operations and proved it by drafting a balanced budget.<br />

Mr. Stewart is detailed oriented and provides clear explanations to the Town Commission. For<br />

example, Mr. Stewart sought approval for additional lighting in one of the local parks. Dundee<br />

had recently received grant funds for lighting, but Mr. Stewart was requesting funds for<br />

additional lighting. The Commission could not understand his rationale for this request. So,<br />

using his engineering skills, Mr. Steward produced a draft drawing of the park, with proposed<br />

lamp locations and the number of lumens each lamp could provide for each specific area. His<br />

detailed drawings allowed the Commission to clearly understand that the park would not be<br />

effectively illuminated or provide adequate public safety without that additional lighting. The<br />

Commission agreed with him and approved the additional funds.<br />

One of Mr. Stewart’s strengths is his ability to reach out to the public and provide excellent<br />

customer service. As part of his daily duties he attends to customers who have complaints about<br />

utility billing. Once, a customer was adamant that she had been overcharged on her water bill.<br />

Mr. Stewart listened to her reasoning and chose to send a test crew to her property. The crew<br />

conducted a five-gallon test procedure against the meter reading. The results indicated t<strong>here</strong> was<br />

a leak somew<strong>here</strong> on her property. The crew then troubleshot the problem and found the leak<br />

coming from a single sprinkler head. They replaced the head on the spot. Mr. Stewart followed<br />

up with the customer later, and she was very thankful for the test and resolution.<br />

The City of Dundee has grown at a higher rate than it had previously experienced. City officials<br />

believe this increased rate is partly due to Mr. Stewart’s ability to encourage new developers to<br />

consider building in Dundee. Mr. Stewart meets with potential developers long before the<br />

Commission gets involved. During these meetings he outlines Dundee’s strengths and resources,<br />

and its economic and demographic statistics. With these presentations he is able to assess which<br />

developers would be the best fit for Dundee, saving a considerable amount of decision making<br />

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