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Armando Martinez<br />

Reference Notes<br />

Tab 8<br />

Catherine Robinson – Mayor, Bunnell, FL 386-503-8837<br />

Mayor Robinson has known Mr. Martinez since 2006. He was the Police Chief and she moved<br />

him into the City Manager’s position in 2008.<br />

Mayor Robinson has been on the commission for 17 years and Mr. Martinez is by far the best<br />

manager she has ever had. The Bunnell Police Department was in terrible shape when he was<br />

hired. He did an excellent job bringing in professionalism and ridding the department of useless<br />

employees. He is a quick thinker and does an outstanding job of public relations. He ad<strong>here</strong>s to<br />

human resources policies and procedures and has made her job as Mayor a delight.<br />

When Mr. Martinez first came to work in Bunnell he would stay the bulk of the week and make<br />

the two hour drive home on the weekends. He is Cuban American and has extremely strong<br />

family ties. When he moved into the City Manager’s position he gave up his house in Bunnell<br />

and started to drive home every evening to be with his family. He is adored by the community<br />

and it will be a tremendous loss if he chooses to leave. However taking a job without such a<br />

terrible commute will be a significant gain for his family.<br />

Mr. Martinez is transparent and open. He has a great deal of integrity. He and the former city<br />

manager did not see eye to eye so he resigned as Police Chief rather than drag the city through a<br />

controversy. 200 people showed up to a public meeting to beg him to stay. Mayor Robinson<br />

decided to let the City Manager go and asked Mr. Martinez to step into that role.<br />

Mr. Martinez is not corrupted by politics. He has instinctive people skills and works well with<br />

everyone. When he was promoted to city manager, his only area of weakness seemed to be<br />

economic development - he was, after all, trained to be a Police Officer not a City Manager. He<br />

immersed himself in anything that would give him more knowledge of the subject and soon<br />

learned everything he needed to know.<br />

Mr. Martinez is not afraid to move someone out of a position if they are a detriment to the city.<br />

He is fair and committed to his team of employees. He is a leader and maintains the organization<br />

at a high performance level. He hires quality personnel then allows them to lead their<br />

departments. He initiated a pay plan based on merit for the employees, which was initially<br />

controversial. By doing so the staff has additional incentive to work hard.<br />

The City did not have a solid waste department until Mr. Martinez put one together. The newly<br />

formed department has increased customer service and brought in additional revenue. With<br />

some of the revenue he was able to give the employees a raise for the first time in five years.<br />

Mayor Robinson cannot imagine life in Bunnell without Mr. Martinez. He is simply<br />

irreplaceable. She and the entire community will be devastated if he leaves but she will be happy<br />

for him and his family if he accepts a position closer to his home.<br />

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