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Tab 9<br />

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relative to protecting the shoreline. As a result, the Village has pursued all options –<br />

engineering, legal, legislative, privately funded projects. In addition, the shoreline has<br />

suffered natural erosion from recent hurricanes. At present, our efforts are realized as the<br />

Corps is spending $16M to move 1.8 M cubic yards of sand for placement on our<br />

beaches, while we are working through FEMA to repair portions of our engineered beach<br />

that was damaged by Sandy last year.<br />

Wastewater Treatment: We are in the process of both expanding capacity and improving<br />

the quality of effluent from our wastewater treatment plant. The biggest immediate<br />

challenge is to implement upgrades that will produce reuse quality effluent. We are still<br />

in the permitting stage of the process, but are very pleased that our golf course has joined<br />

the effort and will be reusing the water for irrigation.<br />

Aging Buildings: The Village has need for a new Public Safety facility and a new<br />

Village Hall. We have had to defer these needs in favor of more pressing priorities.<br />


Why are you interested in <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong>?<br />

After 14 years of living and working at the beach I consider myself a <strong>Beach</strong> manager. I<br />

love all the things that <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> has to offer. It really plays to my strengths in<br />

Emergency Management and Growth Opportunities with a tourism focus. I believe that<br />

<strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> is a great fit for myself and my wife as it is close to the military and<br />

Disney World, and is a warm weather climate. I believe that being the <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong><br />

Manager meets my ultimate goal.<br />

Management style:<br />

Staff perception: At our 2012 Holiday Party, my department heads worked together and<br />

did a “roast” of me as part of the entertainment. The presentation was fun and was an<br />

interesting look, for me, into how my staff sees me. I was humbled that they felt safe<br />

enough to make fun of the “boss.” In addition, I found it interesting that they highlighted<br />

the fact that I delegate well and give them plenty of latitude to run their own departments.<br />

I also noticed that they appreciated my efforts to support them outside of work.<br />

Elected Officials: I just completed my annual review with Council and was pleased that<br />

they agree that my key strengths are in strategic planning, project management and<br />

budgeting. Generally I have a strong relationship with our Mayor and Council members.<br />

On some issues, we disagree about the level of involvement Council should take, but we<br />

enjoy a high level of agreement on overall strategy.<br />

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