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Reference Notes<br />

Calvin Peck<br />

Tab 9<br />

Dr. Suzanne Dorsey – Executive Director of BHI Conservancy, Bald Head Island, NC<br />

336-813-3666<br />

Ms. Dorsey has known Mr. Peck since about 2005 when he came to work for Bald Head Island.<br />

Ms. Dorsey is the Executive Director for the Bald Head Island Conservancy. His job<br />

performance has been excellent. He possesses core knowledge about policies and the process of<br />

managing municipalities, and the community is better for having him t<strong>here</strong>. Bald Head Island<br />

has only about 200 permanent residents; so citizens are more likely than in other municipalities<br />

to become involved in your business and get into your face over various issues. Mr. Peck did not<br />

take such direct interactions personally and has dealt very well with any difficult personalities<br />

who attacked him personally. Mr. Peck is excellent at dealing with the public when he attends<br />

Council or community meetings. Ms. Dorsey and Mr. Peck interact very well together. He is<br />

always respectful or professional; however, he certainly will not sugar coat any issues when he<br />

has to deliver challenging information to his elected officials or residents.<br />

Mr. Peck makes good decisions in general and certainly when hiring. He had to make a Human<br />

Resource decision fairly recently when he fired an employee who was popular within the<br />

community, a difficult but correct decision. With his military background, Mr. Peck clearly<br />

follows a chain of command. In other words, he obtains direction from his Council then<br />

implements the plan. He is an excellent leader who has high expectations for the community and<br />

for his staff.<br />

Nothing controversial exists in Mr. Peck’s background. The only people who might disagree<br />

with Ms. Dorsey’s positive endorsement of Mr. Peck would be a group of women who were very<br />

upset when Mr. Peck fired the Police Chief. They took very personal exception to his decision.<br />

Still, if she could, Ms. Dorsey would absolutely hire Mr. Peck because she respects him and<br />

values his skill set. He is an excellent manager and will continue to be in the future.<br />

Words or phrases used to describe Calvin Peck:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Professional,<br />

No frills,<br />

Capable,<br />

Structured,<br />

Gentleman, and<br />

Intelligent.<br />

Strengths:<br />

A strong working knowledge of municipal management, and able to deal with<br />

many different or difficult personality types in a respectful, professional manner.<br />

Weaknesses: With his military background, he does not have a touchy-feely manner about him.<br />

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